Magi’s Grandson

Vol 1 Chapter 20

Getting new companions

The day after the Research Society Information Session, the Research Society has officially started. Starting today, the activities for the Research Society resumes. However, because ours is a newly made group, today is its launch. Because

Although its such a late hour to ask this, what do we do in a research group?

You really asked it at such a late hour Well, nothing is particularly set in stone. Basically things that arent covered in cla.s.s, something you want to learn more details about, or people with the same interest doing research these are the common ones.

I see. If thats the case, then what will our Ultimate Magic Research Society research?

Who knows? At that time, I just went with the flow of things. So I dont have any clue what we should do.

Going with the flow, you say

Are you really okay with that reason? And so, I looked at the person who proposed the name

I was also just going with the flow. But I dont regret it.

In other words, nothing has been decided

Walford-kun seems to know a lot of different kinds of powerful magic. So no matter what, I want to cooperate with you to study it, definitely.

Then, is everyone fine with researching powerful magic?

Thats fine.

It seems like weve casually decided on something, well, its all good. Everything is all good as long as everyone has fun after school.

When we arrived at the laboratory, the two people who had joined yesterday were already there.

Ah! Sir, cheers for your hard work!

T-thank you very much for your hard work.

Thanks for your hard work, you guys got here quickly, did you?

Oh, yes, Sir! Because we cannot keep His Highness and the grandson of the Magi waiting, we ran all the way here, Sir!

U-umm Are we causing you any inconveniences?

What do you mean by inconveniences?

No, umm, that is

Weve only met face to face yesterday, so we probably have to get to know each other first?

First things first, lets go inside the laboratory.

After saying that, I entered the laboratory. Although the structure of the room looked no more than a normal cla.s.sroom with desks, it was good enough.

Then, s.h.i.+n, as the representative of the research society, why dont you give a speech.

Another speech, huh

I murmured and then stepped forward.

Umm, this time, I, s.h.i.+n Walford, will be the representative of the Ultimate Magic Research Society. Because the research society was established on a whim, and I suddenly became the representative, we still have yet to completely decide on what we want to do. Well, dont worry about it, and lets do it one step at a time.

When I finished speaking, Mark and Olivia was it? They looked dumbfounded.

Ultimate Magic Research Society, you say

So it was actually named as that?

Its like that! You actually joined without knowing!

Umm Its because we heard Walford-kun started his own research society

And so we joined without knowing anything, Sir!

Its all good. And so, Mark and Olivia, could you two please introduce yourselves?

Ye-ye-yes, Sir! Lets see, my name is Mark Bean, Sir! Im a freshman in cla.s.s A! My house is a blacksmith shop, and we make weapons, armor. We also make household accessories! If you, Sir, need anything made, please use Beans Workshop! Because I often help at the blacksmith shop, Im good with fire magic, Sir! Please take care of me!

Oh, speaking of Beans Workshop its that the famous shop with many expert blacksmiths who produce quality products.

Is that so? Or rather, you seem quite familiar with it, Tony.

Well, yeah Didnt I say it before, that my family is filled with Knights? So in the old days, I also wielded a sword. The swords from Beans Workshop are sharper than those of other workshops; even their knives are small and easy to use.

How surprising. Tony was talking about weapons! Although it shouldnt be so strange since his family is a family of Knights, it doesnt quite match the atmosphere around him. Mark also had a surprised expression.

Th-thank you very much, Sir for knowing our shop.

Ah, at that time, using items produced by the Beans Workshop was my goal.

It makes me happy when you say that, Sir! If you need something made, please let me know! Ill provide you with some service!

Is that true? That makes me really happy.

I saw a surprising side of Tony. And next was Olivia.

Umm My name is Olivia Stone. Im also a freshman from A Cla.s.s. My house runs a restaurant, and the name of the shop is Stone Kiln Pavilion. Mark is my childhood friend, and weve known each other for a long time. Because I often use water to help around the shop, Im good with water magic. Please take care of me.

Stone Kiln Pavilion!? Thats a very famous store!! The gratin that Stone Kiln makes is unrivaled

Alice said while remembering something. Drool, drool is coming out of her mouth.

When I pa.s.sed the entrance examination, I went to Stone Kiln Pavilion to celebrate. It really was suuuupppperrrrr~ delicious!

Im so jealous, my house wasnt able to get a reservation.

U-umm, everyone, if youd like, please do come when youre free. I will provide hospitality.

Really! You did it, s.h.i.+n-kun! What a great find of human resource!

Dont make such a rude compliment!

However, both of them turned out to be children of famous shops. I knew nothing of any of the shops.

Mark has brown hair, black eyes, and some freckles. Probably because hes been trained to become a blacksmith, he has a muscular body physique. He also has an atmosphere of an athlete.

Olivia is a beautiful girl with medium black hair and blue eyes. Shes cute and has a lovely atmosphere. Shes probably the poster girl for the restaurant.

Since Mark is a blacksmiths son and also helps out at the shop, does that mean youve already made something?

Ye-ye-yes, Sir! Bu-but, you see! Its not that much of a big deal, Sir!

Hey, Mark. This research society only consist of freshmen, so you dont have to speak so formally.

Thats right, Olivia as well!

Eh, but

But the Prince and the grandson of the Hero are here, right?

Ah, you dont have to worry about that. Even s.h.i.+n talks to me without reservation from time to time.

Umm, Your Highness Its because its s.h.i.+n

Because its Gus.

Well, its probably impossible for Gus. However, even though my grandpa and grandma are famous, Im just part of the general public. Im the same as the rest of you guys.

General public?

I wonder if my ears are hearing things?

However, s.h.i.+n will become a celebrity starting next week.

Hey! Everyone is so cruel! Im part of the general public, not a n.o.ble, alright? And then Gus suddenly said something.

Gus, what do you mean by next week?

Hmm? Ah, well, youll probably receive the notification once you get home. It has been determined that the ceremony will take part next week. With this, s.h.i.+n will become a celebrity.

Is that so It has already been decided

But be at ease. As promised yesterday, you will not be used for any political means. Father has decided to officially declare it during the ceremony. However, its impossible for your name not to be well-known. Even now, your name is already being spread.

Is that so

Because of this, itll probably be impossible to walk around outside normally Ah, thats right!

I could just disguise myself or make myself invisible!

Ah, c.r.a.p. I said it out loud. Huh? The gazes of the people around me hurts

Aside from disguising yourself, what does make yourself invisible mean?

Eh? It means exactly as it sounds. Like this, if I make myself invisible, n.o.body will recognize me or feel my presence!

After I finished speaking, I used optical camouflage magic, and everyone was dumbfounded. This kind of reaction again.

Eh? s.h.i.+n-kun? Where did you go?

No way He suddenly disappeared

Wh-wh-what the h.e.l.l? Is this!?

No, you guys dont have to be that surprised

After that, I released the optical camouflage magic, and everyone started to ask questions.

s.h.i.+n! What was that earlier? I completely lost sight of you!

Its certainly strange. Even though you didnt leave this place, we couldnt see where you were at all.

The fact that you reappeared at the same place means you didnt move at all? Then, how did you do it?

Wait a minute! Weve completely neglected Mark and Olivia!

And so I said, but when everyone turned to look at them, both of them looked astonished.

Your Highness, sir, you said

Walford-kun is being decorated?

The topic of the conversation has changed!

Lets divert back to the original topic, or else itll become a mess.

Its because of you.

Shut up! Wait a minute, Umm, Mark, I heard you are able to create something? And also, didnt we say to please stop with the honorifics?

It is as you have said, Sir.

Well, first things first, please stop with the honorifics. Theres no need for honorifics when were all the same age.

Its impossible to do so when addressing His Highness and Walford-kun! And also, when Im helping in the workshop, my position is the lowest, so this is the way I usually talk, Sir!

Its the same for me as well, since its necessary when Im helping with the shop Although I feel like I can drop the honorifics when I talk to His Highness and Walford-kun, its not possible to do so immediately.

Im being labelled at the same cla.s.s as Gus

It looks like you want to say something?

I dont really have anything to say Haa~ Then lets just end it with that. Its not good to force them to do it.

Im really very sorry.

Im very sorry.

You guys dont have to apologize every single time. And so? What did you make, Mark?

Well, Sir, as Ive said earlier, Im still an apprentice. However, just recently, I was finally able to make a knife Nevertheless, because I cannot disregard magic practice, I havent improved much, Im still far from it. It cant be helped.

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I see. If you can make a weapon, I thought that you could maybe make a weapon for me.

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