Chapter 91: Celebrity


The reconstruction was still going on, but as a world with mana and everyone above t years old could wield mana, the Academy Domain construction was almost practically done, due to presce of various spells, abilities and skills and techniques.

The world was in an uproar after they received news of the demon's attack on the Academy Domain.

Truly no one saw this coming...(well beside two people).

No one expected that the Academy that has stood tall without a single blemish would have two stains on their name in a span of just six months.

The first being the massacre of two hundred studts, the second being the rect attack.

Parts and various families, and regular people were furious at the academy for letting such a thing happ right under their nose.

Ev the Dean was tired of such things as he drowned in his own paper work.

Ev the media didn't let things die down as everything on the Mana-net right now was about the Academy and the casualties suffered.

Anthony sat in his new room that the Academy built from scratch after the last one was destroyed as he watched the television which displayed a reporter giving news on the rect incidt.

"How are we supposed to sd our childr to school if their lives are at stake, the Academy has suffered huge blows in a short span of six months, over two hundred studts died at the hands of the forsak cult and the demons, and of rect the demons took the attack to the Academy itself"

The reporter's eyes were bloodshot like he had lost siblings or a partner who resided there, he continued speaking with anger and grief ever so prest in his voice.

"Millions of people died, people who just want to make a living and feed their families, they were promised protection by the Academy and the Academy failed on that promise not once but twice"

"The Academy hasn't ev giv out any official statemts or apologied to the public since the first incidt, I think it's much safer to have our childr in our homes and in our beds"

As the reporter wt on and on, Anthony just switched off the television.

Indeed the reporter was right, but Anthony didn't care, he didn't die, of his families died, so he didn't have time to sympathise the other millions of souls he didn't know.

Wh the space restriction barrier was lifted and the news of the attack was released to the world, many families instantly flooded the Academy domain with their Aura and killing intt everywhere.

Of course they could have gott here faster if the studts from top families could contact their families with their lives saving artifact, or ev runaway using such artifact.

But the demons had set up everything in place, ev restricting any communication from coming in or going out.

Ev Anthony's parts and grandparts came blazing in wh they received the news.

The Null family had already mobilized their army to attack the Demon Domain if a single hair on Anthony's head was missing.

During all this, war was brewing betwe the Dragon race and the Demon race because of Dremis.

Dremis didn't just use the Dragon Domain as a distraction in other to lure the Dean out th give him a surprise later wh he came back to the Academy.

Dremis prepared ev another surprise just in case he died.

Twelve hours after the death of Dremis, a Domain shaking explosion erupted in the Dragon Domain due to Dremis schemes.

The explosion covered the tire Dragon Domain threating to wipe out the tire dragon race beside those that were currtly outside...but nearly were outside because Dremis schemes made them gather every dragon together and he planned to wiped out the Dragon Domain once and for all, making it another source of big gift if he ever died.

This explosion was caused by mana bombs, of course there are sanctions against mana bombs during war and other occasions, but they are demons, they don't play by rules.

But the explosion didn't wipe out the tire Dragon demon as the Dragon king made an trance and suppressed the explosion, but he couldn't suppress it all as some part of the Dragon Domain already exploded and many died from the explosion, before the Dragon king arrived at the sce.

So one-third of the Dragon Domain exploded and everyone in that area died if they couldn't activate their live saving moves on time.

This was why a war was about to erupt betwe the Dragons and demons, all because of a single hatred betwe the Slaughterer and Dremis.

Of course if Dremis was alive, he won't dare to carry out such a plan of wiping out the Dragon Domain as he sure a war would come right after and the Dragons wer't small time players and he didn't want to suffer their wrath.

But now he was dead, why should he care, there is no wrath to suffer, the other demons would be the ones to suffer the Dragon's wrath.

Dremis was truly determined to take everything Slaughterer holds dear.

Within those two days, many videos surfaced the mana-net.

Videos of the gold geration fighting against the Demons surfaced, thereby reducing the people's anger a little as they saw the gold geration battle videos.

Although it was known throughout the world that this is a gold geration, nobody has ever se them fight, as those who saw them fight were either family members or frids and those within the Academy walls.

A lot of studts suddly became famous from nowhere as many companies contact some of them for dorsemt deals and roles in movies and other contracts.

Of course the person who received the most atttion was Anthony.

His battle with the Master rank ice demon was truly shocking, both of them having such exquisite control over the elemt and the sword.

Ev Anthony Mana zone attack that spanned the tire Academy also made it's way to the mana-net

People were shocked to the core by such display of power, although some didn't know what mana zone was, they still marveled at such display of power.

Anthony suspected that the Academy was trying to use these videos to redirect the public atttion, from the negative to the positive.

Anthony always had a mana-gram and other social media accounts, he always snapped pictures and post them once in a while, he had a dect amount of followers of fifty sev thousand.

But after the videos got to the Mana-net, his mana-gram followers stepped into two hundred millions overnight.

Anthony didn't complain and accepted all his followers with op heart and made commts once in a while as a reply to the questions asked.

He was never popular in his past life, nor was he a celebrity, but nothing was stopping him now, he had the looks, the money, the body, the power, the charm and charisma.

Also Anthony didn't care about this Mana zone attack making it to the Mana-net.

A lot of people in the Academy already witnessed the attack.

There is no need to hide it or anything, besides, he hasn't killed any young masters since he came to this world.

It seemed they either knew the limit of their arrogance, or their families didn't allow them to grow up arrogant and could recognise death flags wh they saw one.

Top families didn't march to fight the demons this time a unlike the last time.

That was because of the studts died, those that died were those that wer't part of the gold geration.

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