Magi’s Grandson

Chapter 89.1


at 17th of September 2019 12:54:02 PM

Editor: Lord Immortal

Ive come up with many ideas of creating novel magic tools, including the ones that will be given to others as gifts . Now Its time to gather . Having strolled along the streets in Freigel Territory for hours, s.h.i.+n called others via the wireless communication device .

The girls seemed to have pleasant shopping, but the boys seemed to be very tired .

However, August was completely exhausted .

Hey, August, are you alright? (s.h.i.+n)

Im fine . (August)

OK . Everyone seems to be very happy . (s.h.i.+n)

I havent shopped with Kallen for a long time . I enjoy shopping with Kallen . But compared with this, s.h.i.+n, have you come up with some strange ideas? (Thor)

Hey, Thor (Kallen)

Yes . Please rest a.s.sured . I wont cause any troubles . (s.h.i.+n)

Really? (Thor)

Since Im the president of the chamber of commerce, Ill take these ideas into careful consideration . (s.h.i.+n)

Advertis.e.m.e.ntWell, OK . I trust you . (Thor)

Stop talking! (August)

August was angry at being ignored .

s.h.i.+n, its because you betrayed us that things turned out to be like this . (August)

With all due respect, August, are you going to punish me for that? (s.h.i.+n)

No no, I wont . (August)

Thanks a lot, s.h.i.+n, I had a wonderful time with August . (Elly)

This is the first time that I shopped with my brother . We had a pleasant time . (May)

Really? Thats great, May . (August)

Hahaha (May)

However, I would be surprised if I saw them hanging out in the street .

August was one of the fastest strength gainer in the world .

In a word, Ill entrust my fiance and younger sister to you from now on . (August)

Elly wont agree with you, to say nothing of May . (s.h.i.+n)

Brother, youve gone too far! (May)

Everyone was laughing and watching August talking to May, I found someone watched with a serious expression .

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Even Thor treats His Highness this way . (Kallen)

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