Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Chapter 85- New Titles

Chapter 85- New Titles

[Keeno POV]

Two days after the Solar Convergence, the three of us were approached by someone from the Guild.  We were asked to come by there at some point today before the messenger turned and left.

“…I’m nervous now.” (Pram)

“Don’t be, Pram, I’m sure the title you get will be a good one.” (Freya)

“Yeah.  I’m getting a feeling that they won’t be super cringy and something that we’ll actually come to like rather quickly.” (Keeno)

Since we were still eating our breakfast, we finished up there before making our way to the Guild.  There weren’t a lot of people in the street now that most of the Horde aftermath was dealt with, so we didn’t have any trouble getting to the Guild.  However, we did run into a few people who, upon seeing me, smiled and waved to me.

“It’s just like back home, eh?” (Pram)

“Yep.  Though I still get a few uneasy looks or people outright avoiding me or being slightly hostile.” (Keeno)

“While I know that you aren’t a bad person, even I’m still getting used to you, you know.  Your public appearance is very unapproachable and the permanent glare you have makes it feel like you are looking down on everything.  It’s especially scary at night since they glow.” (Freya)

“Now Freya, that’s not nice.  I personally think Okami looks cute like that.  It makes it feel like she’ll keep you safe and it scares off any nasty bugs that want to cling to you.” (Pram)

“Pram, that’s not the compliment you think it is.” (Keeno)

“Really?” (Pram)

“Yeah.  While I think it worked out, especially now, but there were quite a few people back home that fell for you but never approached because they were afraid of me.” (Keeno)

“Then I guess I should thank you for being there.” (Freya)

“Your thanks are graciously accepted.  And for the record, I didn’t like any of the ones that fell for Pram back home anyway.  They only ever wanted to have Pram for the connection to her family or because she is pretty, not for her.” (Keeno)

“Really?  How’d you figure that out?” (Pram)

“Your brother.  While I was the one that protected you personally, he was the one that handled the physical side of things.  Did you never wonder why he was the one to handle pretty much all the male patients at the clinic?” (Keeno)

“I just thought it had something to do with not having a lady of marriageable age interacting with men that would be in various uncompromising states.” (Pram)

“…” (Keeno)

“So, this is some of that childish purity Pram has…it’s charming.” (Freya)

Freya’s words caused Pram to smile and move closer to her, grabbing her arm in the process.  This, in turn, made Freya start blushing.

“Hehehe.” (Keeno)

We made it to the Guild before the two lost themselves completely to their flirting.  We quickly made our way inside and to the adventurer floor.  As we did this, a few people that saw us started to clap or congratulate us on earning a title.  This slowed us down a little when a few people came up to us to talk, but they were quickly pulled away by other Guild staff or their party members.  This happened several times until we finally made it to the adventurer floor proper.  There, we saw the Guild Master speaking with some staff while a group of adventurers was standing around them while a bigger group was standing off to the side of the room looking at the smaller group with proud expressions.

When one of the staff noticed us arrive, they told the Guild Master, and he turned in our direction.  He waved us over to the smaller group of people and, seeing no reason to ignore him, we moved to where we were told to.

“Now, seeing as everyone is now present, we can get to the bequeathing ceremony.” (Heim)

The Guild staff that were near the Guild Master moved to the area with the counter and grabbed some things from there before moving back to the Guild Master.  He then turned to the group we were in.

“All of you here in this group have earned titles due to your efforts in the defense of the city during the monster horde.  When I call your name, come up to me and I will give you your new Guild Card with your new title.” (Heim)

This started a lengthy process of Guild Master Heim calling an adventurer’s name and handing over a new Guild Card.  Cheers would erupt from the large group at the other side of the room and only when they quieted down did the Guild Master call the next name.  This caused all of this to take way longer than it should have, but seeing as we didn’t have anything better to do today, we didn’t mind it.  In fact, the only complaint I had so far was that there were too many angels here, so any and all commentary Ama might have provided was kept solely with her.  The hours passed by until we were the last three to be called.

“Now, for the titles that all of you have probably been waiting for.  These three were invaluable in the defense of the city both on the battlefield and off it for healing those injured.  The first title I will present is to Miss Pram.” (Heim)

Pram stepped forward and the Guild Master handed over the card.

“From today onward, Miss Pram here will be known by the title Saintess of Life.” (Heim)

Pram accepted the card and thanked the Guild Master before moving back next to us.  The cheers coming from everyone in the room were louder than previous times, and at least one person called out that they loved Pram, earning whoever said that a viscous glare from Freya.  The glare only stopped when Freya was called up.

“Miss Freya here will now be known as Freya the Dawnbreaker.” (Heim)

Freya’s new card was handed over to her and she curtly thanked the Guild Master before coming back and standing a little closer to Pram.  I did notice that she had a small smile on her face, but I couldn’t tell if the reason was Pram or something else.

“Finally, Miss Okami.” (Heim)

When my name was called, I made my way over to Heim.  On my way to him, I glanced at the group that’s been watching over everything to see them watching with bated breath.  When a few of them met my eyes, they flinched, but remained mostly excited to find out my title.  When I reached the spot in front of Heim, he smiled at me and picked up the card being held by one of the Guild staff.

“From today onward, Miss Okami shall be known as Okami the Cerulean Princess.” (Heim)

My ear twitched at the title I got, but seeing as it was something already decided, I just smiled and thanked the Guild Master after accepting my new card.  When I turned to head back to where Pram and Freya were standing, I saw that several from the cheering group were saluting me like some kind of knights.  My ear twitched again and I just silently stood next to my friends.

“Hehe.  Now, let’s welcome our newly titled comrades like adventurers!” (Heim)

The Guild Master clapped his hands and the Guild staff behind him and several homunculi started rushing around setting up tables and piling on food and drinks on top of them.

“Good.” (Keeno)

“Oh no.” (Pram)

“What?  What’s, oh no?” (Freya)

“She’s somewhat upset and she’s definitely going to drink.  We better be prepared to get her out of here as fast as possible if she gets too drunk.  Else we may be having to run from this city as fugitives who commit arson.” (Pram)

“Oh no.” (Freya)

“Aside from that one and only time I’ve ever gotten drunk, Pram, I’m not that bad.  And besides, I wasn’t planning on drinking that much, just enough to speed along the process of accepting that I’ve acquired another title with Princess in it.” (Keeno)

“If you say so, but I’m still going to keep an eye on you.” (Pram)

“Fine by me.” (Keeno)

For the next while, we milled about the party while drinking, eating, and just generally having a decent time.

Chaos Realm:

Amaterasu: I don’t get why she’s upset about her title.

I think it has something to do with her not liking being called a princess.  Probably brings up bad memories.

Amaterasu: I mean, I get that much, but I also think that the meaning is different and that this particular one shouldn’t carry a negative feeling with it.

Order: Hmm.  I think this is one of those things we just don’t really get since we’re gods.

I agree with Order.

Amaterasu: Hmm.  I’ll ask her about it when I can.  If only those annoying angels weren’t there to get in the way.

Weren’t you working on a spell to get around their super telepathy interception ability?

Amaterasu: Yeah, but I’m stuck.  At the moment, if I use it, any angels’ heads will explode.  I’m trying to avoid that.

Order: …

Amaterasu: Don’t look at me like that, I didn’t test this on anyone, I just know that’s what will happen if I use it.

Then explain the current progress with the spell and maybe we can help you.

Amaterasu: While I appreciate the thought, I want to do this myself.  It’s been a while since I’ve come up with some new magic, and I want to get back my proficiency before Keeno makes the Authority of Runes.

Planning some collaboration projects?

Amaterasu: Yep.

Order: Well, we wish you luck then.

Amaterasu: Thanks.

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