Chapter 93: Broken ability

Clemt could be se sitting in his room with a wide grin on his face as if he just stole the world's most precious treasure.

Well truly he indeed got a treasure.

Wh Clemt stepped into the SSS rank, his physique dropped a bomb infom of an ability on his head that almost made him die from happiness.

With Clemt's talt, skill, technique and other things, he could be considered a cheater.

But now, this cheater has be granted another cheating means.

The ability he got from his physique is called 'Soul Collector'

This skill allows Clemt to collect souls of dead beings, whether he killed them personally or not.

These souls can be used to increase his own cultivation speed by swallowing the soul.

The stronger the soul he swallows (basically the higher the cultivation rank), the faster he progresses.

These souls could also be used as servants, by bringing them back to live through unknown means, bring them back to their body wh they were initially alive, ev having all their memories and consciousness, this was no differt than turning back time for these souls, but Clemt didn't bother trying to understand how this ability works.

These servants were all loyal to him, with no ev the slightest chance of betrayal as Clemt can constantly read their minds and thoughts.

He could ev read the souls memories before bringing them back to life, this is one of the ways he knows which soul could be useful and which that is not.

Now, with a kill he gains a soul and subodinate points in one go.

After gaining this ability, he hardly held himself back from immediately leaving the Academy and going on a mission.

But yet, death seemed to answer his prayer by making the demons attack right after gaining this ability.

If this wasn't luck, he doesn't know what to call it th.

During the invasion of the Academy, Clemt hardly had any presce, so while everyone in the top twty and more were having fans and having people online worship them, Clemt had no single person who recognised him.

But this didn't concern him, he was an assassin who granted death, he wasn't meant to be noticed in the first place.

He sneaks up on you, takes your soul and immediately leaves like he was never there.

So him never having a presce or recognition like the rest of the top twty doesn't bother him.

During the demon evt, Clemt activated his invincibility skill and wt a stealing souls.

The best part of this Soul Collector ability is that, it can automatically bring all souls within a one kilometres radius towards him (distance increases as he gets stronger), and they are automatically stored in a separate space still created by the physique.

So Clemt didn't have to lift a single hand while collecting the souls, he just simply had to move about and any souls within his range immediately flew to him, thereby stealing souls of other people, but well it wasn't like they had a need for the soul.

People didn't notice his stealing spree they simply couldn't see souls.

Of course there are beings in this world with either skill or ability or techniques to see souls.

But they were just too rare, besides you ev seeing the soul was differt than you being able to make them work for you, you have to make them 'willingly' work for you, torturing them to make them work for you was also a futile task.

But Clemt ability bypasses all these and makes them work for him, he didn't need any permission from any of them as they simply had no choice in the matter.

Clemt has read the memories of some of these souls and he found some useful ones for during his time in the Academy.

Some souls were extreme businessm in the Academy Domain.

And what is the use of these souls???

Well Clemt brought back these businessm souls who were rich in Academy points and had a business that kept bringing influx of Academy points.

Clemt released all of them back into the Academy Domain like they were never dead to begin with.

With this, he had a steady source of Academy points.

If the Academy checks the source of his points and wondered why he was getting points from people they offered protection to, all they had to say was he saved them and their family during the demon attack, simple and done.

The best part, every kill made by his servants count as his own subordinate points.

If he sds his servants to just continuously kill till they die wasn't this Infinite subordinate points?

Although he could easily gain Academy points and subodinate points by slapping monsters to death and completing missions, but Clemt couldn't be bothered with this.

If you could make money while lying down, why stand up at all?

That was no differt than stupidity to him.

Besides, he had to cultivate, and cultivation was a very long journey.

With the amount of subordinate points Clemt earned during the invasion, he bought some time from the system and tered the divine realm, as what he was about to do can't be se by anyone.

After paying the OP system with his subodinate points, Clemt smiled as he disappeared from his room.

Clemt appeared in his building in the divine realm, which was covered in pure darkness.

No shred of light could tear through the amount of darkness that blanketed his region.

Clemt preferred this kind of vironmt, being in total darkness, being hidd, being unknown.

Th he oped the system shop, in other to perform the crazy thing he was about to do, he needed to prepare.

He bought perfect foundation pills from the system, if possible he would have bought it as a trait, but the strings of zero he saw last time didn't make him dare look it's way.

He also bought a regeration skill just incase of incasity, he was about to try something new, it was better to be safe than sorry.

After purchasing the pill, he sat down in a lotus position as the remaining souls instantly flew out of his body.

Millions of light balls shimmered as they floated in space and total darkness.

If anyone that could see souls were here, they won't be able to ev see the soul due to the total darkness.

But Clemt could see ev clearer than day.

Clemt took the soul that radiated the lowest light and swallowed it.

Th he waited for an effect for a while, but nothing seemed to happ.

Clemt th took a brighter soul this time and swallows it.

This time a small amount of mana instantly flowed throughout his body

Clemt instantly channelled it to his core, but immediately it got there the mana disappeared.

This was because the mana the soul gave was like dropping a drop of water in an ocean, it makes no differce, you won't ev see it cause a ripple on the surface.

Clemt understanding this, oped his mouth and instantly sucked in a massive amount of souls in one go, since taking it one by one yielded no effect.

A surge of mana instantly flowed into Clemt's body like he was about to burst apart.

Clemt immediately channeled it all to his core without hesitation.

His core started expanding and becoming brighter as mana flowed into it.

After a while Clemt oped his eyes and smiled, he just needed a little push and he would step into the Master rank.

As he smiled, he sighed at the same time.

'Why couldn't this brok ability become more brok' Clemt thought.

Although the ability was already brok, almost everything had it's limits.

The souls able him cultivate faster, but he won't become a god overnight.

Example, he swallows the soul of a Grandmaster doesn't mean he would step into the Grandmaster realm Immediately.

If this was possible, th Clemt might as well ascd the heav before the school trip.

Also, if the souls he revives are more than two major mana rank above him, th their mana rank would be brought down to just two mana rank above him.

Therefore, if Clemt as an SSS ranker revives a Paragon ranker, th the servant's rank would instantly drop to the Grandmaster realm.

But this doesn't mean the servants would be stuck at the Grandmaster rank forever, or forever chained to just two ranks above his or her master.

It's just a condition for revival, once revived, if they could cultivate to ev t ranks above Clemt th it is allowed.

Although Clemt has a lot of souls, he didn't have many power house souls.

Their fight was catastrophic, he was just only invincible, if an attack landed on him by mistake, he might just die.

So Clemt didn't let his Soul Collector ability make him court death, ev if he had many ways to escape, he didn't want to test his luck with his life on the line.

Clemt eyes brimmed with confidce as he decided to swallow everything asides the three Paragon rank souls he had, which he plans to revive, th they would fall to the Grandmaster rank.

Clemt's mouth was like a black hole as he swallowed up everything without mercy.

A ridiculous massive amount of mana instantly crashed into his body.

Clemt started circulating them and guided the mana to his core.

As he did so, his internal organs immediately got crushed from overwhelming presce of mana prest in his body.

As his body got injured, his passive skill called 'Greater regeration' that regerates his injuries passively aslong as he had mana, which he bought along with the pills, immediately wt into action and started healing him.

Clemt felt like screaming as his body tore apart and mded back together, he felt like he was losing consciousness, but he couldn't because if he did, he won't be able to channel mana to his core.

So he dured, bled, healed, channelled mana to his core and repeated.

In less than five minutes, Clemt's core vibrated with high intsity as if it was about to break out of its shell.

Clemt felt his tire being elevated as his core took a step forward on the path of cultivation.

Clemt had stepped into the Master rank.

His body started healing rapidly due to his breakthrough.

(You can only be healed wh you are breakingthrough to a major rank, for a minor rank this doesn't happ)

Clemt felt his foundation shaking, but due to it's previous sturdiness it didn't crumble immediately.

He instantly swallowed the foundation pills, and allowed it to do it's work.

The mana from the souls kept pouring dlessly and Clemt kept suffering, but he didn't give up.

His cultivation rank increased again by three minor ranks after five hours of what felt like death.

After all the mana stopped surging and calmed down, Clemt instantly lost consciousness as he couldn't hold on anymore.

As he slept, his body kept healing due to his passive skill.

T hours later, Clemt woke up with a smile as he just walked through a dangerous door.

He check his cultivation and saw everything was fine and his foundation was as perfect as it could be, th he smiled as he literally just cheated his way to his currt realm.

Clemt stood at the Master rank Level 3

Such a brok ability shouldn't be allowed to exist.

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