Modern Cultivation : The Strongest Couple Bonded by Vampire System

Chapter 166: Where is The King?

Alex picked a chair in the room and th sat on it. After learning about Alice's real plan, he changes his mind. Before, he wanted to stop it so Amu would sd him out of the realm quickly, but now he had another idea.

"Don't worry, she is alive and well. If I wanted to use her life to threat you, I would have already done it."

Alex took out his phone and th pressed a button to show Alice what happed inside the cube. "See, your sister is now cuddling with her lover."

Seeing this, Alice felt both relieved and angry. She was relieved her sister was alright but angry about her sister's currt actions.

'No wonder she said she doesn't want to join the last phase of the mission.'

She th started suspecting Aurora's reasons for helping her. It's possible Aurora just wanted to be with that man.

With Alice's goal, it would be possible for a fairy to get married to a Felida; otherwise, she would need to live in hiding. Their mother had strictly forbidd any marriage betwe races.

Unlike the Felidas, who don't know about fairies, some of the fairies are oft st to civilization to learn about their culture. They are giv items that have effects similar to those of Alex and Alice, disguising them as Felidas.

"Alright, let's negotiate," Alex said with a smile.

Meanwhile, back in the city, Lily was now moving with William, Roxy, and Sasha. She ordered the guardian to stand by near the auction area and the rest to spread a the city.

One of them also stayed outside the palace, reporting to them in real time what happed.

Inside the chariot, Roxy's face was etched with worry. "Can we really put our faith in Sir Alex?"

Sasha was silt, having no commt. She chose to put her focus on information her husband had gathered to look for other hostage locations.

Based on the information so far, they had tracked some places where the king might keep the hostages. Since most of the locations were secured by Blaire, they just needed to visit each one to check it.

The locations giv to the king didn't have any of Blaire's people there, so they had to visit them one by one.

Lily furrowed her eyebrows, th hesitantly said, "He is chos by the Stinel; I am sure we can put our faith in him."

"Your way of saying it is not convincing, Lady Lily," Roxy replied.

William sighed, "It doesn't matter. We are now only worried because of the strgth Alex showed us.

He can capture beasts and control them to his will, allowing him to have his own army. And it seems he has a way to bring them anywhere he is. This is something outside our imagination and makes us fear him.

But don't forget, if he really had bad inttions, he would have acted on them already. Based on Lady Lily's story so far, I think Alex only wants to quickly go out and return to his loved one, so there is nothing for us to worry about."

"If the young master says so, I will agree," Roxy said with a nod.

At that momt, Sasha's eyebrows furrowed; she was reading a message from one of Blaire's subordinates. "One of my m just spotted the king in the outskirts area."

Sasha th pointed to the map projection in the air, the location where the king was spotted. It was the forest that Alex had gone to before.

"What should we do?" Sasha asked.

"How many people are with the king?" Lily asked.

"Based on the information I got, he was spotted tering it with one of his concubines, but not long after, the concubine left the forest in a hurry."

"Let's go after the king th; he is alone, it's a rare chance. As long as we take him down, all of this will be over."

William raised his eyebrow, surprised by Lily's words.

"Do you have another idea?" Lily asked.

"No, I'm just surprised you said it so easily. Is there really no familial love betwe the royal family?"

"He never met me nor took care of me. He may be my blood father, but that's it. Nothing more, nothing less."

"Well, if you're alright with it, let's go to that location th. But I will tell you now, I cannot help with the fight. Based on information from Blaire, he should be pretty strong now."

"Don't worry, I will bring all the guardians to capture him."

"We will split th; we will go to rescue the hostages," William said.

He doesn't plan to come any closer to the king. If possible, he doesn't want to take any risk with his life.


"Are you sure you will be alright, Lily? He is your father. I know how you really feel." Sasha asked.

Lily sighed, her gaze turning complicated. Despite what she said to William, she did feel some attachmt. In the past, she oft tried hard to get her father's acknowledgmt. But since her father never ev turned his gaze toward her, she gave up.

"I am alright, Sasha. Just do what you need to do. The king is dangerous; going with me will just add unnecessary risk. And William would not be able to look for the hostages without your help."

Sasha sighed, reluctantly giving a nod; she knew her capabilities. Going with Lily would just burd her.

It didn't take long for the chariot to land in the forest. Lily th said goodbye to William and the others.

Looking at the forest, Lily decided to go inside first to check the situation. Moving inside the forest, she found the area eerily empty.

After some thought, she realized Alex was the cause of this.

The monster he captured came from this forest, so it's not weird that this place has now become like this. She kept moving forward, looking for the king's location. It didn't take long for her to regroup with the person under Sasha's orders.

"Where is the king?"

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