Making a harem after transmigrating

Chapter 137: Having the family dinner or breakfast...? I don't know, decide yourself.

He thought that, but he has no idea how to awaken it yet.

"Wait for a bit, I will be done with cooking in a few minutes." Mizuki said, tying her hair on a ponytail.

She opened the refrigerator and took out some vegetables.

"I will help you too, you do not have any idea how good your husband is at cooking." Evan also tagged along with her and helped her in cooking.

Both of them enjoyed their quiet time, helping each other in cooking.

A few hours before this....

Inside a room in the sect.

Seraphina was having a personal talk with her daughters after she took them away.

"Why did you take us here, mother?" Nova raised her voice.

"I will tell you, but first take a sit." Seraphina said calmly, gesturing Nova and Lyra to sit in the couch beside them.

She also took her seat and continued to speak,

"Hmm, you surely caused too much problem this time."

"So? Do you expect me to sit and watch when that god almost killed my brother?" Nova retorted, she still had the same rage and anger inside her heart for Sylvanus.

"I do not, dear. If that was me, I would have demolished his existence and made him suffer the eternal torture, but..."

Her expression turned dark and her voice became cold.

"A god isn't a being that can be taken lightly... but he attacked my son... I won't let him get away with it."

Nova can feel her emotions and Lyra can do as well, her bloodlust wasn't hidden at all. But Nova knows about it more than anyone, her mother might look like good and caring outside which she is for her loved ones. But deep down there is another side of her, even Lyra and Evan doesn't know about it.

'She is definitely furious. Even though a succubus, a being who is only known for their lustful and bewitching nature, but she is different. Mother has been different, she has suffered even more than me and I know how her heart has been corroded with the feeling of revenge.'


I remember it very well how much she has been suffering alone. I do not know what she has been through before my birth, but after that...

Those beings made her to give birth to us three, she couldn't even fight back at that time. And even after that, the moment I was born, they took me away from her and trained me to become a battle machine for them.

Yeah, I, a newborn baby was made to train on the very first day I was born. She resisted so much but nothing she did ever worked.

"Please, father. She is your grand daughter, how could you do something like that to her? Am I not doing enough? I am already far ahead that all of my peers. Even in the angelic realm, no one comes close to me in terms of strength."

She kneeled down in front of him and begged for him to let me go, but what she received in return was just his cold shoulder.

"You are not enough. Don't think I don't know what you have been doing. She will train and become far stronger than you, not only her, all of the childrens you bear will be like her. A demon child isn't like that of other low races, they are far stronger and train from a very early age."

"Please, father. I will train in her instead..."

"Enough. Nothing can change my decision. If you try to pester me again, then I won't hesitate to kill her. You can give birth to many such grand kids for me, right my precious daughter? And if you try to become like your mother, then I will make your daughter to fuse with those fragments... you know what will happen then, right?"

She couldn't say anything further. She gritted her teeth, her heart clenched with just the thought of her childrens being used as pawns.

She couldn't even turn to her mother, who was already imprisoned by the demon king.

She had no other way than to accept her situation, but the fire of revenge inside her heart didn't slow down. Until the day Evan was born...

Mother and me finally got the chance to run away from there and arrived to this place. At that time, they had fused two fragments with mother, one gave birth to Evan and another to Lyra. We never told both of them about our past.

After giving birth thrice, she already developed the motherly care and affection for my siblings, her fire of revenge also dimmed and both of us decided to forget our past and live in this world.

I also agreed to her. All those torture and suffering I faced in the demon realm, I forgot all of that when I saw the precious smile of my little brother. That smile... I will burn down all of existence to keep that smile, and that was the time when my feelings for my brother grew to a terrifyingly high level.


"You surely didn't pull us over just for that right, mother?" Nova asked.

'I can feel it again... the fire of revenge inside her, it's raging.'

"Umm, it's not about that. It's about you guys, I never really cared about this before but when I went to demon realm this time, I asked for what the runic patterns in my belly was. I had a little hunch if what it might be, but it had an even deeper meaning than that."

Seraphina said while feeling her belly, after knowing what that was, she feels even more connected with her son.

Nova and Lyra listened to her intently and Seraphina continued again,

"This crest is the symbol of a relation between two people, like a master and servant. The servant in this, bears the crest on his/ her belly, and it is decided by who is the superior one between them. So me getting the crest means that your brother and my husband is stronger than me."

She had a proud look on her face when she said that, though she didn't know how was this possible, she always knew that her son was special from the moment he was born.

But Nova wasn't like that.

'So what I felt inside him was true? My dear brother... you never fail to amaze me. Big sister can't wait to gobble you up soon.'

She licked her lips on her mind, she couldn't wait to become one with her brother, but she realizes that she can't do it when Seraphina was around and she felt that there was more to this, which became evident when Seraphina continued to speak again.

"One more thing, I see that you guys do not want to share your brother with anyone and I understand that. But do you guys think you can handle him alone? Even I, your mother, a pure blooded succubus, can't handle the lust of your brother alone, do you think you can? Beside that, this crest makes both of us connected now, so we can't be separated till our death and you guys winning against me..."

Seraphina snorted and with a smirk on her face said,

"I am your MOTHER dear. I know better than you how to seduce my husband and how to make him feel good. So, sort your thoughts out soon and don't fight with each other so much, after having the taste of him once, you will realize that yourself."

Nova stayed silent, she knew that Seraphina was actually telling this to her than Lyra.

Lyra, who was silent till now can feel the increase in the density of air around both of them, it was getting harder for her breath properly.

"Stop it." She yelled.

"I understand what you mean, mother. But brother has told me he won't do anything to me unless I am old enough. I feel this place will be filled with his woman's when it will be my turn, so telling me this is meaningless."

'Why do I have to be just 15? I can't even become one with my brother.'

She felt sad, if she could, she will just grab the neck of the person who set those age restriction who made it difficult for her to become one with her brother.

Hearing that, Seraphina smiled mischievously and said,

"Really? My dear, do you want to become one with your brother that badly? I can help you in that."

"You can...?" Lyra asked, seeing a small spark of the hope.

"Surely, dear. Let mother teach you how to seduce your brother." She said with the same smile.

Lyra's face flushed red just imagining the scene where she seduces her brother.

But all of her thoughts were blown away instantly.

"Cough, cough... do it when you two are alone, I have no interest in listening to that." Nova coughed loudly and said whike staring at Seraphina.

"Your sister is such a mood changer. Well no worries dear, I will teach you later. For now, can you go out for a while? I have something serious to talk about with your sister." Seraphina said to Lyra politely but there was still that sternness in her voice.

Lyra nodded her head and walked out of the room, she didn't question why because she knew it was something serious that they do not wanted her to get involved into.

"How is grandma?" Nova asked.

"There is more to her imprisonment than what we knew before. I wasn't able to see her before without that demon king, all the time I asked him to see mother, he took me there personally and now I know why... he is colluding with the gods." Seraphina said, her face turned purple with rage.

"Gods? But I do not remember there being a god from demons, so is he colluding with the gods from the angelic realm?"

"I don't know that. He might be colluding with the gods from other races too."

"Gods again? First was that god who attacked Evan and now this again, is there a link to this? I can for a while imagine there being a reason in capturing grandma, she is one of the strongest demon kings, but why did a god appear on Earth? I feel that there is a lot happening in the dark." Nova said.

Seraphina nodded her head, she also had the same thought as her.

"Do you feel something strange with Mizuki?" She asked after a brief thought.

Nova raised her eyebrows and asked confused, "What strange?"

"You are a vampire as well dear, can you not sense something strange in her blood? Or was your head filled with the thoughts of your brother?" Seraphina said, mocking her.

"So what of it? He is always in my mind."

"Sigh, I feel that her origin isn't ordinary. I felt the same about Celestina and her brother that's why I decided to stay with them. And I feel that Mizuki is like that too, though I do not know what exactly yet. My realm is too small to know about it."

"Hmm, I do not think she is dangerous for Evan and for us. She just feels like a normal human to me." Nova said shrugging her shoulders.

"I do not think like that, though..."

'She gives me even more strange feeling, even more than celestina.'

Seraphina thought, but didn't say it out loud. After that, they both discussed more things that were happening in the demon realm.

It had already been quite some time, Lyra was strolling through the sect.

She can't help but wonder just how big this sect was, the more she looks at it, the bigger it feels.

It was then, she saw Evan and Mizuki kissing each other and going to a different location.

And she also followed behind them after a while of questioning herself if she should go or not but decided to go after a deep contemplation and reached the kitchen, where both of them were cooking while embracing each other.

Sensing someone's presence, Evan turned to look at her to find that out was his cute sister Lyra who was staring at him.

"Oh, are you hungry, Lyra?" Evan asked calmly.

Lyra didn't speak and just nodded her head.

"Good, just wait for a while, the dinner will be ready."

Lyra nodded and took her seat in the dinning table.

"Hmm, it's ready now. Cooking like this really effective. Using the demonic flames made it so easier." Evan said after all the dishes were prepared.

"Yeah, it's done too soon." Mizuki said, but she felt sad that it was completed so soon.

"Don't be so disappointed. We will be able to enjoy it more soon."

Evan said, hugging her deeply. He soft and voluptuous body felt like a cushion to him that he can't resist embracing.

"When are you going to stop?"

Not being able to take it any longer, Lyra spoke up.

"Ok, ok. I will go and call the others." Evan laughed while saying that and disappeared from there.

Mizuki was a little embarrassed and shy to speak to Lyra but she still tried to break the ice between them.


"Hello?" Lyra stared at Mizuki blankly.

"Ahhh, it's nothing. I will set the dishes now."

Saying that, she began to put the dishes on the table. Lyra saw that and shook her head and went to help her with that.

Evan arrived inside the bedroom, where Anna was still sleeping quietly. He had out the time capsule in the room, so she can rest for a longer time.

'She must be too tired, but this will be our first breakfast or lunch, whatever... it's the first time we will be eating together, so excluding her won't be good at all.'

He quietly went towards and shook her a bit.

"Get up, Anna."

"Ummm... hufff... hufff..."

But she didn't wake up and kept sleeping.

Evan sighed and continued to shook her.

"Wake up, Anna. Everyone is waiting for you."

"Ngghh... Lee meh sweppp~... I woll... huff..."

'This girl? Is she like this every morning?'

"Anna, wake up otherwise daddy will have to use force on you."

Evan went closer to her and whispered into her ears, he used his energy to send his voice directly to her brain.

When Anna heard that, she instantly opened her eyes and looked at Evan.


She hurriedly wiped up the drool from her face and fixed her hair and greeted Evan.

"G-good morning..."

"Good morning. Did you sleep well?"

Evan retracted the time capsule and asked Anna while he rubbed her cheeks with his hands.

Anna felt good with his touch and she reated her head in his hands, while saying.

"I did, daddy."

'She is totally submitted to me. I still can't get over the feeling of being called daddy all the time, not that it feels bad though.'

"Alright get dressed now. We all will be eating together."


"You can get anything you want form the closet inside the bathroom."

Anna nodded her head and was about to get off the bed, but her legs feel weak and she fell upon Evan.

"You little girl, can't even walk anymore?" Evan said after catching her with a smirk on his face.

"And whose fault do you think it was? I still feel that my lower part has widened because of your thing." Anna said with a flushed face.

"Then I will make sure it take the shape of my dick tonight." He smirked at her and said.

"But won't you be with mother and others at night, daddy?" Anna asked, she doesn't know that the secret affair that she was having with her daddy has already been found out by her mother.

"You will see." Evan said that and carried her towards the bathroom.

He gently put her down and she began to change into a tight fitting blue jeans and white t-shirt that had a printing of daddy's little princess written in it.

"Do you like it, daddy?" She asked while pressing her twin peaks.

"I love that."

Saying that, he pulled her closer to him and locked her lips with his. He pulled her been closer by holding onto her slim waist and began to devour her lips and ravage her tongue.

"Ummm... hnghhhh..."

Anna's eyes began to blur again with just the kiss and her panties got soaked again.

She wouldn't be able to live without Evan's touch any more.

They broke the kiss after a few minutes and Evan said, "Let's get going now, otherwise you won't be able to stand up anymore."

Evan grabbed her waist and disappeared from there too and arrived outside the room where Nova and Seraphina were still talking with each other.

Evan knew already what they have been talking about, he can control everything that is happening in the sect and knows everything about it.

But he was going to pretend that he knows nothing about it for now. Even if they knew that Evan knows about their talk, nothing was gonna change anyway.

But one thing was still bugging him.

'Why did mother say I was stronger than her?'

He couldn't understand that but thinking deep on this, he reached a vague conclusion,

'Or am I actually strong and I myself have no idea about that?'


Thanks for reading everyone.

Hope you like this. Do tell me your thoughts on comments. My shit luck, I don't have any strength left in me to curse at it anymore. I promised you all 2 chapters today but it still ended up with just one, just because of my shittest luck. It's up to you to decide whether you consider this one chapter with 3000 words or think of this as two chapters. Still, thanks for reading this chapter.

Stay tuned for more...

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