Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Chapter 97- Talks with a Dragon

Chapter 97- Talks with a Dragon

[Keeno POV]

After the thing even worse than a mongrel disappeared from the void, I turned to face the golden dragon.

“So, spirit, where am I and why am I cut off from my wife?” (Keeno)

“Hmmm…Call it a spirit realm of sorts.  It’s something that extremely powerful beings can create just before they die so they can watch over their descendants and make sure they stay out of trouble…or maybe it’s a thing only dragons can do.  I’m not too sure on the details myself, I just know I could do it, so I did it.” (???)

“So, are you ever going to introduce yourself?” (Keeno)

“Ah, my apologies, Keeno, I-”

“I never gave you permission to use that name.” (Keeno)

Already having been extremely irritated by seeing the face of that thing, my fuse was already nonexistent, so this dragon spirit using my name so causally nearly sent me over the edge.  The blood that was still on the floor of the void started to boil even more.

“Pardon me, descendent Okami, I am Fafnir, originator of the name and your first ancestor in this world.” (Fafnir)

Seeing as the dragon was at least trying to be cordial, I decided that I’d let the name thing go this one time.  The heat died down a little, though everything was still boiling.

“So, that’s who you are and where we are, why am I here?” (Keeno)

“I thought I’d take care of two things at once since I was reawakened by the taboo being broken.  The first being accomplished after the foolish descendant had my name removed from his soul.  The second being my conversation with you.  Fret not with explaining the details of your life, I have seen your memories from when you were born to present day, so I know everything about you.” (Fafnir)

“I don’t appreciate having my memories read, Fafnir.” (Keeno)

“Hmhmhmhmhm.  It’s unavoidable but rest assured that only I know what is contained within them, and, if things pan out as I hope they do, you won’t have to worry about me much longer.” (Fafnir)

“Well, finish what you want to say, I have things to do, and I’d much rather be doing them than this.” (Keeno)

“Quite the feisty descendant, aren’t you, though I do understand why.  But you are correct, I should finish what I have to do.  First, I’d like to apologize as matriarch of the Fafnir family.  What you were forced to go through when very young was not something any descendant of mine, or any child should have had to face.  I know it means nothing to you, who’s found family has provided what blood could not, but my heartfelt apologies all the same.” (Fafnir)

Since her body was massive, she didn’t move much, though she did close her eyes and moved her head in a way that I figured was a bow of apology.

“Second, I’d like to give you some things, even if they mean nothing in the world of the living.  As my last descendant, I’d like you to take the name Fafnir.  You need not introduce yourself with it to mortals if you so wish, but should you ever deal with another dragon, please use it as you see fit.  I know not how much influence it will have, but back in my day, I was quite the renowned dragon whose riches were unending and whose scales were coveted by all for their worth as materials and currency.” (Fafnir)

Before I could even say a word, my expression must have betrayed what I was thinking.

“Before you refuse, I ask that you truly consider it.  I know what meaning you assign to the name but think of it another way.  It’s another thing you can take away from the foolish descendant and something you can hold over his head when you mete out his sentence.” (Fafnir)

“…I’ll consider it.  Once I’m out of here, I’ll have to discuss it with my wife.” (Keeno)

“That is enough, oh Draconic Fox Princess of the Blue Sun and Death.” (Fafnir)

“Where in the world did that come from?” (Keeno)

“Hmhmhmhmhmhm.  It is fitting for you though, is it not?  You are a draconic kitsune who is a princess and the future goddess of the blue sun and death.” (Fafnir)

“I hope that doesn’t stick.  I have a feeling if it does, I’ll somehow keep acquiring titles with princess in them.” (Keeno)

“Oh, descendent, it will ‘stick’ as you say, I’m the one who said it after all.” (Fafnir)

“I guess purifying a dragon spirit is on my list of things I’m doing today.” (Keeno)

“Please not yet, there are still things I wish to discuss, and I am sure there are a few things you are wondering about, right?” (Fafnir)

Despite her face not moving much, she was a very emotive dragon, at least compared to what my mental image of dragons was.

“Then let me ask, what is this taboo that was broken?” (Keeno)

“Ah, so you don’t know.  You know at least that dragons are a prideful, prideful bunch, correct?” (Fafnir)

“Prideful, lustful, greedy, gluttonous, wrathful, slothful, powerful, absolute drunks, prone to kidnapping, am I missing anything?” (Keeno)

“…Our pride is well known, and so is our love for our families, for they are also a source of pride.” (Fafnir)

“Just going to completely ignore the rest, aren’t you?” (Keeno)

“Our love for our families, over generations, became so ingrained in our being that it became a part of our souls.  So much so that, if any dragon EVER did anything to irreparably harm its family, it would start to suffer damage to its soul.  We love our families more than our lives, so any dragon or being of even the smallest of draconic descent that does so, suffers backlash.  A side effect of this backlash is that, in the case of ones of draconic descent, their body’s take on draconic features, or even turn into a lesser dragon entirely in an extremely painful process before their soul shatters.  That foolish descendant, though in an extremely twisted way, loved his wife, so torturing her to death like he did was enough to break the taboo a hundredfold.  Honestly, I’m surprised he’s held on as long as he has.” (Fafnir)

“It’s probably spite.” (Keeno)

“Most likely.  Now, may I ask a question?” (Fafnir)

“I don’t see why not.” (Keeno)

“What is it like having a goddess as a wife?” (Fafnir)

“Hard to say since the answer would be extremely biased since I’ve only ever loved her.  I mean, I don’t care about her power as long as I have her, so even if she wasn’t a goddess, I’d say it’s the most amazing thing in existence to have Amaterasu as my wife.” (Keeno)

“Hmhmhmhm.  You’d make a splendid dragon if that’s the way you see it.  Now, onto the final matters.  A request, seeing as you are the final member of my bloodline, I see no reason to stay as a spirit in a spirit realm and honestly, my soul has grown tired.  I wish to be purified and returned to the cycle, and I ask if you will do so, Goddess of Death.  Though, not at this moment, for I wish to witness the fall of Falheim as the world now knows it, call it tying up loose ends.  As payment for this request, I will give you your birthright as I mentioned before and is still pending, and I will try and contain as much of the grudge that assails your mind as I can, though it will only amount to allowing you to sleep properly at most.  Is this request acceptable?” (Fafnir)

I considered her words and the things she’s said so far, as well as the actions I had seen her make in the earlier confrontation before coming to a decision.

“Fine.  It’s my job as Goddess of Death to ensure all souls return to the cycle eventually, my Apostles, Valkyries, and family aside unless otherwise stated, so your request is accepted, though I do have to add that I will not tolerate any memory snooping or comments in my head.  There is only room for my wife in there.” (Keeno)

“Then the contract is sealed.  And worry not about your addendum, for I wouldn’t be able to do that anyway.  I can only see the memories up until the moment of my reawakening, and none after.  And, with the amount of grudge I will be dealing with here, I will not have time to comment on things, as much as I would like to.  Now, farewell, my final descendant Okami.” (Fafnir)

My vision started to go dark and I started to loose all feeling in my body as the visage of the giant golden dragon started to fade.

Chaos Realm:

Is Astraea finally asleep?

Order: Yes.

Good.  The first sleep after seeing that is always the hardest.  It’ll get easier from here.

Order: I hope so.  Though I’m worried about what effects this might have if her emotions affect her Authority’s activation.

Nothing will happen yet.  She may be able to use a bit of their power, but not enough to cause any drastic effects that we can’t fix.  Though I think something that will help is if we call them.

Order: Crisis and Evelyn are already on the way.  They should be here soon.


Order: Payto…

Leave everything to Keeno, Order.  It’s something she needs to deal with, and her punishment will be the same thing we’d do anyway, just less painful for the culprit since she hasn’t learned to torment souls yet.

Order: …Fine.

*The two go back to giving Astraea comforting headpats while she sleeps*

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