LEVEL EVERYTHING UP in my Eldritch Tribe

Chapter 38: Real world Tribe idea

Suddenly, Lyerin paused mid-step.

Corora and Cornelia, clinging to him, exchanged questioning looks.

Corora's eyes searched his face for answers, but Lyerin was lost in thought, his mind trying to put together the conflicting emotions and strategies he could use in this real world.

'Why am I trying to leave those women behind?' he pondered. 'Leaving the city might be easy enough, but what then? The space eldritch creatures and intelligent beings outside are far more terrifying. Maybe... maybe I can use the other side to create a tribe in this realm. I can create an army.

Isn't that better? Isn't that safer?'

Memories of his past flooded his mind. He remembered why he had always chosen to be alone, the betrayals he had faced, the scars that had never truly healed. He began to mumble, his thoughts spilling out in a low, almost inaudible murmur.

"I've wanted to be alone ever since I became a slave," he began, his voice tinged with bitterness. "Betrayed by those I trusted, abandoned by those who promised to stand by me. Alone... it was the only way to survive, to keep from being hurt again. Every time I opened my heart, it was crushed. Every alliance formed was a prelude to betrayal.

Being alone meant being safe. But now..."

He glanced in the direction of the basement where the women were held.

The image of their tear-streaked faces lingered in his mind. "If I take them to the tribe in the ruined magical world, level up their loyalty towards me, maybe I could create an army in this realm too. An army I never had in my past life. Soldiers bound by loyalty, driven by a common purpose, which is my purpose! It's not just about survival anymore. It's about power.

It's about control."

Lyerin turned back abruptly, feeling like he had made his final decision. He moved casually towards the basement, Corora and Cornelia in tow.

When he reached the basement, he addressed the women directly, his voice strong and commanding.

"If you want to live, you must follow my orders from now on, but if you don't believe me, you can leave," he declared, his tone leaving no room for doubt. "The undead flesh-eating creatures outside are fast, they have a good sense of smell, and they are relentless. If you make a sound, if you hesitate, they will find you. And they will kill you."

The women stared at him, wide-eyed and terrified.

Lyerin continued, "We will form a group, a unit. Where we will move together, but I needed all of you to follow my lead. I will protect you, but you must trust me and do exactly as I say. This world is dangerous now, but we can survive if we work together."

One of the women, her voice trembling, asked, "But what if we can't keep up? What if we slow you down?"

Lyerin's gaze softened slightly. "I won't leave anyone behind. We move as one. Strength in numbers. Loyalty and trust will keep us alive."

Another woman, her voice stronger, asked, "What's the plan? How do we escape this city?"

"First we will find a secure location," Lyerin replied. "A place where we can regroup, gather supplies, and plan our next move. This city is crawling with dangers, but there are safe havens if you know where to look. And I do."

Corora, standing beside Lyerin, added, "He saved me and my sister. We trust him. You should too."

Lyerin was surprised, he looked at Corora with surprise, who looked at him shyly, and then he nodded in agreement.

"Sadly, we cannot escape or go back to our families. So I need all of you to be with me in order to survive. Do you have any questions?"

The women exchanged glances, fear and hope mingling in their eyes. They don't know why he needed them, but they felt like they needed to answer carefully.

They saw how scary Lyerin was, killing the two traffickers earlier with ease.

One by one, they nodded their heads.

They had questions, of course, but none that could change their current reality. Survival was the priority, and Lyerin was their best chance. And he didn't seem to want to harm them like the first two.

Lyerin crouched down and gently placed Corora and Cornelia on the ground. He looked each of the women in the eyes, his expression serious. "Introduce yourselves," he said firmly.

The seven women exchanged uncertain glances, hesitating before one of them spoke up.

The first woman, a petite brunette with a determined look in her eyes, stepped forward. "My name is Maria," she began. "I come from a wealthy family. My parents are business moguls, and I wanted to become an idol to make a name for myself beyond their shadow. But I was naive and ended up here, trapped by those monsters."

Next, a tall, athletic woman with short hair introduced herself. "I'm Elena. My family isn't wealthy. We live in a middle-class neighborhood. I trained in martial arts and thought becoming an idol would bring me and my family a better life. Instead, I was deceived and sold into this nightmare."

A slender woman with long, flowing hair stepped forward next. "My name is Sophia. I'm from a poor province. My family struggled to make ends meet. When the opportunity to become an idol came up, it seemed like a dream come true. But it turned into a nightmare when I was kidnapped and brought here."

Lyerin listened intently, his eyes scanning each woman's face as they spoke. He hated the Borgias Family the most and needed to ensure there were no connections to them among these women.

If one of them were from the Borgias Family, he would execute her or them without hesitation, regardless of the others' feelings.

A young woman with glasses, looking fragile but resolute, spoke next. "I'm Lydia. My family is also middle-class. I loved singing and wanted to share my music with the world. But instead of finding a stage, I found myself in chains."

Another woman, with fiery red hair and a fierce demeanor, stepped forward. "I'm Fiona. I come from a wealthy background, but my family disowned me when I chose to pursue a career as an idol. I thought I could prove them wrong, but I ended up here instead."

A timid girl with soft features and a quiet voice was next. "My name is Emily. My family isn't well-off. We live in a small village, and becoming an idol was my way of helping them. But it all went wrong when I was captured."

Finally, the last woman, with a calm and composed expression, introduced herself. "I'm Natalie. My family is of modest means. I've always been passionate about dance and thought becoming an idol would let me shine. But I fell into the hands of traffickers instead."

Lyerin heaved a sigh of relief.

None of them were from the Borgias Family.

His hands would not be tainted today.

As the women finished their introductions, Lyerin nodded. "You have been through a lot," he said. "But now, you need to understand the reality of the world outside. The two traffickers showed you the cruelty that awaits outside, and I'm here to confirm that it's all true."

Corora, clinging to his side, nodded in agreement. "We barely survived outside," she added softly. "The world has become so dangerous now, I don't know what to do."

The women looked at each other, absorbing the gravity of the situation. Lyerin's presence gave them a glimmer of hope, but they needed to see the truth for themselves.

Lyerin continued, "Now, there's something important I need to know. How old are you all?"

The women glanced at each other, then one by one, they answered. "We're all turning eighteen this year," they said almost in unison.

Lyerin nodded, satisfied with their responses. He needed to ensure their age before considering bringing them into the ruined magical world and integrating them into the tribe he planned to build.

The relief on Lyerin's face was palpable. "Good," he said. "That means you're all old enough to enter the ruined magical world."

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