Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Chapter 76- Competitive Impulses

Chapter 76- Competitive Impulses

[Keeno POV]

The day after I managed to successfully condense my magic in the way I wanted, I was told that I apparently had a dragon in my bloodline at one point, but it was so long ago that any kind of noticeable effect it would have is some faint instincts and my eyes changing to what they were now.  A few days after that, Red was adopted by one of those twin goddesses, and now, a few weeks after that, we were nearing the border of Vanir and Nidavellir.  I say nearing, but we were still about a week out from it.  We were currently walking next to the road while a caravan of people passed in the direction we came from.  There were a LOT of people.

We did ask someone what was going on and what we were told was that they were a large merchant group heading out to try and see if there were any people in need of help after the big storm from a while back.  Apparently, word had just reached this far and though it was a while back, they still decided to come and see if there were any places that needed help.

“I get the feeling that Nidavellir is one of those countries that is just good.  Like, they will help anyone that asks if they aren’t already making plans to help before that.” (Keeno)

“I wouldn’t say that.  At least, not completely.  Those merchants were probably also looking to expand their area of influence as well as rake in profits from people down on their luck.” (Freya)

“Why do you have to make things negative like that?” (Pram)

“Not trying to be negative, just realistic.  All I said was my own personal experience.” (Freya)

“Guess we need to add that to the list of things we need to work on.  Freya, I get that you didn’t have it great growing up, and I feel for you, but taking everything and putting it through a filter of negativity is going to just make your life worse.  I’m not saying to completely get rid of the realistic point of view, but you need to learn to look on the bright side of things too.  It’ll allow you to enjoy things way more.” (Keeno)

{Was that an intentional pun, or no?}

“What are you talking about?” (Keeno)

{The other sun goddess talking about looking on the bright side of things.  I thought you were making a pun.}

“I did not have that intention at all.” (Keeno)

“Okami’s statements aside, she’s right.  While I think it’s nice we have someone with us that is trying to keep us grounded, if you always look at stuff like you do now, it’ll only make you depressed and make it so you don’t trust anyone.  I know you’re trying to work on trusting more, but it’s going to be hard if you can’t at least look at things more positively.” (Pram)

“…I guess…” (Freya)

“…” (Keeno)


‘Just don’t say anything.’ (Keeno)

{All I’m saying is, isn’t she too easy when it comes to Pram?  I mean, all she did is sleep while hugging her tail one night.  How is it she’s all…timid when it comes to anything Pram says?}

‘I don’t know, maybe wolfkin have some kind of thing for tails like we kitsune do for our ears.’ (Keeno)

{I’ll ask Fu and Moco since even I don’t really know.  I’ve never paid any attention to that kind of thing when it didn’t concern me.}

As Ama and I pondered over the intricacies of the meaning between tail hugging, the day went on.  We eventually stopped seeing the caravan before running into another, much smaller one.  While the first one was more humanitarian in nature, this one was different.  It mainly consisted of adventurer members of the Guild.  It seemed that they were just following the other caravan for a little while before breaking away and heading to Odeen.  We found that out when we stopped to set up camp for the night and the caravan did the same a bit away from us.

“…They are loud.  It’s annoying.” (Pram)

“I agree.  Don’t they know partying while trying to camp is a stupid idea?” (Freya)

“Want to move away more?” (Keeno)

They nodded and we started to pack up our stuff again when a loud voice rang out over the camp of adventurers.


“…” (Keeno)

{Oh?  An upstart?  Hehehe.  Go, Keeno, show him what it means to wield the flames of a sun.}

“*Sigh*” (Pram)

“Why are you going closer?” (Freya)

“Are you not also annoyed at someone claiming they are better than you in fire magic when both of us have solar magic, fire magic’s perfected version?” (Keeno)

“…Let’s show him a thing of three.” (Freya)

“…Well, might as well enjoy the show.” (Pram)

We walked over to the other camp and saw the guy that was yelling earlier playing around with fire in the shape of an eastern style dragon.  It was such a weak looking orange flame that I almost started to laugh.

“Oh?  Have you three come to see the wonders of the greatest fire magic?”

“Really?  No offence, but that’s such weak fire magic that it’s an insult.” (Keeno)

“You dare mock Surtr, the greatest fire mage!?” (Surtr)

“If you don’t want someone who clearly knows that flames of that caliber are less effective than a candle to mock them, then get stronger with them.” (Freya)

“And what would the two of you ladies know about flames?” (Surtr)

I snapped my fingers and a similar eastern style dragon formed out of blue flames.  Freya and Pram aside, the other people that were around moved back a bit since the heat my small copy of the upstart’s magic gave off more heat than a large bonfire.  I made the dragon fly around until it neared the other guy’s and ate it like it was eating pasta.

“Grr.  I’ll have you know that was a simple party trick of mine.  I will show you my true power.  Heed my call, oh primordial flames!  Burn my mana and become a conflagration that shall ensconce my enemies and turn even their bones to ash!” (Surtr)

Above the fire mage, a ball of fire formed, giving off a lukewarm heat that wouldn’t even be able to melt Solheim snow.

“Want to take this one, Freya?” (Keeno)

“It’s not normally my style, but I refuse to be thought of as weaker than this guy with magic like this.” (Freya)

Similar to what this mage did, Freya started to create a fireball above her.  It grew bigger than the fire mage’s almost instantly and gave off a heat similar to my small fire dragon from earlier.

“Why are they so competitive?  I mean, I sort of get it, but this is just showing off to show off at this point.” (Pram)

{Well, you would get defensive if someone else claimed to be better than you were at healing magic, right?}

‘Not really.  I know I’m not the best at it yet, and if anything, there should always be people that are better at healing magic, otherwise no one would try and improve it more.’ (Pram)

{…Well, that aside, it’s just the competitive nature of people with fire and solar magic.  I mean, even I am a bit annoyed that a mere fire mage thinks they are better than me at fire magic when he doesn’t even realize that solar magic is fire magic’s advanced version.}

‘Nope, still don’t get it.’ (Pram)

The fire mage’s spell was soon swallowed up by Freya’s fireball.


“We hold the advanced form of fire magic.” (Keeno)

“So, you can’t claim to be the world’s best fire mage until you manage to use solar magic.” (Freya)

“If you do manage that, then feel free to find us and we’ll compete again, but for now, you can no longer claim to be the best.” (Keeno)

The mage fell to his knees as he continued staring into the fireball created by Freya and the fire dragon I made.

“…Which one?” (Surtr)

“Which one what?” (Freya)

“Which one of the two of you are better?  If I am to be put down in such a way in regards to my magic, then at least show me the peak of what I shall overcome to become the best.” (Surtr)

“Oh, she is by far better than I am.” (Freya)

In response to Freya’s words, I moved the fire dragon I made next to Freya’s fireball and the second it touched it, the entire thing turned blue and expanded even more, until it was a tiny blue sun.

“Gaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!  My beautiful mustache!  WHY!?”

Hearing that, I immediately stopped the magic and the fireball disappeared.

“Was that enough?” (Keeno)

“Yes, but know this, mysterious ladies of the flame, I shall go and become even better and then I will find you, and I will show you that I am the one that deserves the title of world’s greatest fire mage.” (Surtr)

“Then do your best.  I can’t speak for her, but I will always accept that challenge.” (Keeno)

“Of course, I’ll accept.  I know I won’t beat you, Okami, but I can at least make sure I’m not outdone by others.” (Freya)

We turned and started to leave.

“Good luck, Surtr, I hope the next time we meet, you live up to that name.” (Keeno)

After walking far enough away that the noise of that adventurer camp wouldn’t bother us, Freya and I crouched down and covered our faces.

“Freya, why did we do that just now?” (Keeno)

“I don’t know, it’s like some kind of impulse to prove someone wrong came over me.” (Freya)

“Exactly.  I mean, at least we managed to get out of there without making complete fools of ourselves, I hope we don’t actually run into that guy again.” (Keeno)

{In my opinion, the show you two put on was great.  I mean, it could have been more theatrical, but seeing as it was the first time you two have really tried to show an upstart their place, I’ll give you a good rating of 8/10.}

“Not helping, Ama.” (Keeno)

“Anyway, let’s set up our stuff again before it get’s too late.” (Pram)

“Yes, I like that idea very much.  Hopefully I’ll forget this ever happened when I wake up.” (Freya)

We then quickly set up camp and headed to sleep for the night, letting Huginn and Muninn take first watch.

Chaos Realm:

Keeno: Why did I have to show up here tonight?

Cause there is something I was asked to give you.

Order: From who?

A being from another God of Chaos’s Sea of Chaos.

*Hands Keeno a pendant of a tiny silver fox with nine tails and eyes made from purple jewels*

It’s called the Fluff Preserver of NULL and it makes it so your hair and tails are safe from humidity and are easier to dry when you wash them.  Made by someone named Lilith.

Keeno: Neat.  Tell whoever that friend of yours is thanks.

Order: Since when did you give gifts like this?  I thought it wasn’t allowed.

It’s an item that has no other power than what I just said, like that special brush I gave Luna all that time ago.  It won’t mess with anything in Keeno’s world, so it’s safe, though that also means I can’t give any more gifts.

Keeno: Well, thanks again.  Now, can I please go to sleep so I can forget what happened tonight?

Yeah, sorry for abruptly pulling you here. *poof*

Order: Now, shall I get back to brushing your tails?

If you don’t mind.

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