Limitless The Strongest Revenant

Chapter 39: From today on your mine


The confusion and panic of the blue haired phantom in front of me was palpable.

Isabella told me there were not even records of any Formless becoming a phantom. Meaning the thousands of Formless reapers over the course of history were forever stuck as wraiths.

Yet the woman in front of me defied all that. Given how her father referred to how she fought as parlor tricks then he must have known that she was Formless.

Immediately upon my discovery I felt a sense of kinship with her. Unable to stop myself words of praise spilled out like a flood.

"I am in awe of everything you have accomplished Lilly. Just how much did you struggle to hide such a truth under the eyes of everyone. On the other hand, if they do know, just how much effort did it take you to get them to accept. Either case I find you amazing!"

"What?!" Lilly again repeated like a parrot.

Despite the words being the same the emotion behind both of her what's could not be any more different. If the initially her blood lust seeped out, now only joy remained.

It seemed that even a princess wasn't immune to praise. Ignoring her I moved to pick up the pieces of her sword and came closer to her.

"I am sorry about the sword, just give me time and I will reimburse you. I still am currently 26,000 souls in debt."

Perhaps still unable to process her feelings, Lilly remained stoic and accepted the pieces without so much as a word. Funny how despite her being crazy, my heart felt partial towards her. Maybe it was because we were both Formless?

A small voice left her lips as she pleaded. "Please don't tell anyone... That I am Formless."

Her request confirmed the one of the scenarios I had in mind. This woman fought her way to become a phantom while hiding her true self. Seeing how our group never hid and even boasted about being Formless she must have felt it unfair.

Well, I couldn't even imagine what a princess like her would endure on a day to day. Not that it had anything to do with me though. I still needed to get my father's legacy as soon as possible.

The more complex the firearm the more maintenance was required in order for it to remain functional. And I ignored the weapons for far to long.

"Understood. I will keep it a secret. It was nice meeting you, goodbye."

As I walked away the woman quickly grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back.

"Wait! That's it?! You do not wish to blackmail me into fulfilling your carnal desires? No attempts to use my influence or resources? Am I really that worthless in your eyes?"

What the fuck was this woman going on about now? She may have been impressive, but Lilly Browning was hands down the most annoying of the woman I ever met.

"What are you talking about? it's like you want me to take advantage of you or something!" I chastised in annoyance.

Lilly then acted like a child caught doing something mischievous.

"Ah, no, that's not it. This is my big secret you know. I learned from po... Ehem! research materials that men are scoundrels who would take advantage of everything to get into a woman's panties. I lived in fear of my secret getting out every day and here you are acting like its beneath your notice."

She was just about to say porn, wasn't she? so this woman due to not having friends used porn of all things to learn shit?

'David, David. You're a failure as a father you ass.' I inwardly complained.

I found her similar to Bella. The best way to mess with an innocent person was to either fulfill their fantasies or break them. Since she expected a scoundrel then let's give her one.

As the woman continued to fidget in place, I walked towards her and took a lock of her hair and took a whiff like an obsessed creep. My actions were effective as Lilly began blushing heavily like she was drunk.

"Then, from today on, you're mine. If you do not do what I say or go against, my words I will not only expose you, but I will make sure everyone knows that you indulge in porn like a slut."

"Wha..What do I need to do to buy your silence then," Lilly asked in trepidation.

"That is for me to know. Your body, your money or your life I get to decide. Understood?"


I believe my act became too effective, as the woman's breathing became labored as she began to rub her legs. What the fuck! This woman was a massive pervert! She was acting right? To get back at me? She must be.

As I no longer wished to humor her, I turned around and began heading to the Metro station or Arizona's train system. My family originally lived in Phoenix, and I went to Tempe after I left my father.

"Ah wait! Sweetheart! Don't leave!" cried the pervert.

As I turned around I found myself yet again making an annoyed face. "What do you want Lilly?"

"Why are you so hostile against me... Can't you be a little nicer?"

"If you keep wasting my time like this I am leaving. You have 60 seconds."

Seeing the beauty panic at my words seemed to have awoken my sadistic tendencies. Unused to having such influence over people I felt powerful.

"Ah! I no longer wish to be your handler. Just let me support you! Info, soulgears, I will even join you in combat. You should understand why as you know my secret now. I have access to a lot more confidential information than the average phantom."

"Why are you so intent on helping me. I have a beef with your dad, and I even broke your sword. Why go through all this when plenty would want someone like you? Why me?"

I was not the first Formless nor would I be the last. For what purpose was she so obsessed with me? I was not someone who looked highly on myself. I talked a big game, but I didn't even know if becoming a Revenant was even possible. I just lived moment to moment not wanting to regret anything.

"Because I wish to aim higher," Lilly replied with fire in her eyes.

"What do you mean? What does that have to do with me?"

"I have stagnated at the Phantom rank for years. No matter what I did I could not go any higher. I felt it as I watched you during the enlistment, and when you fought my father. Maybe you will lead me to where I am supposed be."

"Then you believe that I will become a Revenant?" I asked in curiosity.

"Yes. I do. I have, even before my father acknowledged you. So please allow me to follow you, John Smith. Please let me stay by your side. I won't be a burden I promise.

And when the time comes, show me the way."

"You are aware how insane you sound right? I have yet to even become a phantom. And you want me to show you how to become a specter and a Revenant?" I questioned her fiercely.

"I am, if I told you my {fate} led me to you, would you believe me? I was the one who gave you the 1911 by the way. Doesn't that show you my sincerity?"

Lilly then pulled out the black 1911 that was my partner during the enlistment. So what she said was true. But why did she leave a gun? Did she perhaps know I would be Formless? Did she know of my background before I died? It made no sense.

The questions about this entire thing made my head hurt. Still, for some reason just like the other girls, in my heart I felt this woman would never betray me. As naive as it sounded I was sure of it.

In defeat all I could do was just let Lilly do what she wanted. "Fine, then do as you wish. I lose nothing anyway."

Like a teenager who just received her Christmas present, Lilly made a brilliant smile as she hugged me and screamed.

"THANK YOU SWEETHEART! You will not regret this! A year from now you will beg me to help you."

"Okay, I get it. Can you get off me? I need to go somewhere."

"Oh? This would be our first date! How wonderful!" she teased with a seductive smile.

She would be at home with Jo and Robyn. But unlike those the blonde ball of energy and the combat Joey that never stopped cursing, Lilly was elegant and graceful despite her overflowing emotions.

And so Lilly tagged along with my dull commute to Phoenix. As hard as I wanted to deny it, having a beauty around you would lift anyone's spirits. Lilly's presence was like a ethereal fairy that felt out of place in the arid scenery of Arizona.

Throughout the journey she appeared like a country bumpkin who just came out to the big city!

"Sweetheart, look! look! What is that?!"

Her cheerful voice and beautiful face drew a lot of attention. A couple of guys even tried to approach her only to be shot down without mercy.

"You are tainting my memories with your disgraceful faces. Can you please find a ditch and bury yourself in it?"

Of course anyone who tried to get physical got curb stomped like cockroaches. Lilly fought with a unique style of American kick boxing. And even while in a dress she moved both gracefully like a swan and savage like wolf.

After about an hour we finally arrived in Phoenix and headed to the warehouse district where my father's legacy was kept. Lilly got extremely passionate and used me to deter the guys who approached her.

With our arms interlocked we looked like a newly wedded couple going out on a stroll. She was a bit taller than me, but I didn't mind such things. And It wasn't like she was my lover anyway.

A good thing that came out of her company was the amount of information I got about the world of the reapers. After hearing what she had to say, I felt like an idiot for my simplistic thoughts. I needed to do better as soon as possible. If I wanted to survive my new life that is.

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