Level 99 Villainous Daughter

Volume 3 - Ch 22

Enough of thisnonsense!Itoldyou,Imnot yoursubordinate!

Oh,Isaidit becausehes so persistent.

Theevilgod, whoseemed tobeon thevergeofexploding,saidquietly.

Activateadministrator codetargetstopped.

Iwas about toaskhim what he woulddowhenIrealizedmymouthwasnt moving.

And not justmymouth.Icouldnt movemyhands,legs, or evenmyeyes.

IsawPatrick and#2also motionless from thecornerofmyeye.They are probablyjustas immobile asIam.

MyonlyhopeisRemn, whoisinmyshadow.

Youcant move,canyou?Thisisthepowerof God.Thefourofyoufour?Ah, Isee, yourein theshadows.Remn,wasit?To me, youre as good as ahuman.

Eh,Remncant move either?Thenits no use.

The evil god looks at us, unable tomoveaninch, andspeaks.

Youknowfirsthand what itmeanstodefyme

Theevilgod who spoke at length wasswallowedby a black pillar thatdescendedfrom thesky.


The dragon breath with dark attributeshastheeffectofdissolvingthetarget.Nomatterif it is stone ormetal, it willdissolve.No matter howgoodtheevilgodis, he will be unsafe.

Dragon.Administrator code activatedtargetstopped.

Theevilgod came out and said flatly in his unchanged wavering mosaic form when Ryuu stopped the breath.

Therewasnosignthatithadworkedat all.Inaddition,itseemedto havestoppedRyuusmovement.

Icannotmovemyeyes, soIcant confirmit.But sinceRyuuisnt breathing or roaring,Imsurehecantmove.

Istillcouldntmoveeither.Nomatterhow mucheffortIputinto it, mybodycantmoveamuscle.What shouldIdo?Think,think,think.

Whats going on?!Iheardaloudnoise!

Badthingshappenin achain reaction.

ElanoraheardthesoundofRyuusbreathand came out of thehouse.


One after another, so troublesomeAdministrator code activatedtargetstopped.

He alsostoppedEleanorasmovementfollowingRyuus.

Not thatstoppinghermovementaffectsourstrengthandsituation.

No,Iwouldnt know sinceIcouldnt look back.TherewasnowaythatEleanoracouldwithstand the mysterious power that neitherI, Patrick, norRyuucould

Whoa!Icouldnt move for amoment!Whatisthis?


What thehell?!


How could she move?Ididnt think it was possible unless shehadsome secret hidden power, but thenIheardavoice.

We willhavetotalkabout this the next time youputEleanoraindangeragain.Administrator code activatedtargetreleased.


Isawawomanwithwhitehair and a shining forehead whenIturned around.

Itwasnowondershe hadjoinedthefight,giventhatEleanorawas in trouble.


StopcallingmeDeco-chan!MynameisSanon!I willtransportyou.Getready!

Sanoncan travel anywhere thesunis shining, or so Iheard.IrememberRemnhadtriedtouseher as ataxi, but sherefused.

Sheprobablyjustwants togetEleanoraaway from thebattlefield, but itsanicegesture.

Sanonmadeher move withoutwaitingfor aresponse.Thelightis so blinding that I cantseeanything, and ithurtslikehell.

Ouch, ithurts.


Oww, thathurts!

ThatwasRemn,#2, and myreaction.Somepeopletakeheavydamage from thelight.

When thelightdisappeared, thesceneryaround us changed completely.

Thisplacewaswhere I had first metSanon.Nothing but anemptygrassland.Therewasnoneedtothinkabout thedamagedoneto thearea.

Next, weneedto checkon thepeoplewho have beentransported.Theresme,#2, andRemn.Patrick was alsothere, andSanon, whomanagedto transport multiple people instantaneously, was next to him.

You cant forget to mentionthat the mysterious blur, the Evil GodKugelschreiber, wasalsothere.

Haa,spatialtransfer.Nothing can bedoneabout it when the entire phrase isspecified.

He showed no signs that the sudden transitionfazedhim.

Wehavemanagedtosecurea place wherewedont have toworryabout oursurroundings.Allthatremainedwastodefeattheevilgodat allcosts.

Theonlywaytodealwith theevilgod thatusesmysterious restraining abilitiesisforSanontohavesomewayto counter them.

The God of Light, whom I rely on,puthermouthclose to myear.

I haveconsumedmostof mypowerbyliftingtherestrictionsandtransportingyou.Therestis up to you.


I couldntcarrythedragon, and thatson me.Iapologizefor that.

Thisplaceisdangerous!TheresnowayI couldbringRyuuhere!

Ah, okay.

RyuuandEleanoraaremeantto beprotectedin ourhome.They shouldnot get involvedwith an unknownevilgod.

But I wastroubled.Even ifyouknowitscoming, thereisnowaytoavoidtheevilgodspower.

As much as Iwantedto calm down andhavea strategy meeting, theevilgod wouldnt allow it.

Haa.Ihaveto start over again.Administrator code

Not again.At thisrate, he wouldstopus from movingagain.

Punchingwill usually help in thesesituations.

AsIapproachedthe Evil GodKugelschreiberor the mysterious blur,Ipunchedit hard.

MyYumielaPunch hit somewhere around theevilgodsarea with all my might.Idid it.Huhmyfistslipped through.

What?IthoughtIhithim?Icouldfeelit.Butitslipped through.Itdidnt feel likefogor anythingWhat thehell?

Its useless.Youand I are different.Youcanttouchsomeoneyoucantseeclearly.

Imunsureabout itslogic, but physical attacksseem to beineffective.

Then, therearemagicalattacks.Ryuusbreathdidnt work asexpected.

Theevilgod is about tousehispoweragain, so I hastily activate mymagic.



Theblurrymosaic is shrouded inblackspheres.

BlackHoleisaspellthatmakesthe whole spacedisappear.Since he wasaffectedbySanonsspatialtransportation, there was agoodchance that it wouldwork.

The jet-black spheredisappeareda fewbeatslater, shrinking toward thecenter.

Yep.Thespherewasgone.Theatmospherewasprobablygone, too.But he was standing there completely unharmed.


Didnt I tell you it was useless?Yourspellispowerful, but itonlyremovesmaterialfrom yourlevel.

Icantdothis anymore.

Ihave neverfoughta superior opponent before.And lately,Ihad beenfightingagainstopponentswhoonlyneeded a single Black Hole tofinishthem off.Deep down,Iwasproudof myself for thinking that ifitcame downto it,Icould use magic towin.

Physical attack is no good, neither is magic.Itwas alreadytoolatetosettlethematterthroughdiscussion.

ThistimeIcant do it.Ima bug-levelstrongcharacter, but theevilgodistherealdeal.


Ive run out ofideas.

Icommendyou for yourgrace.Administrator code

Dont give up!

Hisbodyispiercedby stone spears that sprout from theground.

Its not working, Patrick.Its not working at all.

You dont know when to give upAdmin

Thisguyhas a weakness!Youjusthaventfoundit yet,Yumiela!

Patrickslashedtheevilgod.The sword passes through theair, and the blurred mosaic only wavers slightly.

Theevilgod has beeninterruptingme in the middle of myspeechOh!

Administrator code

Dark Flame.


Black Hole.



Yeah!Thanksfor thehelp, Patrick!

He nodded firmly when Igavehim alookofgratitude.

Heneedstosaysomething about an administrator code or something toactivatehispower.Andyou caninterruptit byattackinghim.Themomenthesaid, Adm, I couldshoothimandshuthimdown.

But theevilgodhasnoshadow.Youmustnoteyoucant useshadowlance, akindofmagicwherestuffcomes out of theshadows.


How long doyouthinkyoucankeepup this charade?

If onepunchdoesnt work,Illpunchyoua hundredtimesmore.Ifa hundredtimesdont work,Illhityouathousandtimes.IllkeepgoinguntilIgetyou.


BlackHoleoh, were yougoingto say stupid?I made a mistake.Please dont saythat. Itseasily mixed up with otherwords.

Yosh, back to thetopic.

Thereareplenty ofwaystodefeatan invincible enemy.Thingslike learning aspecialbreathing technique from amysteriousojisan,havingamysteriousojisanteachyou theconceptofdeath, orhittinga purplePikmin.

Although Ive beenrelyingonothers, there arestillmanyothermethods.Letstrythem all.

The Black Hole has beendisabled, and Im feeling unusuallyblue.Letsstartthehellishendurance battle.Fuhahahahaha.

Itwasallthanksto Patrick.Hes the bestkind ofboyfriendwho isalwayson mysidewhen Im down.

Thanks, Patrick.

Mhm.Yourspeechwas cool.

Huh?Dont hit on me so suddenly!

Sorry, I cant help myself.I like that about you.

Ok, wait a minute, whathappened?Ithoughtthiswasthepartwhere hedeniedhe washittingon me?

Eh?Wait, whatdoyoumean?

While mybrainwasscreamingwitherrorsfrom the sudden confession, Patrickpreventedtheevilgod fromdoinganything.

No,no,no.Puttingtheburdenon himaloneisnot agoodidea,consideringthelongwar ahead.

Illberightbehind you.If thetwoof us work together, it wont be thetwoof us alone.We could have used more help.

I understand how sorry they couldfeeltoenterourlovey-doveyspace.But no slacking off.

Uponcheckingon them, Isawthat#2andSanonwere having a conversation somewhere near thebattlefield.Seriously, no slacking off,guys.

Hey, you.


I dont care about yourname.Ihaveaquestionforyou.Why didntyoufight back when hetriedkillingyou?Youre a lotstrongerthan God of Darkness, arentyou?

Yourworldsversionof meisthe one whodecidestotakethe nonresistance path.Imnot theoneyoushouldvequestioned.

Youre not me, but wehavethe same thought process.Then,youshouldknow, right?

Iwas about tocallthem, butIcouldnthelpbutoverhearwhat theysaid.

Iam eavesdropping.ButIalsowonderwhySanontakesthe nonresistance path.Theconversationprogresseddespite myworries.#2was argumentative, whileSanonwas nonchalant.

I prefer notto getinvolved withhumans.Thereisnopointininterferinginhumandisputes.

Iguessitsnot agoodidea for God tointerferein anykindoffight.But Ikilledyou,youknow?

Even so.Evenifyoukilledme, no God shouldkillahumanevenifitkillsus.

Haa?Ahuman?Howcansomeone whocanhandle monsters behuman?Howcana singlehumandestroytheworld?Comparedto the Demon King, yourethe worst.

YumielaDolknes, you are definitely ahuman.Youre one of thehumansItreasure.

Imnothing more than a look alike.

#2turned away and retorted.

SanonisSanon. Shesstraightforward like that, just casually spitting facts.

Up untilnow,Iveonlyseenher insituationsinvolvingEleanora, soIdidnt know, but her impartiality is crazy.Sheconsiders#2, whobroughttheworldto anend, tobeahumanand does nothing tointerfere.Becauseofher self-discipline, she couldntevendoanything about herpredicament, let alonehumanitys.Eleanorawould have been one of#2svictims.

Thetimingwas off as Ifumbledtocallthem.I could hear Remns voicebelow myfeet.

Really,Sanon.You went too far with yourawkwardness.

Its beyond too much.

Ivebeenthrough alotin thepast.Seeingyouoffertohelplike this surprised me.

Sanonjustcouldnt seeEleanorain a tough spot.It was neither tohelpRemnor me nor tofightagainst theevilgod.

Whatever hermotives, the God of Lightsavedmylife.She wasabletoreleaseme from myrestraintsand even transport us.Incomparison,Remndoesnthavemanyopportunitiesto beinvolved.

But he looked like akid, soIcouldnthelpit.Henoticesmystare.

YouthinkIm useless, dontyou?

No.Inever thought about whatyouweredoingsneaking around in theshadows.Ihaventeventhought about what it wouldmeanif we gotstucktogether.

Ihad no choice!Iknewhewasgoingtousethecode, butIdidnt thinkhewouldusethe whole space!

Igetit.And thecode?

Thatguyisfamousfor being reluctant tousehispowers!

Hesaidhedidnt know, despite it sounding likecommonknowledge.

Now letsgivethishugetask toRemn, who has been feeling worse than Iimagined.Thisisatask that onlyhecanperform.

We dont have time totalk.Giveme back mysword.

Right, Ikeptit.Here.

Remnquicklypulls outtheswordfrom theshadowsandholdsitoutto me.Hepulleditwithout so much as a flick of thewrist.

Itsdifferentfrom whathepromised.Hewassupposedto takeitout in a cooler way.Theresnopointinleavingmyswordin hishandsiftheresnoperformance.

Afterreceivingthe pruning sword,Sanon, whoseemedto have beenwatchingthescene,raisedhervoicesharply.

What do youhavein yourhand?!

Iknowthis isdangerous.

Its way beyond dangerous!Such ahorriblething

Sanondoesnt seem tolikemysword.Iwonderiflightand dark are incompatible with each other?Its not like myswordwilleather. Shes overreacting.

Ihave plenty to complain aboutRemnforgivingup theperformance, but we are running out oftime, asIsaid myself.#2hasstartedtojointhe saturation attack against theevilgod. Idbetterjoinin.

Lets not do this today.Swiftly, Ipulledtheblacksword from its sheath.

Come to myhand, pruning sword, reaping theworldsbranchesand leaves.

Eh?What did yousay?


Imumbledachantabsent-mindedly, RemnheardwhatIwassaying.

Mymindhasabattlebetweenmychuunibyouself thatenjoysthe chanting and isashamedof it.Before wesettlethat,letsquicklyfinish thebattlewith theevilgod.

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