Level Up in Earth Evolution

Chapter 26: Blood Wolf Hunt - 2

"Get ready to attack and ask for help if needed," Li Wei said, looking at them.

"Okay, brother," Li Xin and them agreed with a nod.

Seeing them agree Li Wei focused his attention on the blood wolves.

"Then I will go ahead," with that, he sprinted directly toward the wolf pack with sword in hand.

'I should slow down their movements first,' he thought as he looked at the wolves and swung his hands towards them, "Frost Nova," he chanted activating the skill.

*Whoosh*, with a sound, a white freezing wave with snow swept towards the blood wolves.

*Awoooo*, the wolves noticed it and let out a howl, hurriedly gathering together to defend because the area covered by the skill was too large, not giving them a chance to avoid it.

With a whoosh the freezing wave hit them.

*Rawaaa*, they let out a deep menacing roar as they stood together in the freezing wave.

Li Wei looked at the wolves moving forward. "They can defend together, but let's see if they can withstand my attacks again," he thought with a smile, aiming his hand at them.

"Fireball, Fireball, Fireball," he chanted directly attacking without hesitation.

Elva also didn't miss the chance. "Sister Li, let's attack," she said, readying her bow.

"Mhm," Li Xin nodded and aimed her staff. "Elemental Arrows," "Fireball," they both attacked with their long-range skills simultaneously. Their attacks headed towards the wolves who had just defended against the freezing wave.

*Rawwaa,* the wolves roared again upon seeing the attacks coming towards them. This time, they didn't attempt to defend and hurriedly dodged.

But it was too late as the first three fireballs reached them. *Boom, Boom, Boom,* with a booming and sizzling sound, a blast of fire hit some of them, lightly burning their fur and causing serious injuries to few.

Li Wei looked at the results with a nod.

'It's a good thing that I can control the mana; otherwise, I might have burned them into charcoal, decreasing the rewards of the quest,' he thought.

The guild had given them so much money because of the wolf monsters' fur, and it was okay to burn a few, but he couldn't do it with every one of them.

*Boom* *Swhoosh* The wolves hadn't recovered when the attacks of Elva and Li Xin hit them, killing the seriously injured.

[Ding...] [Ding...]

*Rawwaaa* Seeing their kin getting killed, they screamed in anger and charged directly towards Li Wei, who was approaching them with a sword.

Li Wei looked at the pack of wolves, ignoring the notifications from the system.

"I should use Swordsmanship; it will be easier to kill them without causing too much damage. Footwork and Arcane Shield are a must to avoid getting blood on my clothes," he murmured, and without hesitation, he chanted, activating the skills "Arcane Shield" "Footwork."

*Swooooh,* with a sound, he sprang towards the wolf packs like the wind, with a transparent shield covering him.

*Rawaa,* the wolves roared again, attacking him with bites and claws.

"Swordsmanship," Li Wei chanted softly when the wolves reached the attack range.

*Swish,* the sword in his hand glowed blue as he slashed at the neck of the wolf that was biting towards him.

*Slash,* with a sound, the sword cut through the neck, beheading the blood wolf.

He didn't care and attacked the nearby wolf, beheading them. The same fate followed for the nearby wolves as he overpowered them.

[Ding...] [Ding...]

*Awoooo,* the wolves howled when they saw him killing and beheading their kin, suddenly coming to a stop and retreating a little, looking at him with vigilance who overpowered them.

"Oops," Li Wei looked at them with a wry smile.

'I should've held back a little. If they decide to run away, I won't be able to stop them,' he thought with a sigh.

If they ran away, he could catch up with them due to his agility, but he wasn't going to leave Li Xin and his party alone here. It didn't matter if he missed the rewards.

"Alice, Elva, XinXin, get ready to attack and use a bit more MP than usual, but remember not to use too much," he reminded them.

He was going to attack with everything he could. If some managed to escape, he wouldn't be able to do anything.

"Okay, brother," Li Xin said, followed by Elva. "We'll be ready for the attack," while Alice stayed in stealth beside him, also preparing for the attack.

He nodded and looked at the wolves who were still hesitating to attack or not.

'I can use Frost Nova to slow them down, but the effect won't be too much unless I use more MP than usual,' he thought, wanting to try what would happen.

He wanted to see just how much mana he could pour into the skill and what the effects would be. With that thought in mind, he aimed his hands at the blood wolves.

*Grrrrr,* the blood wolves snarled at him angrily and backed away a little, but they still didn't run away and looked around for an opportunity to attack.

Li Wei didn't care about their reactions and chanted "Frost Nova." With a swoosh, a white freezing wave formed around his hands, but he didn't release it and let it revolve around his hands.

"Let's add more mana," he murmured and directed the mana towards it while keeping an eye on his MP bar.

100... 200... 300... 500...

At five hundred Mana, the freezing air revolved more fiercely, emitting more power and coldness.

'It's a good thing that my stats are high, or it would be trouble to handle it. But let's see what happens after I add more mana,' he thought.

With his high stats, he was able to cast a skill with more power; otherwise, he might get hurt from it.

600... 800... 900... 1000

With every point of mana the freezing wave started to change.

At 1000 mana he suddenly stopped and looked at his hands, where the freezing wave turned into a deep blue ball and silently floated in front of his hand.

'I have a feeling if I go any further, I might get injured or the skill will go out of control,' he thought.

"But this might work and can slow them down for a while," he murmured and looked at the wolves, who were also observing him with vigilance.

"Go," he murmured. The blue ball directly headed towards the wolves, revolving slowly.

*Grrrrr,* the wolves snarled at the ball and became ready to retreat.

The blue ball arrived in front of them, landing on the ground softly.

*Crack,* with a cracking sound, it broke and disappeared like crystals. Everything looked normal when, *Swoosh,* a terrifying force of air formed where the ball had disappeared.

*Awooo,* the wolves finally sensed something amiss and decided to run away quickly, but it was too late as chilling cold hit them suddenly.

*Whooosh,* with a sound, the wind turned into a chilling cold ice and fully covered an area of fifty to eighty meters covering with an ice layer.

The wolves also fell to the same fate as a layer of ice formed on their bodies, freezing them like ice sculptures.

Li Wei looked at the effect and became a little speechless.

"Isn't it a little too powerful?" he murmured. He never thought that it would be able to freeze them like this.

Li Xin, Alice, and Elva were also stunned at what happened.

"Is this the Frost Nova?" Li Xin asked with an unsure expression. She had used it before but didn't know it could turn out like this.

Elva beside her nodded.

"Yes, it is, and it will only happen if you pour too much mana into it. But it will only confine them a little longer and will be useless if the skill level is too low," she explained.

*Crack,* just as she said, the ice layer on the blood wolves started to crack little by little.

Li Wei, who was near the wolves, noticed it first.

"Damn, they are cracking," he didn't hesitate and sprinted directly ahead.

"Attack now, don't give them a chance to escape," he shouted at them. "Swordsmanship, Footwork," while activating his skills to attack.

*Whoosh,* with a sound, he arrived at the wolf who was at the edge and attacked.

*Slash,* the ice-breaking sound reverberated with the beheading of the wolf.

"Fireball," Li Xin also fired her attacks without hesitation.

"Elemental Arrow," Elva too didn't hesitate and fired her arrows, with Alice also attacking with her dagger, "Deadly Strike."

*Booom,* *Swoosh,* *Sizzle,* *Slash,* with every attack, sounds reverberated through the air, and the number of wolves decreased without them noticing.

*Crack,* *Crack,* *Crack,* suddenly, more and more cracking sounds rang with the shattering of the ice layer on the wolves.

*Rawwwaaa,* seeing the attacks and the death of their kin, they became even madder and directly attacked without caring about their lives anymore.

*Rawr,* *slash,* *boom,* *Awoo,* once again, they roared and whined as they were killed, and some tried to escape, only to meet Alice who was hiding in stealth.

Li Wei killed them one by one, beheading them swiftly.

'It's easier to kill them now because the effect of Frost Nova is still affecting their movements. I think I should also try using other skills with more mana and see what happens," he thought and beheaded the last one with a slash.

*Slash,* with a thud, the head fell onto the ground, filled with blood, ice, and water.


A notification sounded again, but he ignored it and looked at Li Xin and the others.

"Are you guys all right?" he asked, wanting to be sure. He was still worried about Li Xin because there was too much bloody scene.

"We are all right, brother," Li Xin said with a smile. She thought, 'He's being overprotective again.'

He didn't let any monsters who were not injured come towards them. They only got to kill the injured ones, making it easier.

"Yes, we are all right," Elva said, followed by Alice, who shrugged her shoulders at him.

"Brother Li, you can't be that overprotective, or it will be hard to fight with strong monsters in the future," she said, shaking her head.

Seeing everyone was all right and had no injuries, he felt relieved and ignored Alice's comment.

"Okay, then let's collect the corpses of them and move ahead to the quest location," he said, collecting the corpses of the blood wolves.

Everyone also nodded and followed suit. After they were done, they arrived at the quest location, only to be dumbfounded.

They saw all the blood wolves dead, their bodies half-eaten by some kind of monster.

"Is that a blood wolf?" Elva asked with a stunned expression when she saw a black wolf eating the dead blood wolves like a hungry beast.

Unlike them, Li Wei was saddened.

'Damn, my money,' he cursed, not caring about the black wolf but the money.

They needed to give the corpses of the blood wolves to get the reward, and now, with so many eaten corpses, there was no way they would get the rewards.

He looked at the black wolf with irritation.

'Damn bastard, you took my money,' he cursed, using Analyze Eye to check its status.


**Analyze Panel/Start**

Name: Blood Wolf Leader (Field Boss) | Type: Evil

Status Effect: Evil-Mutation (HP,MP & Spirit Buff)

Rank: E+ | Level: 18

HP: 66000/6000 (60000+) | MP: 1475/475 (1000+)

Strength: 102 | Agility: 105

Intelligence: 99 | Endurance: 108

Spirit: 95 (100+) | Luck: 56

Skills: Bleeding Bite-9, Bloodied Pounce-9, Bloodthirst-8, Bloody Claws-9.

Special Skills: Blood Fury-10.

Negative Status Effects: Hungry, Berserk.

**Analyze Panel/End**


Because his level was the highest among them, he was able to see its status without a problem.

'An evil monster and a mutated one at that, but its buff is much weaker,' he thought as he examined its status, not worried at all.

'But why does it have negative status effects, and it's too weak to be called an Evil Monster?' he frowned with a puzzled expression.

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