Lazily Yours.

Chapter 13: Lasers

Chapter 13: Lasers

Seeing her knowing smile, Old Man Huang immediately decided to check everything about Shen Qui again. However, before he could even start setting this plan into motion, Lyca already declared. "Don't investigate him."

"Why?" When he saw that Lyca didn't have the intention to expound upon her words, Old Man Huang nodded. Since she didn't want him investigated, Lyca must have a plan on how to deal with Shen Qui. "Alright. I understand. Since it's already like this, I will not intervene. Just do whatever you want." He waved his hand, gesturing for her to leave the office. Talking to someone like his granddaughter was truly troublesome as he would be forced to think thoroughly about every word. It seemed that Lyca was indeed the right candidate.

Slowly, his eyes shifted towards the frame on his shelves. He stared at the picture on the top shelf and sighed.


After Lyca left her grandfather's office, Huang Li Duo decided to give them a tour of the tall building. Of course, a part of this was to show off his daughter, Huang Xiaoxuan's familiarity with the company. This was a clear sign that she had been to this building before unlike the lazy and ignorant Lyca Huang who had never shown any interest in managing their family business before.

"This facility is complete. We have a Dojo for people who want to get some sweat out of their bodies, a gym, a firing range equipped with all the latest firearms technology in the world, a computer room, a research laboratory that is in charge of researching and developing weapons and high tech tools." Huang Li Duo watched Lyca's blank expression as he gritted his teeth inwardly. Everything that he said could amaze anyone. Why was Lyca not showing interest in any of this? Was it possible that she did not understand his words? "Do you want me to explain?" he asked Lyca who was looking at the lighting in the all white corridor that they were walking through. Was she wondering about the lighting?

Huang Li Duo couldn't stop himself from frowning. The only good thing about this tour was the fact that Lyca's father, Huang Sheng Hong didn't accompany them. He had actually decided to go to the training room and watch the new batch of recruits train while leaving his daughter alone to tour the company with Huang Li Duo.

"That one." As expected, Lyca pointed at the white light that was used in the corridors. "Does it have lasers?"

Her question surprised him. However, he quickly recovered and nodded. "Yes, the lasers will be activated after working hours. Every corridor that leads to the research facility has a laser mechanism that automatically detects intruders." To make this place more secure, not many people knew about the lasers. Even Huang Xiaoxuan who accompanied him often since she was a child did not know of this matter. "However, that is confidential. I wonder how you knew that it has a laser mechanism? Did my younger brother tell you that?" He raised an eyebrow. He was already planning to tell all this to his father.

As the patriarch and director of the company, Huang Yi Cong clearly told everyone who knew about the security mechanisms of this building not to tell anyone about them. This was one of their highly guarded secrets. How could Huang Sheng Hong tell Lyca about this confidential secret? Wasn't that a breach of their father's trust?

"I wouldn't ask if I knew." Lyca's words immediately made him frown. He opened his mouth to rebut her only to realize that he actually didn't know what to tell her. Lyca indeed was wondering if it had lasers. She was asking a fucking question! Embarrassed at his own assumptions, Huang Li Duo turned his head away and continued talking about other things inside the building instead.

"Just like the military, we recruit young people and train them. We do this because our elites accept difficult missions from private companies. These missions are the ones that must be kept a secret from everyone. If something goes wrong, the employer would not accept any responsibility for the mission. Of course, most of these youngsters are from different orphanages and do not have immediate families." This was common knowledge in the family. The Huang Family was not only a security company but it did all sorts of business including assassinations, secret missions and other confidential things that needed utmost secrecy.

"Once one of you becomes the new CEO, every mission taken will need your approval. You along with some important people in the company will decide which missions will be accepted." Pride laced his voice. "Our Huang Family does not accept missions without a hundred percent guarantee that we can do it. We pride ourselves in our hundred percent successful mission rating." He eyed Lyca and smirked when he saw her completely in a daze.

What he didn't know was that despite Lyca's blank expression, she was already cursing and complaining inwardly. Deciding which missions to take? Meetings? Managing the recruits? All of these needed hard work! How could she act happy when she heard such stuff? Soon afterward, Lyca's mood turned sour. Her goal of living a happy and lazy life seemed to be farther away than what she originally thought.

Seeing her downcast expression and slumped shoulders, Huang Li Duo and Huang Xiaoxuan laughed inwardly. They immediately thought that Lyca was so shocked at all this that she turned gloomy. She must have realized that her knowledge about the company was too little. What an embarrassment!

These thoughts made Huang Li Duo and Huang Xiaoxuan beam. They eyed each other, their eyes glinting with mischief as they continued walking.

"Next we will go to the training grounds." Huang Li Duo hid the victorious smile from his face and plastered a worried look in its place. "Lyca I hope you won't be surprised by any of this. Our recruits tend to be so hot blooded and fierce. Sometimes, these youths can't control themselves and will shed some blood while practicing."

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