Limitless The Strongest Revenant

Chapter 208: Maybe a week? [1/2]

"We should have a welcoming party! Oh! We should also prepare some music and food! Oh no! I don't think we'd have ough time!"

Cynthia, who had gone insane, began to ramble on like a wedding planner, Addison and Yvonne laughing as they added a few suggestions. While everything they suggested sounded good on paper, I didn't think the Sirs would like it.

"Cynthia, stop. While I appreciate your efforts, I do not wish to make such a spectacle tomorrow. Just prepare a room for us to rest in."

Somehow my words had the opposite effect, as the honorable presidt of the LLG was transformed into a shrieking teager.


"Patron! How lecherous! What do you intd to subject the ladies to? Will you defile them to your heart's contt! Such depravity!"

"Oy! Look here you two!"

"Hmm. It looks like we didn't have to worry about resting your mind after all. Although you will be fighting a differt kind of battle, sev to one should not be too difficult."

"Shut it, dwarf!"

"I should tell Arcus Kiss that we will be booking their largest room for the night. Let me call them now."

"Like I said, we're not like..."

"Cynthia, shouldn't we also serade them with music and flowers?"

"Ah! You're right, Yvonne, we should also prepare battle attire for the night festivities."

"Right! As the mistresses of the LLG, we should also prepare a gift for them," the Vice Presidt exclaimed.

"Look, you bastards..."

"What should we give them? Lingerie? Aphrodisiacs? Maybe something customized? What do you think Yvonne?"

"Hmm, that would be difficult, Patron hasn't shared anything about them, not ev their names. How would we ev know their sizes?"

At the d of my rope, I slammed my hand down on the table while invoking death resonance.


The three stooges suddly took a step back and knelt before me. Wh I saw Yvonne shaking from the death resonance, I clicked my tongue. Once again, I suppressed people wh they stopped listing to me.

'If I don't control myself, this will become a bad habit,' I regretted.

These people were not my subordinates, but rather my allies, so overpowering them like this would definitely cause unnecessary ill feelings. After all, they only wanted to show their good side to the Sirs.

"Look, guys, I apologize for my outburst. I appreciate everything you all want to do for me. But the Sirs and I are just frids at the momt. While it is true that I appreciate them, I have yet to make anything clear. Please hold off for now. I will ask for your support wh the time comes."

Forgivess betwe two parties usually involves pride and power dynamics. Ev though Hellsgate praised my performance, I still considered myself an ordinary person. As such, I make mistakes and should know how to accept my faults.

The three people who heard my apology smiled and stood up. It seemed that they didn't think much of my outburst and simply accepted my words.

"No harm done, Limitless, please forgive us as we are also at fault. As Addi said, we are in your debt for a lot of things, and we wish you happiness. Since you hardly ask for anything, we overstepped and wanted to serve the ladies," Cynthia replied with a smile.

Addison th added in a serious tone. "Limitless, as a fellow man, I understand the importance of timing. Wh you make your decision, call for me, the LLG and I are at your disposal."

"Patron, I am rooting for you! If things don't work out, remember that the tire Gold Wick is ready to comfort you."

"Yvonne! Limitless will shoot you if you keep this up."

"Girl, I know how you feel, but at least wait until he fails!"

I smiled at the antics of these people. Maybe it was because they were Phantoms? I noticed that Reapers were gerally much more loyal to their desires. Dying unfulfilled probably had something to do with it.

"Yvonne, I have already told you. I have no interest in childr. I have absolutely no inttion of giving up on the Sirs, ev if they reject me. They are mine. And no one can change that."

Cynthia gave an irritating smile as she replied.

"All that bravado is fine and all esteemed Limitless, but matters of the battlefield and the heart are differt. Just be careful that your flowers are not tak from you."

"I think we have overstayed our welcome. Limitless, as we discussed, I will have our people work on these. They should be ready in two days. Please look forward to them."

Addison put the boxes back in his backpack and left with Yvonne and Cynthia. As I left the room, I saw the rest of the nd Amdmt outside the Dispatch building. They were sured by a mob of reapers.

Ev without trying, the discussions going on were loud ough for me to hear.

"Scott, cmon man, ar't we like brothers? Can you maybe get me in?"

"Not my decision, go away," the redneck replied curtly.

"Joshua, didn't I help you before? You owe me! Let me talk to Limitless!"

"I don't owe you anything, fuck off!"

"Santiago! I heard you got a good gig. We want in."

"List puto, get a job instead!"

"Claire, you know I always found you incredibly beautiful, how about we go on a date?"


"Boo ain't interested, nigga, walk before I make you."

"Who the hell are you supposed to be?"

"I'm her brother from another mother, now shoo!"

Wh the nd Amdmt saw me walking out, they brushed off the mob and headed toward me. Of course, the Reaper mob also noticed.

"Black hair, black suit and red tie. That's Limitless, right?"

I stared at the reapers without a word. Half expecting some of them to make unreasonable demands, I waited a few momts. But of them had the guts to ev try to talk to me.

Not wanting to waste any more time, I began heading for the receiving area. The nd Amdmt followed me like bodyguards.

Wh we got a little farther, my squad started gossiping like teagers.

"Amigo, I was tse as hell back there. I didn't know if Hefe was going to shoot those poor bastards."

"Yeah, good thing the boss was able to control himself."

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