Magi’s Grandson

Vol 1 Chapter 7

Noticing a serious matter

Today, I once again went out with grandpa.

Although I said we went out, it wasnt because we needed to buy something or were going to have a picnic.

The purpose of todays outing was to see how much magic I could use. In other words, it was something like a magic examination. It was the reason why we were not at the usual forest, but in a plain where there were no trees or growing.

Since grandpa had told me about this place, Ive been using it to practice my magic.

Hmmm? This place, has it always been this kind of terrain? Grandpa was muttering about something.

Maybe youre mistaken since you havent been here for a while? Well, rather than that, lets get this started quickly.

For a moment, I had cold sweat and quickly urged grandpa to start.

Thats right. Well then, let me see how much magic s.h.i.+n is able to use now.

And so, the so-called graduation exam began.

I immediately gathered my mana. Well, I wonder what kind of magic I should start with? Maybe I should start with the basic Fire first?

First, I imagined combustion. I ignited the oxygen around the air and produced a kindling. Furthermore, I gathered the surrounding oxygen and incited the combustion. Then, the resulting flame was fed plenty of oxygen and its temperature rapidly increased.

This is the first time Ive seen a pale blue flame such as this

Then, I produced a couple more of the same kind of flame in the surrounding.

This is the first time Ive seen these many flames at once as well

From start to finish, it only took me a moment to produce the flames. Then, I released the flames towards the ground a little further away from us.


After it was released with a m.u.f.fled sound, it landed on the ground.

Although I fired an ultra-high temperature flame, since it was not an explodable flame, it didnt particularly burst nor scatter. However, the ground where the ultra-high temperature landed had melted and became similar to magma. Some of the places were even vitrified.

Hmm? What are grandpas impressions?

Well, its fine. Moving on to the next thing.

Next, I once again produced the same kind of flame as I did earlier, but this time, I turned the flame into a long and thin shape, and also added a rotation to it. The image I had was of a bullet.

The launched flame bullet landed at the same place as the previous flame b.a.l.l.s, but it had speed incomparable to the flame b.a.l.l.s.


Because the factor called speed had increased, the bullet not only melted the ground because of the heat it produced, it also carried the momentum of the acceleration and blew away the surroundings.

What? No reaction again?

Then, next, next.

This time, I wrapped a mixture of oxygen and hydrogen around the similar flames I produced before, making sure they wont touch each other. Then, this time, I turned towards a place a lot further away and fired the flames.


I caused a tremendous explosion.

Ah, I made a huge crater. Well, its no big deal since we chose this plain for such reasons; even if this kind of thing happened, it would be fine.

Hmm? Why isnt grandpa saying anything to me?

It cant be helped, Ill show him another magic

Haa! This! Wait! Its fine, this much is enough already.

Oh. Grandpa finally spoke.

How was it, grandpa.

Really, I never thought it to be this much Since you frequently started coming here alone, for you to have grown this much

In other words?

No complaints, you pa.s.sed.



I lift both my arms and made a triumphant pose. Well, the effort Ive put in order to be acknowledged by grandpa had been worth it.

Youve really become splendid tomorrow, youll turn 15 years old, and youll become an adult. With this, youll be independent


Thats right. Ill turn 15 years old tomorrow. In this world, 15 years old is considered as an adult. Excluding some exceptions, one had to go out to society when they turn 15. Since this place is deep in the forest, to go out to society meant Ill need to leave the house.

At the moment, there was not a hindrance when it comes to living here. Since that was the case, I thought it would be okay even if I dont leave the house. However, grandpa, grandma, and the other adults didnt allow it.

Because of that reason, when I turn 15, it was decided that I will leave this house in the forest and live elsewhere.

Incidentally, clothes, daily necessities, and etcetera, were brought to us by an uncle who trades among the adults who occasionally comes here. As such, I never had to leave the forest.

Thus, although there are mixed feelings inside of me, and I felt lonely about leaving grandpa, there was also a part of me who was looking forward to leaving this forest and starting a new life.

While still having mixed feelings, I opened a gate to return home.

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This gate magic was one of my original. A magic that creates another dimension where one can store things inside it already exists. Grandpa also uses it, and the one who taught me about it was also grandpa. It seems this magic was a relatively major one.

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