Magi’s Grandson

Vol 2 Chapter 29

Receiving a Notification

Authors Note: The ending of the previous chapter has been edited. Please take note that the start of this chapter is not connected to the ending of the previous chapter.

The Research Society had completely turned into me teaching magic.

I followed what Alice had previously suggested and started with the explanation using the blackboard in the laboratory before we headed off to practice magic.

I wrote an easy to understand explanation on the backboard and their Water, Wind, and Earth magic improved greatly.

Because of the activities of the Research Society, all the members have leveled up. One day, after the lessons for the day had ended, we received a message from our homeroom teacher.

This time, I will relay a message from the Kingdom. Because the overall objectives of the devil, Oliver Schtrom, are currently still unknown, we cannot take proper measures. It is nevertheless important to increase our strength. It is only natural for the members of the military to do so, but to prepare for emergencies, students should also work hard to level up. Thats the end of the message. You students will have to be prepared in case you have to join the battle.

Everyone was confused with what Alfred-sensei had said. Only Gus team was able to remain calm. This was something they already knew.

Nevertheless, for them to actually make a notification for students to prepare to fight

For the Kingdom to make such an unusual notice, this is an exception beyond all exceptions. Even during the past wars, they didnt relay such notifications

This just proves how abnormal the situation was.

And so, because of the current situation, there will be a temporary cooperation between the Knight students and the Magic students, and there will also be a joint training with the Knight Military Training Academy.

Heeehhh, joint training

Wouldnt this be a good method for training? Thats what I thought, but everyone was making complicated expressions. What is it?

Well, I understand why you guys are making such expressions, however, it will necessary for you guys to cooperate with Knights and Swordsmen in the future. It will surely be a good experience.

After that, the for the day had ended.

Whats wrong everyone? You guys are making strange faces.

I see, s.h.i.+n doesnt know anything about it.

Know what?

Well, you see, s.h.i.+n. Because in Advanced Magic Academy, we can use Body Strengthening magic, and so we dont train our bodies much, right?

Hmmm, it is as youve said.

But in contrast, Knight Military Training Academy train their bodies, so they dont need to use magic to strengthen their bodies.

Its the complete opposite of us.

And because of that Ummm The students from the Knight Academy calls the students from the Magic Academy Bean Sprouts as an insult whereas the students from the Magic Academy calls the students from the Knight Academy Muscle Brains as an insult

So what youre trying to say is that the relations.h.i.+p between the two academies is not good?

Its exactly like that.

Whats up with that?

Hey, hey what are you guys saying, especially during this kind of emergency?

Although I understand that were in a state of an emergency, but

I cant endure it when those people start calling me Bean Sprout.'

Thats right, it definitely gets really annoying.

Since were on the topic of bean sprouts I have yet to see one.

I, on the other hand, am fine with it

I was actually in that situation not too long ago.

I havent really been called names or anything degozaru.

In Julius case, its probably only natural. As for Tony, since he comes from the family of Knights, he doesnt particularly mind it.

Wait a minute, what exactly is so bad about it?

Thats because! When it comes down to war potential, isnt it obvious that magic is more powerful!?

And yet, those guys have display att.i.tudes as if they are the strongest of all.

Knights and Magicians both have their own weak and strong points.

Nevertheless, all the Heroes use magic. Magi-sama, Guru-sama, and even Walford-kun uses magic.

That just happened by chance.

Now that I think about it, doesnt s.h.i.+n also use a sword? Did one of the Knights teach you by chance?

Thats right, why do you ask?

Because youre adept in magic, I dont think youll need a Knight to protect you.

Ah, so its because of this that Sieg-niichan and Chris-neechans relations.h.i.+p is bad.

No, its a different matter. They just fundamentally not suitable with each other.

Michel-san taught me a variety of things Thanks to that, Ive seen h.e.l.l multiple times

While I was remembering Michel-sans training from h.e.l.l, I had a distant look in my eyes. And before I knew it, everyone was staring at me.

Whats wrong?

No The Michel-san that you spoke of, is he Michel Collin-sama?

If I remember it correctly, that was his name.

Eh? The previous General of the Knight Order?

Thats what he said.

I see, with your display of swordsmans.h.i.+p, I am convinced degozaru.

With Magi-sama to teach you how to use magic, and the Sword Saint-sama to teach you swordsmans.h.i.+p What an enviable environment.

Sword Saint-sama?

Did s.h.i.+n-kun not know about it? Speaking of Michel Collin-sama, hes someone who has reached the pinnacle of Swordsmans.h.i.+p, and hes been t.i.tled Sword Saint-sama.

To me, hes nothing but a h.e.l.lish instructor

Sword Saint thats actually what hes called? I guess its expected that his training was severe.

But since Sword Saint-sama was the one who taught s.h.i.+n-kun swordsmans.h.i.+p, then the Knight Academy students will probably not say anything.

I dont know about that. Even though Sword Saint-sama taught him how to use the sword, he can also use magic. Theyll probably target him out of jealousy.

Whats with that? How troublesome

Well, no matter what, it is necessary to partic.i.p.ate in the joint training. Since it has a decent purpose, no matter what they say, Ill just not let it bother me.

Thats impossible!


Somehow, I feel like something downright troublesome is about to happen

A few days later, the Knight Academy had arrived for the joint training.

Four students from the Magic Academy and four students from the Knights Academy. A total of eight people makes a party, which will go outside the Royal Capital to train.

For practical training, they will subjugate a number of the currently increasing amount of demons.

We, the magic students gathered in front of the Royal Capitals gate where I met the students from the Knight Military Training Academy Ill just shorten it to Knight Academy for the first time.

As expected of people who train with swords daily, their bodies look more robust compared to the magic students.

This time, the group was arranged according to the rankings of our entrance exam. The Knight Academy also used the same method to divide into groups. This situation, since everyone is a part of Advanced Academies, there shouldnt be a large difference between abilities, thanks to how the groups were formed. This is probably done on purpose with the intent of bringing about the best results, turning students into elites.

Since its our first time meeting students from the Knight Academy, the first thing to do is to introduce ourselves.

Knight Military Training Academy top student, Kreis Lloyd.

Second seat, Miranda Wallace.

Noin Curtis.

Im Kent McGregor.

Whats with that. The students from the Knight Academy greeted with ill humor.

Kreis is a good-looking man with blonde hair and blue eyes. His arms were really muscular. He gives off the feeling of a Royal Knight.

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Miranda has short black hair, and how do I explain this She looks firm overall. Her arm looks really sinewy.

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