Lord Evolution: Starting With SS-rank Skills

Chapter 113: Opaque reality [ 33 ]

After successfully brewing the potion, Dragun allowed it to cool for about two hours before storing it in the small glass potion bottles inside his spatial pouch. He was able to fill five potion bottles with the tire batch he had just brewed. If others had se him at the start of brewing and now during packaging, they would be pretty surprised by how drastically the volume had decreased.

Initially, it filled a large pot, but now it couldn't ev fill more than t tiny potion bottles.

Only Dragun knew that the amount he obtained was already perfect, as others might not ev get up to three bottles from their batches.

Dragun stored four of them in his pouch and stared at the one in his hand. The liquid inside was pale blue and looked highly volatile.

"I'm only a Tier Mage, so I need at least four of these potions to completely replish my mana reserves," Dragun muttered.

He studied the contts of the bottle for a few seconds before gulping it down. The bitter, hot liquid slid over his tongue and burned his throat as he swallowed.

Immediately, he felt a burning ssation in his stomach, as though he had swallowed hot coals.

His body began to sweat profusely as it produced an insane amount of internal heat, causing him all sorts of unimaginable pain that could kill a full-grown adult in less than three seconds!

Nevertheless, Dragun's body had become stronger and more durable than a normal human's, giving him the durance to withstand the unbearable pain—but that didn't stop him from feeling it, which was totally nerve-wracking.

As the minutes passed, the pain intsified. It felt like flames were racing through his veins, scorching every inch of his body. Dragun's heart pounded wildly, and his muscles tsed uncontrollably. His vision blurred, and beads of sweat dripped down his face.

He clched his jaw, trying to withstand the agony. Each breath he took felt like inhaling fire. The room seemed to spin, and his legs threated to give way beath him. The searing pain grew sharper, testing the very limits of his durance.

Just wh it seemed unbearable, a sudd coolness washed over him. The burning ssation began to fade, replaced by a soothing calm. His heartbeat slowed, and his breathing steadied. The tormt subsided, and strgth returned to his limbs.

Dragun exhaled deeply, relief flooding through him. His body had finally absorbed the potion's contts. He could feel a surge of ergy as his mana reserves started to replish at a rapid pace.

Thirty minutes passed, and the effect of the potion ded—Dragun checked his mana reserve and discovered he was still about 60% away from reaching his peak state.

He let out a sigh and swallowed the next potion.

He braced himself as he felt the second potion burn its way down his throat. The scorching heat returned, searing his insides and making his muscles tight. Sweat poured down his face, and his heartbeat thundered in his ears. Minutes crawled by as the pain peaked and th slowly eased.

Wh the discomfort faded, he checked his mana reserve. He was now 40% away from full capacity. Without wasting time, he uncorked the third bottle and drank it in one gulp.

The intse agony struck again, sharper this time. His vision dimmed at the edges, and he had to steady himself against a table. Every nerve in his body screamed, but he refused to yield. Gradually, the tormt lessed, and a cool ssation spread through him.

Another glance at his mana reserve showed he was just 0% short. Summoning his remaining strgth, Dragun swallowed the fourth and final potion.

The pain hit like a blazing inferno, the worst of all since his mana reserve sucked the mana more greedily and aggressively. He gritted his teeth, muscles quivering under the strain. It felt dless, but he held on. Evtually, the flames within subsided, replaced by a soothing wave of ergy.

As the last traces of pain disappeared, Dragun ssed his mana reserves fully replished.

He let out a loud sigh.

He wt to take his bath and cleaned the room using wind magic and water magic spells together, before walking out of the house.

It was eving, and people on the street greeted him happily as usual. He greeted them back and inquired about R's currt location. He was told that R was at the village square, so he immediately headed there.

At the village square, R was mixing herbs of various sizes, colors, and shapes inside a small wood bowl. After he finished, he handed the mixture to a feverish old lady sitting on a wood bch beside him.

She drank it without hesitation.

She didn't feel anything differt for the first five minutes as the concoction settled within her system. The cold and fever were still there and hitting hard, causing her pain.

But th, after another five minutes, it was as though a strange new ergy washed through her body and filled her with life, conquering the fever and cold she felt.

"I feel so good now!" she exclaimed happily, standing up and bowing slightly to R. "Thank you very much, Lord R."

R waved at her with a proud smile. "No need to thank me. Go back home and don't forget to eat healthy foods with plty of vegetables. This medicine I gave you will only calm the symptoms and fight them slowly. If you continue eating unhealthily, once the effect wears off after two days, the fever will return."

"Sure, I will," she thanked him and left.

R smiled and rinsed his equipmt with water. He was pretty happy that he had just helped another villager in need—it made him proud.

Dragun, who was observing not too far away, sighed and muttered to himself, "With this much knowledge of herbs, he might be accepted into the Devildoor School of Alchemists, but he's already passed the maximum age limit."

He shook his head and wt to inform R of his plan to return to Winterseed.

R was devastated by the news, but he had no choice.

"Please sd my greetings to Lord Rowan and Miss Liara," R said, waving at Dragun.

Dragun nodded before bringing out a magical silver slip and tearing it. Immediately, he teleported, unaware of the two dark figures trailing him.

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