Modern Cultivation : The Strongest Couple Bonded by Vampire System

Chapter 18: Dark Zone

Emily laughed. "That's why I said before you should have learned more about the guild and hunters.

Alex, the world now isn't just moving with money; there are so many things you don't know.

Of course, there are others, like the wizard guild.

They found a power system that allowed them to enhance their superpowers with mana crystals.

I also don't know the details, but the method must be incomplete; otherwise, they wouldn't bow to the Hunter Association."

"What do you mean? Bow?"

"Why else do you think a two-star hunter like me would have this information?

The entire mage guild has been taken over by the Hunter Association.

They then gave us some information, hoping to bait hunters who might have more details about it.

Since there is one power system, why wouldn't others exist?

I'm sure there are many, and the higher-ups should know about them.

This explains why no hunter above three stars is weak, regardless of their superpower rank.

They probably acquired the power system through some agreement with the association," Emily explained.

"So that means all three-star hunters are under the Hunter Association, then?

Doesn't that mean they won't be loyal?"

"Why do you think we need to get a three-star hunter's approval to open a guild?

Do you think the association will let organizations of superpowers do as they please?

The world is chaotic enough.

I don't really condone how they do things, brother, but their existence is necessary."

Alex then sighed, "Doesn't that mean it will be a problem?

You want a three-star hunter in our guild, but if I introduce this power system to our members, he will become suspicious.

No matter what, we are not strong enough to butt heads with the Hunter Association."

"We have no choice over it, you know, but honestly, you really lack understanding of our world's situation, Alex."

Emily turned her eyes to the coffee table. "Al, show the holographic projection of our current situation now."

A holographic map of their planet then started appearing, hovering above the coffee table.

Many areas were marked red, and more than half of it was black.

Alex's eyes widened in surprise. "What the hell?

Emily, this kind of technology exists now? Why didn't you tell me then?"

Emily laughed. "Because I knew you're such a tech nerd and would want one.

This is part of the perks of being a hunter.

Look, Alex, almost 25% of the world is now marked red, which means those areas are uninhabitable."

Her finger then pointed to the middle of the red area, her eyes turning solemn.

"You see there, the area where we used to live?

Some people living in peaceful areas like here think the world is stable now.

In fact, the situation is worsening, Alex.

The Category Five dungeon was only the first.

It then started appearing in the surrounding area and quickly devoured many locations.

As you can see, it's now over a quarter of our planet."

"Rather than that, Emily, what is the dark zone? It covers more than half."

He then tilted his head, gazing in detail at the holographic globe.

"Isn't this bigger than the normal one? I'm sure this is not our planet, Ainode."

The size was twice as big as the map Alex used to know.

"As I said, you don't know too many things, Alex. You're living in a bubble.

The black zone is a new area.

Since the Category Five dungeons started appearing, this planet began expanding, and I don't have more information about that.

I'm sure whatever it is, it's worse.

You need to understand, Alex, that we, humanity as a whole, are in danger now.

Hiding the power system is stupid.

Instead, we should just go ahead and make a deal with the association and benefit from it."

Alex pondered for a moment. "Won't they just take us over like the mage guild, as you mentioned before?

You say it's stupid, but they still hide the information from the public."

"What happens if they release it? Panic? There is a reason they only divulge it to three-star hunters, Alex.

Don't you see those Dark Hunters? They are a menace to society.

As for the takeover, that depends on our information.

As I said, their power system is incomplete, and they need the association more to help them complete it."

Alex then started telling her about the cultivation techniques, starting from the Foundation Stage and going all the way to the Immortal Stage.

This made Emily look at her brother weirdly.

"Alex, that is very complete.

Where the hell did you get it from? And what's this about becoming immortal?

You're not kidding me, right?"

"You think I would joke about this? I already got money from Mom to establish the whole thing.

I also called you for it. What more proof do you need?"

Emily knew this but still couldn't believe it.

How did her introverted brother get such information? She knew he spent all his time at home.

She gazed sharply at him.

"Can't you tell me where it comes from? You're not involved in something shady, are you?"

Alex sighed. "Where did my little sister, who always followed me around and believed in me, go?

Is she still there? Can't you just believe me on this?

It's not something that I can explain right now. You will just get more questions than answers."

Memories of their childhood started resurfacing in her mind.

Emily used to be a gentle, innocent girl who only followed her brother around.

"That kind of person wouldn't survive in this world, brother.

If I had just focused on training my abilities instead, maybe Father would still..."

Seeing his sister filled with guilt, Alex shook his head.

"Forget it. Will the association force me to reveal the background of where I got it?"

Emily knew her brother wanted to change the conversation, as they had the same discussion many times before.

She always felt guilty. Compared to Alex, her superpower was perfectly suited for combat.

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