Life of a Magic Academy Mage

Chapter 74

Chapter 74

What should be done to dissuade students from waking up to the new properties of magic and going that way?

I just had to let them know that I could die the moment I entered that road.

Professor Voladi swung the marble like a madman. Not joking, I felt the intent to kill seriously.


‘The marble’s weight has gone up!’

Han Lee realized that Professor Voladi had increased the weight from the sensation he felt when marbles collided.

I felt the meaning of not obsessing over the crap rotation and compressing the water beads even more.

…But even if I just said it in words, Lee Han would have understood.

Sparks flew in the only two classrooms. Only the rupture could be heard in the tense air, which was different from before.

We controlled the magic sphere while staring at each other in silence.

‘…should I kill the professor?’

An idea popped into Lee Han’s head that wasn’t particularly the first time.

Of course killing them was a joke, and it was more like breaking one or two places and making them sick.

It was not an emotional judgment.

Now, Professor Voladi was throwing marbles with a serious intent to kill.

However, Lee Han’s magic control ability increased significantly in a short period of time, but it was not at a level where he could win 1:1 with the veteran Professor Voladi.

How can Lee Han survive in this situation?

Even if I didn’t kill the professor, I had to at least interrupt him from focusing properly.

‘Can I do it?’

Lee Han concentrated his whole mind. A new incantation flowed out of her mouth as she kept the ball of water compressed and spinning in front of her eyes.

“Spring up!”

With the incantation, new water began to form and appear in the air.

For freshmen with little magic experience, simultaneous magic like this was close to taboo, but it didn’t mean much to Lee Han.

I had already confirmed with my body several times that it wouldn’t be a problem just because some magic power was wasted.

And now, rather than wasting magic power, Professor Voladi in front of him was more dangerous to his life.


There was a strange feeling in Professor Voladi’s emotionless eyes.

‘Are you thinking of increasing the number of marbles?’

It was the idea of a cornered freshman, but not a good one.

Increasing the number of marbles only made it harder to control, but Professor Boladi was able to break through them.

It was good to act without standing still, but the direction was wrong…

“Expand your shield!”

Lee Han shouted with a strong desire. In an instant, a huge mass of water transformed into a solid shield and wrapped around Lee Han.

At that sight, the corners of Professor Voladi’s mouth twisted slightly upward.

< Water Shield > was a 2-circle magic that summoned water and fixed it in the form of a shield.

The magic itself wasn’t that difficult.

However, the boy from the Wardanaz family in front of him had never directly learned the < Water Shield >.

He realized magic by thinking for himself.

The way to summon water is < Water Creation > Circle 1 magic.

And the way to move and shape the water is < Lesser Manipulation > 1st Circle magic.

It was a very good sign that someone could not understand the magic itself even if he told them the spells and movements of the magic itself, but to reason and develop magic on their own.

To become a good wizard, you had to be able to improve and create your own, not just imitate the spells written in your spellbook.

‘It’s better than increasing the number of marbles, but a water shield isn’t a good choice either.’

Admiration is admiration, and Professor Voladi prepared to teach the student in front of him.

The orb with concentrated magical power rushed towards the shield with a bloody speed.

If you pierce the improvised shield as it is, it’s enough…



Professor Voladi’s pupils widened slightly.

The strength of the water shield was stronger than the professor expected.

Only then did Professor Voladi realize the identity of the water shield.

I felt the amount of mana several times that of a normal water shield.

Since it does not need to move as quickly as a marble, it was strengthened by generously injecting mana to increase the amount of water and compressing it.

The water orb requires control, but the water shield requires relatively less control, so the overwhelming amount of magical power was easier to shine.

Before he could admire it, a water ball detoured from the side and flew to smash Professor Voladi’s head. Airborne has been converted.

Professor Voladi ducked his head slightly to avoid it. There was not the slightest hint of embarrassment on his face.

“Go and bite!”

Lee Han ordered the Bone Summoner. The Bone Summon that was waiting in the belt rushed.

At the same time, Lee Han kicked the chair under the water shield and sent it flying. I could feel my tenacity to somehow destroy Professor Voladi.

Professor Voladi smiled at all the attacks. Lee Han became anxious as if he had met the demon archduke of hell.

One more marble appeared behind Professor Voladi, who had only dealt with one marble so far.

The newly appeared orb shattered the bone summoned beast (Ggagang!), shattered the flying chair as it was (Kwajik!), and slashed the water shield as it was.

Professor Voladi looked at Lee Han. Lee Han watched what the demon archduke of hell said.

“Good job.”


Maybe it’s not the Devil Grand Duke of Hell, but the Devil King of Hell?

* * *

After asking 17 questions, Lee Han could understand what Professor Voladi was thinking.

no i could have guessed Professor Voladi’s ideas will probably forever and never fully be understood.

‘ah. So…’

Now the class is about control of water orbs, but Professor Voladi is basically someone who appreciates students’ creative endeavors (if they work), so Lee Han can bring in a water shield, kick a chair, and create a bone minion. Even if you sent it, it’s good to see it.

Hearing that, Lee Han became a bit curious to see if Professor Voladi would have done the same well even if he set the classroom on fire.

I think I will set fire to the lecture room next time if my life is threatened…

‘No. In that case, the Headmaster Skeleton will kill me.’

Han Lee felt sorry for him.

“Looks like you’ve lessened your thoughts on rotation.”

“Thanks to Professor.”

Lee Han had to work hard not to include life in his voice.

“It’s no wonder that spinning properties are attractive now. But don’t fret. Because the rotation attribute will be learned intensively someday. Sometimes the way back can be a shortcut.”


It would have been touching if another professor had said it, but I wasn’t very impressed when Professor Voladi, who chased after me with a knife, told me to take a shortcut every time.

‘I think I’m already taking a shortcut enough.’

“yes. I won’t even dream of spinning properties, I’ll just focus on what I’m learning now.”

“Perhaps you can guess.”


It wasn’t once or twice that Professor Voladi omitted a word, so Lee Han wasn’t surprised.

‘Let’s read it calmly.’

“That is the training that I will challenge next.”

“…excuse me, what are you talking about?”

“What you just showed me.”

Once the control of one marble was usable, it was time to move on to the next.

The wizard couldn’t stop even for a moment. I had to constantly develop and explore.

Professor Voladi gestured. Tables and chairs all around stood up in unison. It was as if he was threatening Lee Han.

“In the future, you will learn to focus in the chaos around you.”


“You may use the ones you just showed me again.”

“Is that so?”

Lee Han was a little surprised.

If it was Professor Voladi, he would have known to say ‘block only with marbles to improve your skills’.

To allow a shield…

“Yes. I will raise the difficulty level accordingly, so you just have to focus on the task in front of you without being impatient.”


If Lee Han could handle the beads while using other magic, there was no need to stop him.

It would be more beneficial if you could use other magic and control the beads at the same time.

“Wouldn’t it be easier to concentrate if I gave up my shield and summons just like I gave up on spinning?”

“no. Spin directly affects control of water orbs, but not shields or summons. The sooner you adapt, the better.”

Lee Han thanked Headmaster Skeleton.

Didn’t I tell you that he fired a fire in the mountain and roasted a mud golem?

I couldn’t even imagine what a terrible situation would have happened if I had even talked about the flames.

* * *


Professor Lightning Walk was concerned when Lee Han, who tended the vegetable garden behind the hut, looked particularly tired.

Tiredness, of course, was something that all the students at this school had, but the Wardanaz boy was a much more determined boy compared to the other students.

But why are you so tired?

“What are you doing these days that make you so tired?”

“Is that so? I’m fine.”

Lee Han dug potatoes and put them in a basket. Even though he tried to be calm, the fingers holding the potato writhed greedily.

“Tell me your schedule for the day.”

“I’m really fine.”

Lee Han explained the schedule for the day as if asking why.

First of all, I woke up early in the morning, went to the stable, forcibly threatened the disobedient horse, fed it, washed my body, and combed it, then went for a walk together and came back.

After feeding the students of the Tower of the Blue Dragon, take the morning class, come back for lunch, prepare a meal, and then go to the afternoon class… “…” “Why are you doing that


“Oh no. Go on. what class are you taking? Seeing that, I’m curious.”

“Today, I listened to Professor Voladi’s < Repetitive Learning of Basic Magical Combat > lecture.”


The expression of the lightning step twitched loudly.

Even if you have to listen to it, why would a lecture by a madman like Professor Voladi…?

“…Anyway, I’m planting a garden like this after roughly listening to the lecture.”

“You are truly born to be the representative of the Blue Dragon Tower.”


“done. So… you’ve had such a hard day, aren’t you unhappy about working in the garden?”

Lee Han was suspicious for a moment.

When professors usually say, ‘If you have any complaints, tell me,’ I had to be suspicious. It was most likely a trap.

And apart from that, I didn’t have much complaint about the gardening itself.

“Not much?”

Lee Han said while holding a potato and a carrot in each hand. The payoff from the garden was very satisfactory.

The lightning step suddenly made me feel guilty.

…Can the best talent in the empire be like this??

“That… yes. really. There is a cow that I brought with me in the back, and if you want, you can milk it and take it with you whenever you need it.”


Lee Han looked at Professor Lightning Step with a respect he had never seen before. Professor Lightning Walk was dumbfounded, so he tried to say something, but he held back.

* * *

While Lee Han was working in the garden, Professor Lightning Step kept asking questions if he was bored. There was a story about running away because of fear of the spirit (even though there is a tree spirit?)

, and thanks to the tree spirit, the crops in the garden grew better than expected, so it was said that it was okay to grow more things (don’t give me a thunder step, take it)…

Lee Han, who was washing his hands in the flowing stream and brushing them off, suddenly remembered and asked.

“Professor. By the way, can we get a flying vehicle at school?”

“…why why do you ask that?”

The professor’s voice cracked in a strange way, but Lee Han didn’t notice.

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