Milfs: Dual Cultivation

Chapter 10: The Yang Energy?

As the demonic beast struggled to rise, defiant and snarling, Lady Yun's expression turned cold and resolute.

Channeling her pure spiritual energy, a vibrant crimson aura burst forth from her body, crackling with electric intensity.

The very sky above darkened ominously, as if the heavens themselves had responded to her call for divine retribution.

"Celestial Lightning - Divine Retribution!" Lady Yun cried out, her voice amplified by the brewing storm.

Raising her hand, she summoned forth a blinding bolt of lightning that streaked down from the blackened clouds above, converging upon the beast with earth-shaking force.

The air crackled and sizzled as the potent magical energy made contact, engulfing the creature in a dazzling display of celestial wrath.

Xian Tian, weakened from his previous burst of power, could only watch in awe as the stunning display unfolded before him.

Overwhelmed by the sheer intensity of Lady Yun's attack, he felt his consciousness slipping away, his vision growing hazy as he succumbed to the strain.

The thunderous crash of the lightning strike reverberated through the air, shaking the very ground beneath their feet.

As the brilliant light faded, Lady Yun stood tall and resolute, her unwavering gaze fixed upon the smoldering remains of the demonic beast, now reduced to a lifeless husk.

She quickly turned her attention to Xian Tian, rushing to his side as he collapsed, his eyes fluttering shut.

Cradling him gently, she let out a heavy sigh, her expression softening with concern.

"Rest now, young master," she murmured, her voice gentle and caring.

With a gentle sigh, Lady Yun gathered the unconscious Xian Tian into her arms, carefully lifting his limp form.

Her dazzling golden aura pulsed with protective energy as she cradled him close, shielding him from any lingering danger and clouds of dust.

"You have pushed yourself too far, young master," she murmured, her voice laced with a maternal tenderness like a caring mother, her breast wiggling lightly, all hail the gravity.

"But do not worry, I will see to your well-being,"

Casting one last scornful glance at the smoldering remains of the demonic beast, Lady Yun turned and swiftly made her way back towards the inn.

Swoosh~ swoosh~

Her steps were sure and steady, her movements graceful despite the burden in her arms.

Upon reaching the inn, she quickly ushered Xian Tian inside, guiding him to a secluded room and gently laying him down on the soft bedding.

Brushing a stray lock of hair from his forehead, she cast a series of healing incantations, restoring his vitality and easing the strain on his body.

Once satisfied that he was resting comfortably, Lady Yun took a seat by his bedside, her keen eyes watching over him with unwavering vigilance.

A faint smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she observed his peaceful, slumbering face.

He was like her own son at the moment and she was like mother... Then, she remembers the tub incident, causing her to flush.

'Tch! I am such a smutty woman, the Dao will never forgive me,' thinking that, she turned her attention back to him.

"Sleep well, young master," she whispered, her hand gently caressing his cheek.

"When you awaken, I shall prepare you a good feast, like a mother would do to let her child grow healthy and strong,"

Her gaze softened with a mix of fondness and concern, the demeanor of a strict and formidable warrior melting away to reveal the nurturing, maternal nature that lay beneath.

As Lady Yun examined the unconscious Xian Tian, she carefully observed the subtle changes in his complexion and the faint flush across his forehead.

Furrowing her brow in concentration, she gently pressed her palm against his forehead, feeling the feverish warmth radiating from his skin.

"Hmm, the young master's body reaction is quite weird," she murmured, her tone laced with maternal concern.

"Is he internally injured?"

As Lady Yun gently tended to the unconscious Xian Tian, her eyes were naturally drawn to his prone form. She couldn't help but notice the telltale sign of his vitality - a prominent bulge straining against his robe.

Concern washed over her features recalling her extensive medical knowledge, Lady Yun quickly deduced the source of Xian Tian's ailment.

The labored rise and fall of his chest, combined with the pronounced rigidity of his lower anatomy, were telltale signs of Yang poisoning - a potentially life-threatening imbalance of the vital energies.

Without further delay, Lady Yun set about tending to Xian Tian's condition. Her movements were precise and purposeful, guided by years of experience in the healing arts.

Gently, she began to massage his tense arm muscles, channeling her own Yin-based energy to help restore the balance within his body.

"Do not worry, young master," she murmured soothingly, her touch feather-light yet firm. "I shall see to it that you recover swiftly from this affliction."

However, her massaging his hand was no help...

"Tsk! The Yang Energy of Young Master's body is so pure and rich... I think the only way to control the Yin Poisoning would be direct motion with lotion... In other words, masturbation,"

"ssh! The young master is suffering from a dangerous buildup of Yang... I am afraid, I am the only one who can help him at the moment," she murmured, her brow furrowing.

Though it is frowned upon to have an intimate connection with someone outside the Dao companion, just a small help in a dire situation can be overlooked right? Not to mention, she would only be using her hands and not her Yin Hole.

"Oh lord heavens, the young master is in dire need of release... Forgive me this time, she murmured to herself, her voice laced with motherly compassion.

"I must act quickly to alleviate his suffering... I really need to act quickly to release this pent-up vitality, or else it could prove fatal."

Without hesitation, Lady Yun set about disrobing Xian Tian, carefully exposing his body.

Her gaze fell upon his engorged monstrosity, the evidence of his affliction clear.

Steeling her resolve, she leaned in close, her fingers gently tracing the throbbing length.

"Do not worry, poor child, you've pushed yourself far beyond your limits," she cooed, her gaze filled with a mixture of concern and barely contained lust.

The masculine scent coming out of his demonic little brother already kept her hooked.

"But do not worry, I shall take care of you..."

Wrapping her slender fingers around his shaft, Lady Yun began to stroke him with a firm, practiced touch.

Her other hand cupped and caressed his testicles, coaxing the excess Yang energy to be released.

Her movements were methodical, yet sensual, driven by her desire to alleviate Xian Tian's condition.

Tho, it's not an act that a mother would do to a son, it could still be classified as motherly care.

As she worked, Lady Yun's eyes remained focused, her expression calm and professional... Trying not to think of sexual activity... Especially not penetration.

Keeping her focus in check.

She knew that time was of the essence, and she would not rest until the young master's Yang poisoning had been purged from his body.



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