Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Chapter 95- A Lesson in Divinity

Chapter 95- A Lesson in Divinity

[Keeno POV]

Floating in a void, all I could hear were whispers.

“Kill them all.”

“Burn, kill, mutilate, consume, murder, defile, torch!”

“Avenge me, avenge my son, avenge my father, kill all those responsible!”

“Destroy them for trapping us!  End them for using us!  Burn them for manipulating us!”

“Free us from our suffering!  We want revenge!  Kill the king!  Kill the princes. Kill the nobles!  Kill the soldiers!  Kill the commoners!  Kill the peasants!  Kill the world!”

“SHUT UP!!!!  GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!!!” (Keeno)

I started to use my magic to light the void. Wherever my flames touched, shadowy figures would hiss or shriek and disappear only for more to appear in their place. I started to make more and more flames until the entire place was a sea of cerulean flame coursing with black rivers if death magic.


I could feel the remnants of tears on my cheeks as they evaporated. As I was starting to panic as the voices were getting louder, a different warmth started to surround me. It wrapped me up and gave me a sense of home and peace.

{Keeno, calm down and open your eyes.}

My eyes shot open as I sat straight up while gasping for air.  Ama wrapped her arms and tails around me to comfort me as I noticed that I was shaking.  Looking around, all the sand that was around us was turned to glass and there were still spots that were burning with blue flames.


{Shhhh.  It’s okay.  I’m here, just take deep breaths and calm down.}

She tightened her embrace, and I did as she said.  After a few minutes I finally managed to calm down.  The heat around us considerably lessened and the fires went out.  I could feel tears streaming from my eyes without evaporating and I just couldn’t keep it in.


{Oh Keeno…}

As time passed, I gradually regained my senses.  Ama moved one of her hands and wiped the tears from my cheeks.

{Are you feeling better now?}

“Nn…Though I don’t think I’m in any state to go out on our date today.”

{We have all eternity for that, silly, so don’t worry.  In fact, we can stay like this all day if you want.  As long as it makes you feel better, then I will do anything.}

“Hehe.  Those words are very dangerous, Ama.”

{Why?  It’s not like I’m ashamed or scared of anything you’d ask me to do for, with, or to you.}

“You could have played along, but there is time for that later.  What I want right now, is this.”

I turned my face to hers and met her lips with mine.  We both closed our eyes as we kissed until I had to back off to breathe several minutes later.  When we broke apart, Ama licked her lips with a light blush on her face.

{Honestly, why do I always get that sweet feeling that makes me blush and my heart flutter whenever we kiss?  Is it just your sweet taste, or something else?}

“I don’t know either, but I absolutely love that feeling.  It’s addicting and I always want more.”


“Ama, I am extremely tempted, but I feel like if I continue to kiss you the entire time I’m here with you, instead of becoming the goddess of Runes, I’ll become the goddess of kissing or love or something.”

{Hahaha.  I don’t think that’s how it works, but fine, we can hold off for a little while.  And since we’re not going to spend all day kissing and such, what shall we do?}

“Well, seeing as I just had a horrid nightmare related to the grudges of the dead, want to help me figure out how to force Runes to work until I can make it an Authority?”

{Sounds fun.}

Ama reluctantly loosened her embrace enough for me to move more and I sat down on the now glassy ground next to her instead of her lap, though I did move one of my tails and entwined it with one of hers, which made her happy again.

“So, as the resident goddess, any idea on how I’m supposed to do this?”

{…Keeno I-}

“Don’t say you aren’t an expert, you are literally a goddess, so if you don’t have any tips at all, how am I supposed to do something like this?”

Ama exaggeratedly pouted at me.

{It’s different than what you’re thinking, Keeno.  All gods are different with how they make use of their Authorities and Divinity.  Even though we share the overall Authority of the Suns, we do things differently, not that you can do much with it at the moment.}

“Wait, go back for a second, why did you say Authority and Divinity separately?”

{Because they can be used separately.  Divinity is used for minor miracles and things that are simple while Authority is for our specialized roles.}

“Why am I only now learning about this?”

{…Keeno, I HAVE taught you this before.  Or is it that you weren’t paying attention to those lessons?}

“Ummm…A-anyway, can I use Divinity at all?”

{We’ll come back to this later, and yes, just like when you use Solar or Death magic, you are using your Authorities, you can use Divinity, though you don’t have much yet.  You have more than you did before you absorbed Vanir’s Dead Zone, so if you concentrate hard enough, you’ll be able to feel it like you feel mana.  Here let me help.}

Ama placed a hand on my chest and I started to feel a warm sensation starting to spread out from there.  A few minutes later and I actually started to feel a hot, burning sensation inside my chest.

{Can you feel my Divinity making yours move?}




{Sorry Keeno…I didn’t mean to…consider this the punishment for not listening to your lessons back then and we can move on.}

Ignoring the state she put me in by touching where she was, I DID feel an unfamiliar feeling inside me.  Along with the feeling of mana, there was a denser feeling of something moving sluggishly.  If mana was like water, then this other feeling was akin to something viscous.

{Now that you are feeling the Divinity, try to start circulating it like you do mana until it gets to the same consistency.}

I nodded my head and started to do that.

“Hey Ama…if I use Divinity instead of mana for magic, what will happen?”

{It’ll make you extremely tired, like you get when you use up all your mana.  That’s why I don’t want you using Divinity excessively until you have more to work with.  What you use will be regenerated, but you don’t have a lot and are you are too inexperienced in using it to control the consequences of whatever miracle you produce with said Divinity.}

Apparently something in my expression changed causing Ama to frown.

{What was going on in your precious little head?}

“I was wondering what would happen if I injected Divinity in my dragon breath.”


Ama’s pondering face was extremely pretty before she made up her mind on something which was indicated by a small ear twitch.

{We can try that one time before tonight, but for now, focus.}

I smiled and nodded my head as I went back to concentrating on my internal Divinity.  After about two hours, I had it flowing around at a consistency that Ama deemed acceptable.

{Now, try making a simple Rune.  I don’t know anything about them, so this is all on you.}

I nodded my head and, taking out a small rock and a knife from my storage ring, I started to carve a small Rune for light.  After scratching the Rune into the rock, I poured some Divinity into it.  I was ready to be disappointed by yet another failure when the Rune actually started to glow in a faint blue light.  After a few seconds, the rock itself started to shine extremely brightly before burning out, the rock having been evaporated into nothingness.


{Well that was pretty.}


After this tiny success, my mind started racing with various combinations of Runes that I knew and could use for things.  The first and foremost being something that can deal with grudges.

{Don’t get carried away, Keeno.  Sure, you can make light use of them now, but remember what happened to that rock.  It didn’t even last a minute.}

“Then I just need to experiment with what the best materials for Rune carving are.  Rocks are out, but what about gems?  Bones?  Metal?  There are so many things I can try, OHHHHHHH I’M SO EXCITED!”

I hopped up from the spot I was sitting in, forgetting mine and Ama’s tails were intertwined, causing me to fall over and pin her to the ground.



Our faces were so close I could feel even her smallest breath and our noses were touching.

{Keeno, remember, we still have a long day ahead of us.}

“Next time you say that, actually mean it.”

I kissed Ama again, and immediately felt like all things in the world were unimportant except for this feeling of closeness and completeness.  After that I completely lost any sense of time and, when I came back to myself, it was late afternoon, Ama lying beside me in a similar daze.

“Ama, when I said that earlier, you were supposed to stop me.”

{But you said to only do that when I meant it.}

“Yes, and that was my last bit of rationality asking you to stop me.  You’re supposed to be the one that stops my impulsiveness.”

{That’s Fia’s, Pram’s, and Freya’s job.}

“…Ok that’s fair.”




“*Sigh*I love you so much, Ama.”

{I love you more, Keeno.}

“Ok, before we get into an endless, heated argument on how that cannot be possibly true since I love you even more than that, let’s figure out how much time we actually have left today.”

{Fine, but I still love you more.}

I moved my hand and squeezed Ama, eliciting a small, pleased noise from her before sitting up.  I looked up at the sky and saw that the suns were closing in on the horizon.

“About two hours.”

{Yeah.  So, what are we going to do?  Continue our fun, actually do some work on figuring out what materials work best for Runes, or something else?}

“Well, first I want to try my dragon breath.  Care to make me a target?”

Ama waved her hand and over the water a giant rock started to float.  After getting high enough to block the suns from sight, it started to shake until it took the form of a person’s face.


“Perfect.  Now I can actually practice vaporizing that mongrel like I’ve wanted to for a very long time.”

I stood up and started to concentrate my mana in the center of my chest.  It was a bit faster than the first time since I knew better what I was doing, so I got a bit bolder with it and started to add Death on top of Solar.  The shining blue light that was starting to glow inside my chest started to get a sinister blackness to it.  I then started to inject some Divinity into it as well.  When I felt like I could barely contain the power in my chest, I looked toward the giant floating target.  I heard Ama stand up next to me and she grabbed me from behind.

{I’ll brace you so you don’t get flung back by the extra power, so let it out.}

I smiled a feral smile and let the breath loose.  A thick beam of black light lined in cerulean blue flew from my mouth.  It seemed like it sucked in all the light around it as it flew as the surroundings got darker wherever the beam went until in hit its mark.  For a few seconds nothing happened.  Then we heard the cracking sound.

At first it started slowly.  A few large cracks appeared on the surface of the rock and from those cracks shone a dark blue light.  Then, nearly instantly, the entire rock was gone in a flash of light so bright I could see my bones through my arms and eyelids.  I then felt some kind of feeling envelope the two of us just as the shockwave hit.  If my outburst from when I arrived here this morning turned a small area into glass, the heat from this blast and the shockwave turned the rest of the beach to glass before shattering it.

{That was beautiful.}

When I could actually see again from being blinded by the light, I saw the aftermath of my breath.  Not only was the rock completely gone, but so was the sea beneath it and the clouds above it.  There was also a strange chill in the air, like the kind you only feel when something is so hot it feels cold, though honestly, I loved that kind of heat.

“Hey Ama, we should totally make this place this hot all the time.”

{While that can be arranged, I don’t think it’s a good idea to have people over if we do.  Especially right now, since most of that chill you’re feeling is lingering Death.  If we weren’t who we are, then any mortal being coming here would die instantly.}

“…I’m that powerful?”

{No, that’s what using up all the Divinity you can currently use in one attack can do.  That’s why I’m banning you from using Divinity anywhere outside of here if it also includes your Death Authority.  The only exception being your grudge removing Runes.}

I nodded my head and only then did I notice a few things.  One of which being that I was being carried by Ama.

“While I’m not complaining, why are you carrying me?”

{I guess you’ve exhausted your body so much that you haven’t realized it yet.  If it wasn’t for me sustaining you right now, you’d be collapsed in a heap.}

“Well, thank you for your help.  Also, glad we weren’t wearing any clothes, because I don’t think they would have survived that.}

{Most certainly not.  But since you’ve shown off, now it’s my turn.}

Ama then waved one of her tails and the ground beneath us started to reform, returning to the soft black sand from before.  The chill in the air went away, before being replaced by just the heat.  The sea started to fill in the hole until it was like it was never there.

{Where there is Death, Life will follow.}

“And where there is Life, the Suns will sustain it all.”

{And Magic will improve what the Suns sustain.}

“And Runes will empower Magic so that all things are possible.”



Ama continued to show off for a little longer before she sat us down on the ground again.

{And now, we’re back to where we started.}

“You know, being the Goddess of Magic is kind of broken.  I mean, you can use EVERY kind of magic, even ones not tied to your Authorities.”

{Yes, though believe it or not, I’m not as proficient in all of it other than the magic tied to my Authorities.}

“That makes sense, but that’s enough of that.  It’s time for us to cuddle till I leave.”

{That’s one of the best parts of the day, if we ignore the whole you leaving part.}

I didn’t respond and just wrapped myself in Ama’s tails, where I spent our remaining time together.

Chaos Realm:

Order: Hmmm.  Should I have had my well also give her hints for Rune materials?

Atmos: No, that would be giving too much information.  It’s always more fun to let them figure it out on their own.

Order: Says the one that can, if she felt like it, learn anything and everything if you view it as useful for a prank, and so much worse if we factor in Fate.

Atmos: Wahahahahaha!  But in all seriousness, you made the right decision with what Keeno learned.

Order: …What did we miss?


Order: The light beams are a censor, so they much have gotten up to something, but I don’t know where the hole came from.

Atmos: Don’t you have a rewind thing?

Order: Yeah, just let me find the remote.

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