Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Chapter 71- Foxes, the Teasening

Chapter 71- Foxes, the Teasening

[Keeno POV]

After a long day of having fun with Ama in her beach home, we’d both fallen asleep on a small island in a large hammock.  I say fell asleep, but I’m pretty sure the two of us were just pretending to sleep while enjoying being close to each other and snuggling in our combined 11 tails.  I was surprised at how much joy it filled me with to actually contribute to the fluff cocoon with more than a single measly tail.

“Hey Ama, let’s stop pretending to sleep and open up the cocoon a bit.”


“Well, even if I’m going back soon, it doesn’t mean I can’t watch the sunset with you.  And one of the most beautiful pieces of scenery is the sun, or in this case suns, setting over the ocean.”


We both unraveled our tails, though we kept one intertwined.  It was perfect timing too.  As we laid there, the suns slowly started to dip below the horizon.  Their stretched-out reflections making everything beautiful.  I didn’t know how it worked, but the orange of Ama’s sun and the blue of mine didn’t mix in the water to make whatever color it would. But managed to stay separate and intermingle like an aurora.

{You know, Keeno, you were right.  Even with them starting to separate, the scene is amazing.  Not as amazing as you are right now, but still one of the most beautiful things I can think of right now.  Though that may just be due to you being next to me.}

“I’ll accept that fact.  When I’m here with you, I just feel complete.  I don’t mean to say that being with Pram and the others also doesn’t make me feel that way, but it’s just…different.”

{I completely understand.}

Ama started to run a hand through my hair in the way I like it as she stopped staring at the sunset and looked at me.  The warm smile on her lips made my heart flutter like it was the first time I saw her smile like that.  Her glowing orange eyes taking in the sight before her like I was the only thing in existence.  She drew closer and kissed me.  It wasn’t like the long, passionate kisses we normally shared, but one that conveyed all her love and affection for me.  I kissed back, hoping it would convey even a quarter of my own feelings for her.  When we separated, my body started to glow.

{Oh, how I wish I could just keep you here.}

“I feel the same, though, I also kind of enjoy it this way too.  I mean, it makes it so we truly savor every single moment together that we would otherwise take for granted.”

{Fair, though I feel like it’ll be a different kind of special when we finally do live together.}

“I see where you’re coming from with that and I agree, but enough of that.  One more like that before I go.”

Our lips met once more as the glow grew brighter.

{See you again soon, my love.}

Those were the last words I heard Ama say before I vanished from the Divine Domain.

‘Cheeky Ama, saying something like that knowing that I can’t see you.’


I sat up in the inn bed I was laying on, the room completely dark.  Looking around as my eyes adjusted, I saw something quite funny.  On Pram’s bed I saw Freya sleeping while cuddling Pram’s tail.  A small sniff of the air told me that at least one of them, but most likely both, had gotten drunk.

‘Well, this is a very interesting thing to see.’

{I agree.  Hmm.}

‘I know what you’re thinking, Ama, and I think we should wait and see.  For all we know, this could just be something that happened due to at least one of them being drunk.  And by the looks of it, they are just sleeping.’

{The wait and see approach is seconded.}

‘And hey, we’re now in possession of prime teasing material.’

{We are going to use it so much.  This is going to be glorious.}

‘Should we get Fia in on it as well?’

{Nah.  I mean, we will definitely tell her about it, but it would only really work if she was here in person.  She wouldn’t be directly teasing them if we’re the ones relaying what she says.}

‘Can that trick you did last time not work with everyone?’


‘Unfortunate.  Now, I think I’m going to sleep.  Wake me up if they start waking up, please.’

{Will do.}

I laid back down on the bed and quickly fell asleep.  Time passed in a flash and before I knew it, Ama was calling me in my head.


‘Wah!?  I’m up, I’m up!’

{They’re slowly waking up too.}

That woke me up completely.  Looking over at the others, the tip of Pram’s tail was starting to twitch around.

‘K-Keeno, are you awake!?’ (Pram)

‘I am.’ (Keeno)

‘W-what is happening right now!?’ (Pram)

‘From what I could piece together, one or the both of you got drunk and somehow ended up that way.’ (Keeno)

‘…’ (Pram)

While we had this small interaction, Freya also started to…nope, never mind.

‘Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!  She’s hugging me tighter!  It feels…weird!’ (Pram)

‘Oh?’ (Keeno)

“W-what!?’ (Pram)

‘What was that pause before weird?’ (Keeno)

{Is it maybe it felt better than you thought, Pram?}

‘N-no…I-I’m totally not enjoying my tail being sandwiched somewhere…Wait, what are the two of you getting me to say!?’ (Pram)

‘We didn’t imply that.  As people who are normally on the side of our tails being hugged like that, we’re just asking if you were enjoying what we usually feel.’ (Keeno)

{It seems like Pram’s mind is in the metaphorical gutter, Keeno.}

‘I agree, Ama.’ (Keeno)

‘It’s not that!  Why are you both like this!?  Please just help me out here!’ (Pram)

‘Fine, but I hope you know that we’re not going to let this go.  One does not simply give two foxes teasing material and escape from being teased.’ (Keeno)

{A fine phrase, my dear Keeno.}

‘I don’t care, just please help!  If you don’t, I’ll…um…I’ll adopt Red!’ (Pram)

‘And here I thought that you’d be good at comebacks after all our time together.’ (Keeno)

{And besides, you’d have to contend with two other goddesses if you were serious about that claim.}

‘Eh?’ (Pram)

‘Later, for now, Huginn, Muninn, alarm, level 4.’ (Keeno)

This entire time, Huginn and Muninn had been watching our exchange from atop the headboard of my bed, looking between me and Pram while looking at whoever was talking at the moment like they were watching a tennis match.  When I gave the order, they both hopped over to Pram’s headboard and then down onto the pillow next to Freya’s ears.  They looked at each other and gave the raven version of a nod before cawing right into Freya’s ears.

“Gyaaaaa!” (Freya)

Freya literally jumped up out of the bed and fell onto the floor.  Huginn and Muninn looked at one another again before their gaze turned to me.  I chuckled as I took out a small plate with their favorite treat on it and placed it at the edge of my bed.  They hopped back over and started devouring the food like it was a delicacy they hadn’t seen in years.

“What in the name of all that’s divine was that for!?” (Freya)

“Sorry, it’s the only way I could find to get you to wake up and stop treating Pram’s tail like a hug pillow.” (Keeno)

“Eh?” (Freya)

She sat up from her position to see that the bed she had just fallen out of wasn’t, in fact, her’s.  Combined with the fact that Pram’s face was as red as a tomato made her realized that I was telling the truth.  She sat there, staring at Pram’s face for about a minute before her face blushed so much I thought I saw steam rising from her head.

“I-I-I-I-” (Freya)

{Oh, this is amazing, Keeno.  I knew her reaction would be good, but this!  This is above expectation!}

“I agree, Ama.” (Keeno)

“Ignoring the two foxes, how about me and you agree to forget this whole thing.  What do you say, Freya?” (Pram)

“Like it never happened.” (Freya)


“I know it’s funny, Ama, but, pfft, it’s rude to laugh at them.” (Keeno)

{You have no right to say that when you are trying to hold it in just as much.}

Freya then turned to glare at me before somehow blushing even more and turning back around so fast I thought she’d get whiplash.

“And why are you naked!?” (Freya)

“Oh?” (Keeno)

I looked down and saw that I was indeed au natural.

“Crap, did I leave my clothes there, Ama?” (Keeno)

{Um…no, I don’t see them anywhere.}

I checked my ring but didn’t see them in the list that popped up in my mind.

“Wait, does your new ocean have proper tides?” (Keeno)


“Well damn it.  Why do I keep losing clothes at your place!?” (Keeno)

{Because we’re both careless people who forget almost everything when we’re together.}

“…A reasonable argument.” (Keeno)

{Anyway, I’ll find them and have them ready for you for when you come back.}

“Thanks.  But hey, at least it wasn’t my Vanir clothes.” (Keeno)

“Who cares about that, just dress yourself!  And Pram, why are you so calm about this?” (Freya)

“I’m used to it.  This happens a lot with Keeno the day after a Solar Convergence.” (Pram)

“…*Sigh*” (Freya)

I chuckled at them before getting up and walking to the small partition in the corner of the room that was supposed to double as a bathroom.

“Oh, this storm should be over at any time now, so you two should be ready to move at a moment’s notice.” (Keeno)

I then proceeded to clean myself and get dressed for the day.

Chaos Realm:

*Reclining on a beach chair, sipping some kind of tropical looking drink* This is nice.

Order: *Sitting in a chair next to Payto, sipping from the same glass* I agree.

Astraea: *In the distance splashing around in the water with Evelyn who was invited at some point*

Do you really think it was a good idea to bring Evelyn?  I mean, for Astraea it was, but knowing those two, they’ll disappear for who knows how long to do…things.

Order: Think of it as a good thing.  This way, we can make sure In-chan doesn’t put weird ideas in her daughter’s head.

Shame Mordred only thinks she’s keeping Crisis in check when she’s actually a super enabler.

Order: Oh well.

*Nods and takes another sip*

Order: *Smiles as she drinks a little more before abruptly moving the glass away from both of them and kissing Payto*

*Is briefly confused at why this went in this direction, but rolls with it anyway*

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