LV999 Villager

Volume 3 - Ch 10.12

Ok, lets talk about Negligence Syndrome (Or Hemispatial neglect, i dont know). Lets see this is a very, very interesting condition that occurs when a person is injured in a certain place in the right hemisphere of the brain (I dont remember which one).

The curious thing about this condition is that those who suffer from it are unable to recognize (that is, their brain becomes negligent in the task of recognizing) THEIR left side (the left side of their body), and not only that, but they cannot recognize everything that is, spatially, on the left side.

(For the one who does not know. The hemispheres of the brain controlling the body part opposite them. In other words, the right hemisphere controls the left part, and the left hemisphere controls the right part.)

In other words, the brains of people who suffer from Negligence Syndrome do not recognize the things that are on the left side, like if we divide a clock in half, the person suffer from this could only recognize the part where the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, while ignoring the half that contains the numbers 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. This is also not limited to your perception of things, but also to their memories.

People with Negligence Syndrome (lets called it NS) do not remember the things that are on the right side (with them as a reference point).

To give an example Imagine a square or any famous place you know, ok? Well, if a guy with NS were asked to look at this famous place from the front, and say the names of the streets next to it (assuming he know them), he would have no problem saying the names of the streets that are on the right side of the place, however, he would be unable to remember the names of the streets that are on the left side AND IT DOES NOT FINISH THERE. During the experiment they did to prove what I just mentioned, they made people go to the back of the famous place they were observing, and repeat the exercise while looking at the famous place from behind and what happened? Well, the same thing happened but with the opposite streets.

I mean, people this time were able to say without problems the names of the streets on the right side (which had previously been on the left side when they saw the famous place in front), but were unable to say the names of the streets on the side left (which had previously been on the right side), even though they had just said them.

I mean, this indicates that Negligence Syndrome does not cause people to be unable to recognize the things they remember / know that are on the left side itself, but the things that they recognize are found on the left side in real time to be more precise

Ok, and finally. People who suffer from neglect syndrome are unable to realize this on their own, I mean, even if they become unable to move their right arm, or do not see the things that are on the left side, they do not You will notice nothing strange.

During an experiment, they made those who suffer from this syndrome make some drawings (a clock, a flower and a house) and all drew only the right side of each of these things. When they drew the clock, they simply drew a circle with some arrows in which the numbers 1 to 6 were written in order on the right side (there have also been those who have put together the twelve numbers only on the right side), when they drew the flower , they drew a normal flower, but without any details like the petals or the leaves on the left side, and when they drew a house, they drew a half-built house that lacked the left side of course, it is not as if the people would not have tried to draw the left side of those things, however, the few things they draw looked like blind scribbles.

Anyway, we can assume that the neglect syndrome is a condition that seals the memories and the ability to recognize the things that are on the left side, and also inhibits the ability to realize this of patients (Actually, Patients suffering from Negligence Syndrome may even stubbornly insist that you are sure that nothing happens to them because of their inability to recognize their inability to see the left side).

Complications caused by Negligence Syndrome can be reduced through therapies, however, it is a really long process (those who take the therapies take months to show some remarkable progress).

Two things.

First.I made a kind of glossary where I explain several things about the translations and the Japanese, you know, like the meaning of the honorifics (San, Kun, Chan, Sama, etc.) or about the furigana and the way I use it .You can go to the link that you copy hereor look for the glossary in that bar that is above, you know, where it is from the Home (Inicio), Novelas en Espaol, Novels in English etc.

Second. From next week (this week actually) I will be a little busy with various tests and work. Well, it really wont be too much (I think I hope), but even so, maybe I may not publish anything for a week or two. Errrm, all this should last three weeks, so already, by the beginning of November, everything will be over (temporarily) Ok, that. NOW TO READ.

Welcome those who have passed all the trials and managed to reach me

In the middle of the wide dome-shaped space, and from its walls a greenish blue light emanated, was a large dragon whose black scales opaquely reflected the brightness of the white floor. The solemn voice of that dragon, whose body emanated a mysterious blue-purple aura that gave a certain sense of divinity, resonated directly inside the head of the 8 people.

your disastrous appearance makes me understand that the monsters you met on your way here presented you certain challenge

Oh no. Our messy appearance is mainly due to Takako-san. Although, well, the Monsters we came across on the way here were also strong

Tina said with her eyes lost and her pigtails down.

It had been a week since them, Alice, Menou, Rex, Krull, Tina, Palna, David, and Takako, entered into the hidden dungeon in the Saint Forest, in which theDark Dragonsupposedly inhabited.

None of them were injured thanks to Tinas Recovery Magic, however, for some reason, even the clothes they had stored inside her backpack were in a disastrous state.

That was due to Takakos new ability.

Skill Spirit Burst

Effect The power of the vital energy that sleeps inside the users body is able to flow at its will causing an explosion of power.

At first glance, it seemed to be a skill that allowed its user to control the vital energy that slept inside its body, the power called Ki, however, it was actually a skill that caused all of Takakos attacks, including the milder and harmless ones, were accompanied by an explosion. Of course, if Takako did not intend to fight, then the explosion would not be too powerful, however, on the contrary, if Takako was ready to fight, then the explosion that would occur would be proportional to her fighting spirit.

Takako herself had no control over her ability, for that reason, she ended up damaging both the monsters and their allies equally on the way to this place.

Each time Takako struck an enemy, she was able to completely overwhelm them thanks to the effect of her ability Penetrating Impact of Destruction, which allowed her to ignore her enemys defense, however, due to the effect of her Spirit Burst, every time she attacked an enemy, an explosion occurred, which extended to where her allies were, causing their clothes to be ruined.

What happened to that blond boy? He looks really bad

So you noticed. Please say something to the others. The treatment they are giving me is too unfair

TheDark Dragoncould not help showing a confused look after realizing that Rex seemed to be in a particularly more disastrous state than the others.

Takako, being the strongest member of the group, was in charge of eliminating opponents who seemed stronger so as not to put the rest in danger, however, since there was still the possibility that she made a mistake, the rest had thought that it was best to stay close to be able to join the fight in case of an accident. However, since the explosions produced by Takako, despite not being too powerful, were still powerful enough to make the rest fly away, for that reason, everyone, except Takako, was obliged to stay behind for the sake of conserve energy

That was when it was time to act for Rex. That was due to the great compatibility that existed between Takakos skills and the skills that Rex had managed to learn when he reached level 100 and level 200 respectively.

Skill Super Armor

Effect You are able to fix your feet to the ground at will.

With that ability, although he could not prevent the damage, he still could avoid being dragged by the explosions produced by Takakos attacks, no matter how powerful they were.

Skill Revenge

Effect You accumulate the damage received and then add it to the power of your next attack.

With that, he was able to convert the damage received into attack power. As long as he was able to survive the attack of any powerful opponent, Rex, the Hero, could use that ability to reverse his situation and aim for victory. For that reason, everyone decided to use Rex as a shield to protect themselves from Takakos explosions.

Even if an explosion occurred at close range, Rex would not fly away thanks to the stability provided by Super Armor, and at the same time, he was able to accumulate the damage he received from the explosion during battle to use it in his future favor. Of course, it was impossible to completely avoid the impact of the explosions just by using Rex as a shield. For that reason, although everyone had managed to get relatively unharmed to theDark Dragons lair, their clothes have ended up wearing down considerably.

Fufufu! Youre clearly her Best Partner!

David-san, why do you sound so cheerful?

Tina still clearly remembered the great smile that David had shown at the moment when he noticed the fiery look with which Takako had been looking at Rex after realizing how well combined her ability with that of Rex.

But certainly, it was thanks to what they had managed to get to that place. First, Krull, Palna and Alice launched their most powerful attacks against Rex so that he transformed all the damage he received in power thanks to Revenge, then Menou launched his most powerful magic into the hole that connected to the dungeon, then, Rex I use the technique he had created years ago, the True White Lightning Celestial Cannon, which had been powered by the effect of Revenge, firing it directly into the hole, and then, finally, Takako hit the ground with a blow loaded with all her strength, and enhanced with the effects of her abilities, which finaly managed to open a hole deep enough to reach the dungeon, which everyone jumped before the ground finished regenerating.

NT: As always, if you find something weird, whatever, just tell me in the comments

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