Chapter 29: Millionaire

Anthony was really surprised by all this, the forsaken cult really made a move against the Academy and they all fought for two months, even a demon on the Dean's level made a move to suppress the Dean but ended up dead.

Indeed it was a lot to unpack, the first year wasn't even finished and twenty percent of the students were already sent to their maker

Anthony shook his head at all the fun he missed, but at least he grew stronger.

He went through the last bits of memories then smiled, 'at least the clone completed something during it's time' Anthony thought.

The mission he gave the clone was to look for ten extremely weak people who are being bullied but are very strong willed that he would accept as his subordinate using the blood servant skill

He would only be accepting humans and saw no need for other races, others might chose other races due to their stronger body and bloodline but his bloodline servant skill made all that pale in comparison.

The clone found three girl and seven boys who met the criteria.

Anthony planned on meeting them after the mid-term exams and see if he could convince them, if they decline, he would just wipe their memories of what happened and leave.

The written exam will happen before the mid term break while the battle aspect happens after the mid term break.

Anthony took note of these people and planned to meet them later, then he threw them at the back of his mind, then he went to sleep because it was already 2AM in the morning when he arrived.

He woke up the next day, showered and wore fine exquisite black and golden linen cloths, then hung his katana on his waist and left.

He went straight for the cafeteria, which where he spent over two hundred points eating and sumptuous meal.

This was the first time he was eating here, he usually buys food from his system shop but he already spent almost every point on this Master rank pill that he ate like biscuits.

The Academy food was extremely good, it was worth the point, only rich people could afford it and some even spent more.

Some didn't spend at all since they had less need for such things as they grew stronger, so they didn't want to waste their points.

Anthony walked to the mana control class which was held by Professor Kevin.

When Anthony entered, they all looked at him then moved their gazes as they all got used to his face, some even looked at him with distain

Anthony didn't care about all this, he simply sat down and looked out the window as usual before the clone took over and started sleeping like a log.

Professor Kevin walked into the classroom and looked around with his blood red eyes.

He could feel everyone's progress in every aspect, some broke through a minor ranks, some didn't, some had higher mana control and elemental control, everyone was simply a genius here so every single one of them made progress in an aspect at least

Kevin's gaze landed on Anthony who he couldn't see through even untill now, only that the mana around him seemed calm like obedient children and didn't jump around.

Although Kevin didn't see it, he could feel it, his intuition he has honed for thousands of years wasn't a joke.

H could sense that Anthony's strength has increased again but he couldn't tell how much more compared to other students.

He could still see Anthony radiating the same F rank aura like he did since he entered this Academy, which he refused to remove.

Although people professors guessed he was at the A+ rank during the exam, but no one was sure as that was merely a guess

They were only able to make this guess cause Anthony fought at that level and a bit above since geniuses always fight above their level.

After making eye contact with Anthony, Kevin shook his head at this monster that wasn't supposed to be in human domain.

But ther was nothing he could do, he won't ask about Anthony's progress as that would be overstepping.

Kevin just simply started the class on mana and the element which went on for hours.

Anthony could understand his clone's predicament during this class.

After the class ended, the titan brothers walked up to him and greeted.

"Hey Anthony, you didn't sleep today, what a miracle that was" Bringer said

"Even though he didn't sleep he looked out the window the entire time, so it's not a complete miracle" replied Rider

"You better train Anthony, I can tell that Tiara and Bryan have gotten much stronger due to the Dean and Vice president accepting them as their disciple, their progress is simply off the charts at this moment" said Bringer

Anthony looked at this two titan who were worried about him and laughed and said

"Don't worry, if they court death I would just grant it for them, people I have defeated once are forever defeated, besides it seems I was too soft the last time and they are starting to get ideas now they made some little progress"

Veins popped on Tiara and Bryan's head as they heard this from their seats.

Even though Anthony spoke in a low voice they could hear it.

It made them angry that Anthony was looking down on them, they refused to believe Anthony was now on their level after training with world level power houses and resources within the same six months Anthony just slept and ate like a pig.

They believe in their progress and nothing will change that, they didn't reply at his statement.

They would simply challenge him later after mid term break for their rightful position

Anthony went for the demon class and beast class which taught them all beast and demons that has been studied with their various weaknesses

And as usual Anthony just dazed out the window during these two classes.

Anthony didn't attend the weapon class since he already graduated from the class.

He decided to spend that time walking around the Academy, going through shops in the area

Trying to see if he could strike it big like those protagonist who find world defying things in a shop made of unstable wood that looked like it would crumble anytime soon.

After walking around for about three hours Anthony found nothing, he cursed in his mind repeatedly, he didn't know if his luck was just that low or it was just that everyone could identify every single treasure and won't leave any scraps to anybody at all.

'Tsk....tsk.... I better not catch those authors who made those protagonist gain gems from every store they walked into, I better not catch any of you in heaven' Anthony thought.

Although he already had loads of treasures with him but who would say no to more.

Beside he wants to experience picking up treasure from trash like other protagonist but it seems he was being naive here.

He simply sighed and went to the challenge arena where people battled each other

Here people can settle grudge or battle each other for training or whatever, simply put all battles were done here.

Anthony saw a lot of students on the way who looked at him with strange gazes as he was too handsome and from the badge hanging on his chest that says he was from the S class which meant he was a power house in his year amongst his peers.

Surprisingly, someone walked up to him and showed him around the arena, Anthony even found out that they could place bets here with Academy points, this was one of the sources of points but people almost mainly lost everytime although people still won too if not the entire thing would be shut down already.

He got to the betting area, picking a fight to bet own, each having their own odds based on the fighter, after picking a fight, he will activate 'All seeing eyes' gaze into their future fight, find out the winner and stake on them.

Since every student of the Academy were weaker than him, he could use the eyes on them without too much problem.

This was what Anthony planned to do.

After betting throughout the fights Anthony left with two million points making the manager nearly vomit blood.

He could have won more cause why not, but he was stopped by the manager saying he has reached his winning cap for the time.

Anthony left with a smile on his face as he went back to his room feeling that even professors were poor compared to him.

(Of course this is just his imagination as there is no way he would be richer than professors who have been in the Academy for years at least and some staying for thousands)

After entering his room, he pressed his phone for while, chatted his parents and the house guards, watched some movies and news then he slept off since he had nothing to do again.

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