Chapter 23: Student council

Anthony yawned and stretched as he rose from his bed, he looked at the time which read '7:19AM' he shook his head as he thought 'It seems my work habit of waking up on time followed me in my new life', though he was already at the SSS- rank and didn't need sleep, that doesn't mean he won't.

"Since the weapon class is scheduled to hold by 2PM in the afternoon, I will just surf the school web and look at what the school sells and walk around the school"

He gets off the bed and only brushed and washed his face, then headed to the living room, turned on the Television, switched to a random channel and started to press his phone surfing the school web and looking at the things they sell

What he saw surprised him, the school did sell everything as they did say, all types of weapons, wands, resources from all profession, minerals, strange fruits and anything that wasn't really rare, they even sold cars, there were also other links in the school website that sold other things like cultivation manual, Technique manual, art manual, even beast if you are a tamer, they literally had everything that could be sold.

Everything was about points, some things need points and position of power like the star level professor in other to buy them.

So even if a student manages to gather points from other students and missions they won't be able to buy somethings too high above their rank.

Even professor couldn't buy things to give to students or students buying things to give to other students, once you buy something you will sign a mana contract to use said item for yourself, there was no gifting here in this school, you have to work for everything with your own hands

Some people who graduate from the Academy work for the Academy after signing a contract with them, there by increasing their work rank and mana rank, it was all possible with points and hard work.

Anthony looked at the time '8:15AM', 'It seems time becomes slower once you have nothing to do, no wonder some people in my previous life said time was relative' he thought, then he picked up the Television remote to switch to a different channel this time, but before he could even press any button he heard a knock on the door.

Anthony raised an eye brow and wondered who was knocking, he had no friends or colleagues or acquaintances here, which made him wonder who was knocking.

He stood up and arrived at the door and opened it where he saw a male elf, the elf was stunned when he saw Anthony because Anthony was too handsome, he stared at Anthony for sometime before he cleared his throat and started speaking.

"Hello, I am a member of the student council, the top 3 was supposed to come to the students council meeting but none of you showed up, the student council president sent me to invite you call incase you all don't know"

Anthony looked at the elf, then he nodded and said "You can come in senior, I would have to freshen up before we proceed, you can wait in the living room"

The elf simply nodded and entered Anthony's living room and sat down. Anthony said to the elf "I will be done in ten minutes" then he left to bath.

Anthony bathed and dressed up Infront of the mirror, admired himself a little, he smiled and turned.

He arrived in the living room and told the elf he was ready and they left his living quarters together.

They arrived at Tiara's door, the elf knocked and informed her of same thing as he already did with Anthony, Tiara simply followed as she was already ready, the same happend at the rank 3 room. The rank 3 ranker was a dragon named Von Bryan.

The elf led them as they walked to the Students council area, Anthony didn't talk to any of them but Tiara and Bryan were looking at him through the corner of their eyes, but Anthony's steps didn't falter, his demeanor emperor like with a gentle aura of authority around him.

They arrived at the student council area, the elf opened the door and they walked in.

Their gaze met a round table where people of various race sat and looked at them.

Anthony just entered the room, and stood in front of them where everyone could see him together with Tiara and Bryan standing beside him, the elf simply went and stood behind an elven woman.

Then a male dragon who was sitting at the head table said

"My name is Von Heinz the student president of the student council, to my left is Vivan Drywood an elf, to my right is Kai Ten a titan, they are both the vice student president"

"I see you already met my little baby brother Bryan" he said looking at Bryan

"I'm not a baby anymore elder brother" Bryan said with a stern face

Heinz simply smiled, then turned to Tiara and said "It's nice to see you miss Tiara the Royal rank Bloodline holder, I couldn't believe you rank above my brother who has been praised since birth, i wonder how long you can keep your rank"

Then he turned to Anthony "I have never heard of a human hold the first rank since the beginning of the Academy, it seems like there is a first for everything, I also wonder how long you can keep your rank, I've always heard your father was a monster who rivaled us and even went toe to toe with the dragon who ranked first during his time and never lost against anyone but even he still didn't get the first rank, I wonder how much of a monster you are compared to the tales of your father"

Anthony simply looked at Heinz who was already SS but didn't graduate when the requirement to graduate was SS rank, 'maybe he hasn't met other criteria' Anthony thought.

Then he put on a smile and said "Do you have anything against me being the first rank?"

"There is nothing against you being the first, the world has always been whoever has the biggest fist is right, I'm happy my brother is ranked third so he can curb his ego and work harder, at least with you and Tiara here he can feel pressure and improve more, even if he manages to climb above you and take the first rank, I'm sure he would still work harder cause once he slips, am sure you would be there to take back your spot" Heinz replied

"Well that's by the way, you were called here to be asked if you want to join the student council, the top three of the new year are given a chance to join, of course other people can join by requesting but that is if we accept"

"There are many benefits of joining the student council, we as an organisation rival the power of a two star professor, which mean can buy things limited to a two star professor, but not individually but as an organisation like i said, then you will receive monthly points and other benefit i rather not list, you don't have to accept now but you have to make your decision in a week"

Anthony thought for a while, he didn't really need the points or anything or want to attend useless meetings, the sole called purchasing power was again something he didn't need, he simply didn't see any benefit from joining them other than for connection in which once again he didn't care about, as power in it self will bring connection to your door step.

He looked at Heinz and said "I decline but thanks for the offer"

Heinz was shocked cause he was sure Anthony would accept, then he laughed

Vivian who hasn't spoken since they entered the hall said "It seems you are a tough one huh, I didn't see that coming"

Kai also said "Human are rare in the council since you people hardly match our inheritance but if you are afraid you would be bullied then I can be your backer here"

Anthony shook his head and replied them

"Am not afraid of anyone, the council looks like something that would require a lot of meetings and stuff, I only have time to cultivate and practice, so I won't be here for anything"

Heinz looked at Anthony for a while then shifted his gaze to Tiara waiting for her answer

"I would decline, I also only have time to cultivate and train" she replied with a straight face

"This is the first time fresher rankers have rejected joining the student council, are we that low in your eyes" Heinz said while releasing his aura with mild killing intent in it

The room temperature dropped, Tiara and Bryan also dropped on their knees, but Anthony simply stood there smiling at Heinz and said with a teasing chuckle

"I didn't know even student council president bullies students, this is a new sight, indeed you have broaden my horizon, i was indeed right not joining"

Tiara and Bryan were kneeling on the floor sweating when Heinz then increased his aura and killing intent, then blood leaked from their mouth as they struggled to stay conscious

Anthony smiled at all this with amusement while not even bothering to fake being affected at the slightest he was simply waiting for their next movement

If anyone attacks, he won't mind put one or two in their place

"Heinz that's enough, they are new students and have the right to reject" Kai said

Heinz sighed and stopped then apologised with a smile on his face

"It seems I went too far I apologise, it's just that no top three ranker has never rejected the student council and both of you doing that during my reign puts a dent on my record"

"Did you have to drag me into this too" Bryan said while getting up and cleaning the blood off his mouth

"You were simply standing together with them don't cry over small things" Heinz replied

Bryan wanted to retort but kept quiet

"You may return" Heinz said

Anthony simply smiled and teleported back to his room without replying

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