Lustful Paradise

Chapter 106: Are You For Real?

"Wha- what are you doing? Let go of me, Mike!" Rose yelled as she tried to pull away from Mike's grip, but he just held onto her even tighter, refusing to let go. She was struggling against his strength, but he was too strong for her, and she couldn't escape from his grasp.

"I won't! You're not going anywhere until you take back everything you said and apologize to me! I'm your boyfriend, dammit! You don't get to decide when our relationship ends! No fucking way!" Mike roared before lifting his other hand up to slap Rose across the face, but right before he could strike her, someone grabbed his wrist and stopped him.

The next thing Mike knew, he felt a hard punch hitting his stomach, knocking all the air out of his lungs, making him release Rose as he fell on his knees and gasped for breath. Then, another blow landed on his jaw, causing him to hit the ground with a loud thud.

"Ahhhh!" Mike screamed in pain as he held his aching jaw, struggling to stand back up. He was confused and disoriented by the sudden attack, but he soon noticed Lucifer holding Rose in his arms while Megan stood behind him with a smirk on her face.

"Lucifer?!" Rose gasped as she looked up at Lucifer, shocked to see him here. "What are you doing here?"

"Me? I was enjoying a date with Megan when I saw you two walking in here together. So, naturally, I wanted to know what was going on, and I'm glad I did. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to stop this asshole from hurting you," Lucifer replied with a smile as he tightened his grip on Rose's waist and pulled her closer to him.

When Rose heard Lucifer say that, she looked at Megan and saw the girl smirking at her. She could tell by the look on Megan's face that Megan knew about her relationship with Lucifer, but it didn't seem like Megan cared about it. 'How can he get women to accept him being unfaithful like that?

Does he have some sort of magic power or something?' Rose wondered before returning her gaze to Lucifer and giving him a soft smile. 'Well, it's not like I'm any different from her. I've also accepted him as my man, despite his bad habits.'

"Are you okay?" Lucifer asked as he brushed Rose's cheek with his thumb, checking if she was hurt. "Did he hit you?"

"No. You came just in time to stop him. Otherwise, I don't know what would have happened." Rose replied as she nuzzled Lucifer's chest and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Thank you for saving me."

"Haha, this is nothing. I liked how you decided to end things with this bastard. It showed me that your heart belongs to me and only me. Good girl. But tell me, why didn't you just hit him yourself? I know you can throw a mean punch when you want to."

"Because he grabbed me before I could react. And besides, even if I did manage to hit him, it wouldn't have done any good. He's way stronger than me, so I wouldn't be able to break free from his grasp, no matter how hard I tried. But you were able to stop him with ease, so I'm glad you showed up when you did."

"Hey. You could have just kicked his balls hard," Megan interjected, shrugging her shoulders. "That would have made him scream like a little bitch. Hehe."

"Oh! Why didn't I think of that? Haha!" Rose laughed as she shook her head and looked back at Lucifer, giving him a quick kiss on the lips before saying, "Thank you again, Lucifer. You are my hero."

"Fuck that hero shit. I am the devil, and therefore you must pay a price for my favor. Right, Rose?"

"Hmmm... I think I know what you want from me. But can we do it later? Let's take care of this guy first."

"Haha, sure thing. But let's give him a good show that will make him understand who you belong to now," Lucifer grinned as he pulled Rose into a passionate kiss, making her moan into his mouth as their tongues danced together. His hands slipped under her skirt, groping her firm ass, while Megan licked her lips and watched them with lustful eyes.

On the other hand, Mike had recovered from Lucifer's punches and was now glaring at them with hatred in his eyes. He couldn't believe what was happening right before his very eyes. It was like a slap in the face, and it made him see red. All he could think about was getting revenge on Lucifer for humiliating him like this.

"You fucking bastard!" Mike shouted as he tried to stand up, but his head was still spinning from the impact of Lucifer's blows, so he fell back down to the ground, holding his forehead with both hands. "Ahhh...! You think you can get away with this?! I won't let you! I'll make you pay for this, bastard! You're fucking dead!

You hear me?! DEAD!!!"

But Lucifer ignored Mike's threats as he continued kissing Rose. He was too busy enjoying himself to pay attention to what the other man was saying. He just wanted to have some fun with his bitch before dealing with him. Besides, Mike was in no position to threaten anyone at the moment. 'Heh. A pathetic man like that?

There is no way he can hurt me.' Lucifer thought before lifting Rose up and holding her against a tree as he continued to devour her mouth.

When Rose felt Lucifer's hard bulge rubbing against her crotch through his pants, she moaned loudly and wrapped her legs around his waist, pressing herself closer to him. She could feel her panties getting soaked with her juices as her pussy ached for attention, and she couldn't wait to get fucked by him.

Mike stared at them in disbelief as they ignored him and continued to make out right in front of him. It was beyond humiliating, and it only made him angrier. 'What the fuck?! Are you kidding me?! This can't be happening!

I'm going to kill this fucking bastard!' Mike screamed in his head as he forced himself back on his feet and charged at Lucifer, intent on attacking him from behind while he was distracted.

But Lucifer saw Mike's movements with the corner of his eye and dodged the attack right before Mike could attack him. He then gave him a flip kick to the side of the head, sending him crashing into a nearby tree, all the while still holding Rose up in his arms.

"Are you for real?" Megan gasped, as she couldn't believe what just happened. "How can he do something like that while carrying her? That's so cool!"

"Ahhhh!!" Mike cried out in pain as he fell to the ground and held his head in both hands, struggling to stay conscious. He could feel blood trickling down the side of his face, but his anger kept him conscious enough to look at Lucifer with hatred burning in his eyes. "YOU BASTARD!!!"

"You're still talking shit, even though you can't even stand? Let me fix that," Lucifer said with a sadistic smile on his face as he dropped Rose and approached Mike.

"Lucifer, what are you going to do?" Rose asked as she looked at Lucifer with concern in her eyes. She didn't want Lucifer to get in trouble because of her, but she couldn't help but feel turned on by the dominant way he was handling things. 'Is it wrong to think he looks so sexy right now?'

"What do you mean? I'm going to teach this guy a lesson about messing with what belongs to me." Lucifer grinned before grabbing Mike by the hair and punching him hard in the stomach.

'Umph..." Mike grunted as he felt his insides being crushed under the force of Lucifer's fist, and he gasped for air as he tried to regain his composure. But before he could recover, Lucifer punched him again, this time in the face, breaking his nose and sending blood flying everywhere. "Aaaaahhh!!! Stop it! Please! Stop!" Mike cried out as tears streamed down his cheeks from the pain.

Lucifer laughed at Mike's pathetic attempt to beg for mercy, and he continued punching him over and over again. "Did you stop when Rose asked you to stop? No. So why should I? You wanted to hit her, so here you go. Now you get hit, too." Lucifer said between punches as he kept beating Mike up until he collapsed on the ground, unconscious.

It took several minutes for Mike to pass out, during which Lucifer hit him so many times that he couldn't count anymore. All Mike could do was scream and cry as Lucifer beat him senseless, breaking his pride and body alike. It was brutal, and it was all captured on Megan's phone as she recorded the whole thing.

Once Lucifer finished, he stood up and smirked at Mike's bruised and bloodied face. "I hope this experience taught you not to mess with me. And if you ever come near Rose again, I will make sure you spend the rest of your life in a wheelchair."

Then, Lucifer turned to look at Megan and saw that she was recording everything on her phone. "You seem to enjoy watching me beat the shit out of people."

"Hehe, you were so sexy just now, so how can I not? Plus, it's a great way to remember this moment forever." Megan giggled as she winked at Lucifer.

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