Lustful Paradise

Chapter 17: Does She Really Believe All These Fangirls Are A Disadvantage?

Gwen shook her head vigorously and chased away those negative thoughts before approaching Lucifer and hugging him from behind, wrapping her arms around his torso as she pressed herself against him.

"Hi babe, great work on the field today!" she whispered in his ear, kissing his cheek afterwards.

Many girls saw this act of intimacy between them and frowned in disapproval.

Lucifer turned his head to look at his beautiful girlfriend and gave her a charming smile, "Thanks, Gwen; it means a lot to hear you say that."

"So, how about we grab something to eat and spend time together?" She asked with excitement written all over her face.

"Sure! Let's do it! Just give me a couple of minutes to get changed first." He said before walking away from the crowd of fans surrounding him towards the changing room.

While waiting for Lucifer, Gwen glanced at the jealous faces of those girls as they glared daggers at her and couldn't help feeling satisfied that she had succeeded in marking her territory again.

Meanwhile, Lucifer entered the locker room and began stripping off his uniform. As he did so, Shawn approached him from behind and slapped him playfully on the back, "Good job out there today, dude. You were awesome!"

Lucifer thanked him as he removed his jersey and began changing into his regular clothes.

Shawn watched him in silence for a few seconds before saying, "You know, I think Gwen is kind of jealous of how popular you've become with girls after becoming captain of the team."

"Really?" Lucifer asked with surprise written across his features.

"Yeah, bro. I could tell by how she looks at those chicks whenever they swarm around you. And she always acts all territorial whenever they get too close."

Lucifer didn't know how to respond to that statement since he honestly didn't notice anything different in Gwen's behavior towards him or other people, which meant either Shawn was wrong about her being jealous or Lucifer was just oblivious to it.

Regardless, he chose to remain quiet about the matter as he continued changing his clothes.

After finishing with dressing up, Lucifer exited the locker room along with Shawn to meet up with Gwen.

"By the way, how about coming over to my house tonight? There is a game we could watch together," Shawn proposed as they walked down the corridor.

"Hmm, that sounds nice," Lucifer agreed.

"Awesome, see you later then!" Shawn said with a wave as he headed off in the opposite direction.

Lucifer watched his friend disappear into the distance before turning his attention towards Gwen, who stood waiting for him near the entrance of the building.

Upon seeing him approach her, Gwen flashed him a dazzling smile and hurried up to link her arm with his.

They started making their way towards the cafeteria, where they planned to have a quick meal together.

However, Lucifer noticed that her grip on him seemed tighter than usual, almost possessive.

'Maybe Shawn's right about Gwen being possessive over me? Well, I think it's quite adorable,' he thought to himself while observing her beautiful profile.

Soon they reached their destination, and the aroma of delicious food assaulted his nostrils, making his appetite grow stronger by the minute.

They ordered their food before taking a seat at the table near the window overlooking the campus grounds below.

"It's nice to see you being successful at sports as well as studies, Lucifer. And you are even more popular.

But I guess all this fame and fortune come with their own disadvantages, as you have to deal with unwanted attention from so many girls, huh?" Gwen commented as she leaned closer toward him, resting her chin against his shoulder.

'What is she talking about? Does she really believe all these fangirls are a disadvantage?' Lucifer wondered before replying, "Hmm... Yeah, it can be kind of annoying sometimes."

"I know, right. All these girls flocking over you after your performance in the match must have bothered you a lot." She continued on her train of thought.

'What the heck...? It doesn't bother me at all. Actually, I quite like it because it proves I am attractive enough to draw so much attention.

However, there was no need for Gwen to point this fact out; she's making it sound like an unpleasant experience for me,' He pondered in his mind, confused by Gwen's attitude today.

"You know, if these girls knew better, they would leave you alone rather than embarrass themselves like this by trying to seduce a taken man." She stated this with a hint of irritation laced in her tone while glaring at two girls sitting at a nearby table staring at Lucifer.

Lucifer looked over to see what she was referring to and noticed a group of girls from the cheerleading squad giggling amongst themselves. Upon noticing him looking their way, they waved at him and gave him a playful wink.

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