Magi’s Grandson

Vol 1 Chapter 11

Taking the Entrance Exam

After I separated with Sicily and Maria, I went back home.

Welcome back, s.h.i.+n-sama.

The gatekeeper, Alex-san, greeted me. Even though there were other people who were working the s.h.i.+ft as Gatekeepers, since Alex-san was the winner for the Gatekeeper Division of the servants deciding battle, he became the Head Guard of the mansion.

Again, whats up with the servants deciding battle!

Im back, Alex-san.

s.h.i.+n-sama, can you refrain from going outside on foot? If something were to ever happen to s.h.i.+n-sama, I would

I say, its okay, although I did encounter some thugs earlier when I was in the city, there was no problem at all.

Thugs! Did you really do something that dangerous!?

Thats why, I said nothing happened. As long as the opponent is not stronger than Michel-san, therell be no problem.

Michel-sama the former Knights General

Thats right, thats right. Thats why you dont need to be that worried. Anyway, thanks for your hard work.


Hmph, really, all the servants here are too overprotective. Even though up until now, Ive already faced wild animals in the forest as my opponents. However, I feel happy knowing that they worry about me.

Upon entering the mansion, this time, it was the butler, Steve-san, who greeted me.

Welcome home, s.h.i.+n-sama.

Im home, Steve-san.

Earlier, this arrived from the Advanced Magic Academy.

What? This is?

This is the Advanced Magic Academy entrance exam admission ticket.

Oh, now that I think about it, since the time Uncle Dis said Ill say something to them, I wondered what happened because there was no news at all. Uncle, it looks like you did your job properly.

I see. Somehow I feel like its finally going to happen.

s.h.i.+n-sama, you dont need to get so worked up. If its you, Im sure youll be okay. You can even aim for the Freshman Representative, probably.

Un, based on Marias story earlier today, as of right now, I feel like Im already standing out, and if I get any more conspicuous However, in a case where his grandsons score turned out to be barely pa.s.sing, I wonder if it would disgrace grandpa and Uncle Dis

Alright! Ive decided! Ill go full-force during the exam.

I understand. Thank you, Steve-san.

Its nothing, please do your best. All the servants will be cheering for you.

And so, when the new year began, a New Years party was held privately.

It really was a private party.

Since grandpa and the others came to the royal capital, many people came wanting to visit to try and get a connection with grandpa and grandma, but grandpa originally came to the capital for my social education. Because of that, all the people who came to visit were asked to go back home.

In the end, the party was held with only those who came to my birthday party the other day.

Since the King of the country also came, all the servants were super anxious. Even the Guard Division were on full alert. I think I will go and thank them for their hard work afterwards.

In any case, is it okay not to be at the Royal Party, Uncle Dis?

A few days after the new year, the day of the entrance exam for Earls.h.i.+de Advanced Magic Academy had arrived.

Since I intended to go to the academy on foot today, I didnt use the horse-drawn carriage. I already knew the location of the academy since I walked around the capital quite a lot in these last few days. It was located in the boundaries of the n.o.bles District and the Commoners District; it was a place where both the n.o.bles and commoners can easily attend. In addition, our house was also located between the n.o.bles District and the Commoners District, so itll probably only take 15 minutes to reach the academy on foot?

The things I brought with me today were my admission ticket, some writing utensils, and fufufu my newly acquired Citizens.h.i.+p Card at last! The citizens.h.i.+p card was something I didnt have when I first entered the royal capital so I finally got it in my hands!

Actually, this citizens.h.i.+p card is quite amazingly high-tech no, a high-magical item. It can recognize an individuals mana pattern, and since it wont be activated by anyone other than its owner, there are no items more suitable for a persons ident.i.ty confirmation.

And also, theres the Royal Bank in the Earls.h.i.+de Kingdom, and this citizens.h.i.+p card can be used as a debit card. The bank account is directly registered inside the card. Since it cannot be accessed by anyone other than the owner, and only the bank can modify the details of the account, one can make a deposit or a withdrawal in any nearby banks. Its almost impossible to tamper because of the strong security. Tampering the amount of money available in ones account is punishable by death. It seems this is one area where one absolutely shouldnt touch due to the confidence in their security.

By the way, the card doesnt have a credit card function.

Furthermore, one can also store a specific demons magic pattern for a period of one month. For Demon Hunters, before they go out on a subjugation mission, they go to the Hunter a.s.sociation and record the current subjugation mission information on their citizens.h.i.+p card. Then, when they come back from the subjugation, they can calculate the difference in mana before they left, and collect their reward.

Really, this citizens.h.i.+p card is amazing.

After walking in a merry mood while holding that high-te high-magical item, I arrived at the academy.

The academy where I arrived at, describing its size, I wonder if its a bit bigger than a private high school, probably? Since it has only 300 students in a 3 academic year system with 100 students in each academic year; its probably about that size.

Even after considering the Royal Capitals population, they only have this many students. Theres only one Advanced Magic Academy here, so it meant that its quite hard to get admitted here, huh.

Well, even though I said that this school was not that big, since it is still a school building, and despite how big it is, a person visiting for the first time would not know where to go. So, I searched for the venue of the examination on the information board.

Hey you, move aside.

Still, there are a lot of students. I wonder if there are enough cla.s.srooms to fit everyone?

Hey! You! Did you not hear what I said!?

Umm, the venue is ah, found it, found it.

This insolent fool!

Someone grabbed my shoulder from behind. And so, I grabbed the arm that was grabbing my shoulder and twisted it on the back of the opponent. Whats with this guy, being so annoying since earlier?

Guua! You b.a.s.t.a.r.d! What do you think youre doing? Let go!

Since just now, whats up with you? Why did you suddenly grab another persons shoulder?

While releasing his arm, I asked a question, and the cheeky little brat with blond hair and blue eyes started glaring at me.

You b.a.s.t.a.r.d! I am Cart von Ritzburg!

? Okay. Im s.h.i.+n.

It suddenly turned into a self-introduction, huh.

Suddenly, I heard chuckling noises around us. Why is that?

Yo-you b.a.s.t.a.r.d, I am the eldest son of the Count Ritzburg!

?? Oo~ Is that so.

You imbecile! Do you think you can go free after going against me like that!?

I just realized it after he said that. This aristocratic young master was threatening me by using his authority as a n.o.ble, huh. I thought no way since this is inside the Magic Academy. Nevertheless

You know, umm, Cart-kun? Wouldnt it be better if you just stop right there? Isnt it strictly prohibited to brandish the power of n.o.bility here? I heard theres a severe punishment for it, you know?

Theyre only Magic Academy Instructors, so what right do they have in order to judge me!

Whoa, such a radical statement. Didnt Uncle Dis say these words were tantamount to treason?

Isnt the situation getting a little out of hand? While I was thinking about that, a voice called out from the side.

Thats enough.

Mmm! Yo-you are

Who is he?

Brandis.h.i.+ng your authority inside the Advanced Magic Academy, and bringing harm to another Magician; this is an act which can reap the bud of an excellent Magician, and anyone who breaks this rule will be subjected to severe punishment. Rather than it being a rule of the Advanced Magic Academy, its supposed to be a Royal Decree.

Uhh, wel well, this is.

Oh? Cart-kun suddenly became quiet. I wonder if this n.o.ble has higher authority than him?

Or was that statement you made earlier a defiance against the Royal Family?

N! Theres no way itd be something like that!

If thats the case, dont make any more commotion. This place is the venue for the entrance exam. Dont do anything to upset anyone.

Yes I will certainly heed your words.

Then, he walked away while giving a gaze full of grudge towards me.

Why is that?

That was quite troublesome. Are you all right?

Huh? Ah, Im absolutely fine. I didnt think there would be someone like him who would do that kind of action inside the Magic Academy, so I didnt realize it at first.

f.u.kuku, the way you returned with a self-introduction was a masterpiece.

The young boy who looked like a high ranking aristocrat laughed happily. His height was about the same as mine, probably? Ah, right now I have grown to 175 centimeters. Hes an incredibly handsome boy with ocher-like blonde hair, blue eyes, and should I say porcelain? transparent-like skin.

Even so, although the Advanced Magic Academy prohibits aristocrats from abusing their power. But when it comes down to it, there are actually still a lot of people who would contradict that rule.

Ah, I dont have any relation of authority from my position, and I have doubts whether that can be called as a threat. It doesnt have any persuasive force to it.

Hmm~, it seems like youre really quite deviated from society just like Ive heard.

Just like youve heard?

From whom?

Ah, sorry for my late introduction. My name is Augusto. Augusto von Earls.h.i.+de. People close to me calls me Gus. s.h.i.+n, Ive heard a lot of things about you from Father.

Eh!? That means youre Uncle Diss son?

Oh? The surroundings became silent.

Kukuku, Uncle Diss son This is the first time someone described me that way. All the people I know will do nothing but try and flatter me the moment they find out Im the Prince.

I mean, for a long time now, Ive always treated Uncle Dis as a relative. And since youre Uncle Diss son, doesnt that make you my cousin? Thats how I feel.

Kukuku, Ahahahahaha!

Somehow he burst into a hysterical laughter.

I see, I see, cousin, huh. I remember having this strange feeling whenever I heard various things about you from Father. Even if you claim me to be your cousin, theres no uncomfortable feeling. No, rather, I can understand this feeling. I see, cousin, huh.

Im pleased to know that you somehow accept it with pleasure.

Hehe, since we finally met like this, I would like to talk a bit more but wouldnt it be bad if we dont go to the examination venue soon?

Eh, ah! Youre right. Its time to go now.

Well then, let us work hard together. I guess the next time we meet is during the entrance ceremony, huh?

Haha, Ill also do my best then. Or rather, its okay for you to just come to my house to play, you know?

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As a Prince whos awaiting the approaching ceremony of the official invest.i.ture to become the Crown Prince, I cannot easily go out for a walk.

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