Live Streaming: Great Adventure in the Wilderness

Chapter 250: 247: Give It a Try and Pass Away

Chapter 250: Chapter 247: Give It a Try and Pass Away

On the raft, Bi Fang, having escaped danger, took down the sail and wrapped it around himself. Then, he pulled out a large heap of charcoal, lit it, and moved closer to warm up.

The warmth spread through his fingertips, and the fish flesh in his stomach was quickly broken down, endlessly providing energy.

This was the third time Bi Fang had gotten wet. Unlike the previous times, he not only had a fire to bake himself but also a large amount of fish meat to utilize. Warming up both inside and out, it was far less uncomfortable than before.

After establishing an early advantage in survival resources, that’s just how domineering it was; his ability to resist risks had greatly increased.

Only when the cold had somewhat subsided did Bi Fang begin to perk up a bit.

In a life-or-death situation, it’s a great test for both physical and mental strength; the slightest distraction could lead to a separation between life and death.

Only then did Bi Fang have the leisure to look toward his live-streaming room. As expected, the barrage of comments had completely exploded. A quick browse revealed all sorts of remarks, including some viewers suspecting that the sharks were actors with superb acting skills, completely natural and indistinguishable.

[I suggest that the relevant departments dissect Old Fang. The revival of spiritual energy is right before our eyes, and I’ve long suspected that Old Fang is the first awakened one. Quickly dissect him for research and let me catch the train of the era!]

[Pang You, with the revival of spiritual energy, do you have a ticket?]

[Shocking, is a cultivator of qi right beside me?]

[I suspect Bi Fang is transformed from his true form. The evidence has long been in front of me, yet I failed to realize it. It’s too dark under the lamp!]

[With reason and evidence, it’s hard not to be convinced.]

Bi Fang felt a nerve twitch, only to think the wild imaginings of his online friends were outrageous, but it also better illustrated their doubts at the moment.

The online audience, Shuiyou, didn’t understand at all how Bi Fang managed to slip away under the watchful eyes of over a dozen sharks; their questions were like countless claws scratching at their hearts. With their limited knowledge, they could only lean toward the mystical for explanations.

“I know you all have many questions. The situation was urgent at the time, and I didn’t have time to explain. Everyone, please reduce the barrage of comments, and I’ll explain them one by one.”

Bi Fang rubbed his temples, waited for a few minutes, and then looked back at the live-streaming room. Sure enough, there were far fewer comments, with people seriously asking questions.

“First off, I remember saying that sharks are extremely sensitive to the smell of blood and can detect the scent of flesh in concentrations of one part per million. So, they can easily sense the ‘value’ of blood.”

“Humans are not marine creatures; the calorific content of our flesh and blood is too low to meet the nutritional needs of sharks. So most sharks are actually not interested in humans; they usually attack humans out of curiosity or mistake humans for sharks. Once humans are bitten and bleed, sharks will abandon the attack.”

“But the bite force of sharks is too strong, and ordinary people who are bitten usually have trouble surviving.”

At this point, Bi Fang felt a chill recalling the experience.

At that time, more than a dozen sharks were circling around him, and thinking of this method was a last resort, with an element of gambles; otherwise, he would have used it earlier on the boat.

But as it turned out, he had gambled correctly.

“Therefore, unless sharks are very hungry and have no better option, they may choose to consume humans. But the problem was, at that time, the school of sharks had already launched an attack on the school of herring, and two sharks were injured and bleeding.

Plenty of healthy, delicious fish blood was in front of them, and I was like emergency canned food, filling, but not delicious.”

Bi Fang picked up a slice of fish meat with his “chopsticks,” swallowed it, felt the warmth rise, and continued to explain.

“Besides, sharks’ vision is not good; they can barely see stationary objects. Although movement is relative, and they could still see me moving, it’s certainly not as obvious as when both of us are moving. Combining these two points, I’m naturally easier to overlook.”

“So, at that time, I chose to cut my palm. As long as I let out a suitable amount of fresh blood, the shark school would understand that I’m not a fish, not tasty, and have a low presence, I might be able to slip by.”

The comments went completely silent.

After listening to Bi Fang’s explanation, the audience seemed to be silenced at the same time. After understanding it simply, they couldn’t help but admire Bi Fang’s guts and courage.

Without a sufficient understanding of sharks, who else would dare to bleed in front of them?

Dare you graze past a group of sharks, known as the “wolves of the sea”?

Ordinary people, let alone think so much, get scared stiff. Really seeing a shark approach, they can only stand dumbfounded and be bitten.

Only a top-notch awareness coupled with top-notch maneuvers allowed Master Fang to emerge almost unscathed from the encirclement of more than a dozen sharks, perfectly avoiding a deadly situation!

After explaining all this, Bi Fang also recovered from his chaotic thoughts; he took a deep breath, recalling the life-and-death situation that had passed, and gradually relaxed his mind.

“To be honest, I wasn’t 100% certain that this method would succeed; it was a desperate choice made in a moment of rapid thought colliding. Moreover, there are always exceptions. What if there happens to be a shark that’s addicted to eating humans?

But at that time, I had no other choice. Looking back now, I was very lucky; the probability of success in doing this is quite high. If you one day face the same situation as I did, perhaps you could give it a try.”

[Trying it is dying!]

[I don’t understand very well, but I feel like I’ve wasted my studies. Also, can you dive during your period? This is a serious discussion.]

[I’m not going to argue this time. I’ll stay home and play with my goldfish.]

[This is the difference between black bread and steak. Who would gnaw on dry and tough black bread when there are schools of sardines?]

[Cannibalism really scared me.]

[I can’t believe it’s not the resurgence of spiritual energy, Old Fang, you’ve really disappointed me. If you don’t make an effort, when can I embark on the path to becoming an immortal?]

After understanding the reasoning, the online friends/admirers nearly worship Bi Fang.

This isn’t any superhuman ability or acting; it’s purely the product of rich survival experience and the strong decision-making ability forged at countless life-and-death moments.

However, many viewers had another question: why did the shark that attacked Master Fang underwater suddenly “die”?

Unexpectedly, Bi Fang shook his head.

“That shark didn’t die. Flipping the shark is a common method to deal with them. Many divers do this when attacked. Scientists call it tonic immobility.

Once the shark is flipped over, its brain secretes a chemical to prevent panic, trying to correct its upside-down visual world. If this chemical’s concentration gets too high, the shark will faint.

Moreover, sharks won’t suddenly stop while moving, nor can they change direction swiftly. A good swimmer can definitely outmaneuver a single large shark by quickly changing direction. That’s why a single shark is relatively easy to handle, which is why I succeeded so easily.

The difficult ones are the shark swarms, like the ones I previously encountered.”

The underwater training system provided by the System greatly improved Bi Fang’s agility underwater and his perception of water currents. Only in the moment of a shark’s attack could he dodge so adeptly; otherwise, it would have been impossible to succeed so easily.

If it turned into a prolonged battle, more sharks would join, and the situation would become extremely dangerous.

It seems that I should not forego training after returning, as this unexpectedly acquired device is quite useful.

“However, if you really encounter an accident, don’t try to emulate me. Instead, see if you can find a Shark Repellent on the life raft. Most life rafts are equipped with them, both chemical and electronic pulse types. Although they’re not 100% effective, they can certainly handle most situations.

However, the chemical type should only be used in extremely dire circumstances when conditions are severely adverse because its repellent will disperse in the water and lose effectiveness soon after.”

Having said that, Bi Fang yawned. Having reached a safe place, he felt sleepy as he relaxed, especially after eating.

The gain was not all lost this time. Although he didn’t catch sardines, he did get a large shark, two meters long. Even though it was eaten by more than half, the remaining scraps would be enough to eat for quite some time.

Keep in mind, he was awoken by the cold that morning and hadn’t rested well, not to mention contending with such danger, which drained a lot of his physical and mental energy.

So Bi Fang looked around, dragged the shark’s body to the middle of the raft, and said: “It’s about noon now, so I’m going to sign off and take a nap. I’ll see you all in the afternoon.”

Ten minutes later, having cleaned the bloodstains from the boat, Bi Fang crawled into the tent, curled up, and fell into a deep sleep.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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