Magi’s Grandson

Vol 2 Chapter 26

A fundamental problem was discovered

I heard from the Research Society on what everyone wanted to improve in.

I asked Sicily and Thor to practice increasing magic power and their control, for now, since we couldnt go to the practice field for attack magic practice.

When I asked them to do such practice everyone was surprised and started asking questions.

Why? They asked. Its because in order to cast powerful magic, it is necessary to have large amount of magic power and be able to control it. Although I thought this was a matter of course, everyone thought differently.

They thought that in order to cast powerful magic, besides the chant that needs to be devised, one also need a clear imagination.

So they actually had that kind of mindset. First of all, its better if I immediately dispel their misconceptions.

For the time being, in order to grasp the control everyone had on their magic power, I asked them to cast Magic Barrier, but

The barrier is too thin.

This is no good. If its like this, you wouldnt be able to stop most magic, would you?

However, Magic Barrier is something that doesnt really provide that much defense, does it?

Are you seriously asking this?

What do you mean?

Just the other day, didnt you see Schtrom use this very same magic to block my attack?

Ah, if Im not mistaken, the attack you used was the same as the one you showed us during the first magic cla.s.s. I never thought he would be able to block it

You know that very same attack was blocked by a Magic Barrier, right?

Wha! What did you say!?

No way

I thought it was blocked by some other advanced defensive magic

Now you know its actually capable of halting really strong magics. Back then, I understood that it would be blocked. Thats why, after I shot it, I immediately backed away from Schtrom.

On the other hand, I wasnt there to see it

Alice, one of those who werent present back then, raised her voice. Because it couldnt be helped, I gave up using this explanation.

With enough control and magic power, even without learning special defensive magic, Magic Barrier is enough to protect from any attack. Sicily, can you cast defense magic using the magic tool I enhanced?

Yes, I understand.

After responding, Sicily directed her magic power on the magic tool ring.

Whoa what an amazing Magic Barrier

Although I didnt know barrier could be that amazing certainly, with enough control and magic power, its a superb spell.

Sicily, are you using all of your magic power to cast it?

No Im using the same amount of magic power as when I cast a barrier on my own.

This is the image I had of Magic Barrier when I used enchantment magic. Along with the image, I also enhanced the ring with the information of how much magic power needed to cast the barrier.

Everyone looked at the Magic Barrier with dumb surprise. With this, I wonder if everyone understand how important magic power and control are?

As Ive said, a proper image is indeed important. However, even with the proper image, without enough magic power control over it, it wont be any good. Do you guys understand?

While listening to what I was saying, everyone remained silent.

That why, we must first increase our magic power and the way to control it. These are the very basics of Gate, or rather, any magic.

Everyones expression all turned serious. Or rather, why didnt anyone know about this?

s.h.i.+n, why do you know about such things?

Why you ask Because I learnt it from grandpa? Ever since I was young, I was taught that in order to cast magic, it is important to have enough magic power. If one doesnt have enough magic power, no matter how good of an image they have, they wont be able to cast magic. However, I was also taught that before anything else, learn how to increase the control you have over your magic power. Actually, Im more surprised that everyone else didnt know.

I see So thats the secret of the Magi-donos greatness

On the other hand I want to ask how you guys are able to use magic if you dont know how to control it?

I can control my magic power to some extent. However, when it comes to using advanced magic, I thought that no matter what, even if I have a proper image of it, I have to use chants. Other than that the practice to control magic power is quite mundane

Everyone silently looked down.

Does everyone else also think that?

When it comes to certain magics, my consciousness immediately thinks of the most practical thing

Me as well even though magic power is the most basic of the basics when it comes to enhancement magic

s.h.i.+n-kun, do you always practice your magic power control?

Yeah, because Ive been doing it every day since I was young, it has pretty much become a habit.

Then, I gathered my magic power and showed them how I control it.


This is!!


Its something like this, because if I forget the basics, I wont improve. Rather than resorting to superficial strength, isnt there something more important?

I disbanded the research society for the day, I told everyone to practice their magic control.

Thats how it is, so everyday, be sure to practice your magic control. Dont slack off, okay?

I understand. Ill work hard.

Rin, make sure not to let it go out of control, okay?

I wont!

For the time being, the goal is to have everyone learn how to use magic without chants.


Its not eh. This is the Ultimate Magic Research Society, right? What will you do if you cant even accomplish this much?

I understand. Ill work hard.

Rin, make sure not to let it go out of control, okay?

I already said I wont!

No matter how I look at it, Rin has the appearance of a reckless magic-idiot

From that day onwards, everyone started practicing their magic power control. Finally, one day, I asked them to once again cast Magic Barrier.

This is No, maybe Im just imagining things?

Its not your imagination. Compared to before, the Magic Barrier has become thicker.

It looks like everyone had come to realize it.

When you get home, continue to practice controlling your magic power. When everyone improves a little more, well start with magic training.

In the end, after reviewing the most fundamental of the fundamentals, the research society concluded for the day.

However, motivated expressions were plastered across everyones faces.

It was good that I was able to grasp everyones current progress. If I didnt, no matter how much magic I teach them, it would be useless.

At the prospect of everyone leveling up, we left the academy building triumphantly.

Hey! He has finally come out!


Please look over here~!

Walford-kun! A word! Please say a word!

Everyone went back inside the academy.

I-I forgot about iiittttt

Just saying, you never pa.s.sed through the gates in front of your house. I wonder how youve been coming and going between the academy?

I walked out through the back door. And then I walked to the academy while being tense.

What a great display of tenacity

On the contrary! Because theres such a large crowd in front of the academy, we wont be able to get out!

It cant be helped, Ill use that again

Its a hopeless situation. This is a hopeless situation, right?

I opened Gate, connected it to the house, and everyone walked through.

Oh my, welcome home, s.h.i.+n. Did you use Gate again?

Welcome home, s.h.i.+n. Did something happen? You brought so many friends with you.

Im home, grandpa, grandma. Nothing really happened, but theres a large crowd in front of the academy gate and because everyone couldnt get out, I brought them with me.

Really, theres too much commotion!

Hohho, it will probably settle down soon.

Will that really happen?

More importantly, theres a lot of children Ive never seen before. Can you make the introductions?

Ah, the people who havent been to our house are

Im Alice! Im Alice Corner!

Im Rin Hughes. Im honored to meet you.

Nice to meet you, Im Tony Freed.

Im Yuri Carlton~

I! Im Mark Bean, Sir!

I-I-Im Olivia Stone!

Before I was able to introduce them, they introduced themselves.

There are some names Ive heard before. Particularly the one named Mark.

Whoa! Yes, Sir!

It seemed like this child has troubled your workshop Im really sorry about that.

No! No way! Please raise your head! On the other hand, my dad was overjoyed because he was able to acquire a large contract!

Even so, theres no doubt that my grandson has bothered you. So let me apologize.

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Thats right, Im sorry about that, Mark-kun.

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