Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Chapter 63- An Unexpected Meeting

Chapter 63- An Unexpected Meeting

[Keeno POV]

It’s been several more days of us doing delivery and healing requests to earn money.  We did so many that Pram and I even ranked up in the guild.  We even got minimal access to the Gate network, though using it once would take every bit of money we earned and even then, we’d be in debt.  At this point though, I felt we were good on money for now and now we were deciding what to do next, though really there was only one thing to do.

“So, Freya, do you want to go with us to the Family we’re supposed to have the support of, or do you want to go your own way?” (Keeno)

“We will support whatever you decide.” (Pram)

“…I think I’ll stick around with you two.  I’m still not sure about once you’re done with whatever you’re doing here, but I will at least stick with you two through this much.  I’ve said it before that, until you leave Vanir, I’m with you after all.” (Freya)

“Alright then, with that decided, let’s go meet this Salwhateveritwas Family.” (Keeno)

“It’s Salviento.  You’ll need to get it memorized if you want them to even acknowledge you, even if you have the person who subjugated their leaders’ loyalty vouching for you.” (Freya)

“Meh.  Why do something like that to people who are almost assuredly going to betray me sooner or later?  Of course, I’ll act cordial for now, but the second even a hint of it is caught I’m dropping the act.” (Keeno)

“Okami, your princess mode is dropping a bit.” (Pram)

“I think it’s fine around Freya at this point.” (Keeno)

“I thought so too.” (Pram)

Freya just rolled her eyes and stood up.  We did the same and left this safehouse.

“Good thing we decided this, I only have one more unused safehouse left before we would have to go back to one we’ve already used.” (Freya)

After a bit of walking, Huginn and Muninn noticed something.  After the ruffling of feathers, we slowed down our pace.

“We’re being followed.  About 10 of them.” (Keeno)

“Those birds are really something.” (Freya)

“And I’m very proud of them.  Pram, get between us.” (Keeno)

“Alright.” (Pram)

Pram slowly moved between me and Freya, making it look as natural as she could.  Freya then took the lead and led us to a discreet alleyway where we wouldn’t get any civilians caught up in what was about to happen.  When we stopped in front of the dead-end, a few people started to chuckle like they planned this.

“Gehehehe.  See, I was right, it is the one the Salvientos are waiting for.  Think the boss’ll give us a promotion if we bring im back er eyes?”

“Probably.  I mean, he does have that weird habit, though I don’t think he’ll like those ones.  I mean, the look rotten.”

“Eh, maybe he’ll think they look exotic or somethin.”

“That’s also a possibility.  We dispose of the other two?”


While they gloated and spoke like they had already won, it gave us time to prepare.  In low voices we talked about what to do.

“My Soul Weapons aren’t very suited for an environment like this, so I’ll be sticking to magic.  Pram, the usual please.  Freya, can you manage?” (Keeno)

“Easily.  I’ve been trained on how to fight in a place like this for most of my life.” (Freya)

“Then what are we waiting for?  Let’s get rid of these goons.” (Keeno)

“Flames of the suns, bless my blades, coat them in your brilliance and sear my enemies.” (Freya)

{Pfft.  She has no idea how lucky she is.}

‘I know, but now’s not the time, Ama.  I’m trying to stay serious here.’


“Wait, those blades…It’s Lightblade Freya!”

As soon as those words were said, the guy’s head was cut off by Freya who looked like she teleported to his position.  The second the guy’s head hit the ground, the music started to play, and chaos ensued.  I conjured several arrows of Death-infused fire and fired them off meanwhile Pram summoned her bell and started to ring it.  Seeing as there weren’t many enemies, it wasn’t taking us long to deal with them when suddenly Huginn and Muninn started to get agitated.  Just as soon as the last guy was finished off, we grouped back up back-to-back as more mooks jumped down from above us.

“Tch.  This is one thing I HATE about battle musicians.  They give away our position and anyone regardless of faction comes running.” (Freya)

“While I get where you’re coming from, it also makes this actually somewhat enjoyable.” (Keeno)

“I won’t deny that.” (Freya)

We were now surrounded and the mooks started to close in on us.  Just as I was about to shoot off my magic, I noticed something.  Several Pure souls had started to appear around us, circling around us and from somewhere above us.  As soon as I noticed this, several black knives flew out of the darkness and three mooks fell dead.



Another knife flew out of the dark and buried itself in the guy who just yelled’s throat.  Due to our close proximity, I could tell Freya was shaken at this.  Me, on the other hand, took this opportunity to also attack.  I shot more flaming arrows at the ones surrounding us, piercing and burning them.  Our enemies were thrown into confusion.

“Freya, snap out of it, now isn’t the time.” (Keeno)

“B-but it’s The Hunter, we need to get out of here.” (Freya)

“They are clearly avoiding us with their knives, so for now fight, we can defend ourselves from them afterwards if it’s necessary.” (Keeno)

“Gaaah!  Fine!” (Freya)

“Pram.” (Keeno)

“I know.” (Pram)

Pram rang her bell again and the few remaining enemies groaned, and some fell to their knees as Pram’s debuffs hit them.  This allowed Freya, The Hunter, and I to finish them all off.  As soon as the last one died, we once more regrouped, Freya clearly more on guard than I was.  I looked in the direction of where the Pure souls were.

“You can come out.  Someone with this many Pure souls floating around them can’t be our enemy.” (Keeno)


Out of the shadows walked a wolfgirl who looked about two years younger than I was wearing tattered looking black and grey clothes underneath a large red coat.  Her bronzish-orange eyes looking out from underneath the hood along with a few locks of unkempt light-grey hair.  Upon seeing her coming closer to us, Freya brandished her weapons, but I put a hand up to stop her.

“Red means you no harm…for now.” (Red)

“So, your name is Red?” (Keeno)

She slightly nodded as she stared at me unblinkingly.  The souls around her seemed to dance in…joy?

“Red’s friends like the fluffy one…why?” (Red)

“These Pure souls are your friends?” (Keeno)

Again, she just nodded.

“Red wants to know…why Red’s friends are…happier.” (Red)

{They want to move on.}

‘I know.’

I looked Red in the eyes as I spoke.

“They want to move on.” (Keeno)

Once those words left my mouth, Red seemed to get a cold glint in her eyes, though it vanished just as fast when the Pure souls floating around her started to bounce around and float towards me excitedly.

“…” (Red)

“Why don’t we all sit and talk?  Tell me your story.  Maybe that will help you move on as well, and let you get your final goodbyes said.” (Keeno)

“…Red will talk…long story……lots of words…” (Red)

“It’s fine, take as long as you need to find the words, we’ll listen.” (Keeno)

I then sat down, shortly followed by Pram.  Freya still looked terrified, but seeing as the rest of us were doing so and Red showed no signs of attacking, she slowly sat as well.  Lastly Red did as well.

“Red was born……16 years ago…” (Red)

Chaos Realm:

Luna: Ah, so that girl that’s been watching the group this entire time was Red.

I’m surprised it took you this long to figure it out.

Luna: Well sorry for disappointing you, oh omniscient one.

Don’t hate the player, hate the game.

Luna: That’s not what the saying means!

I know, but it got a reaction out of you.

Luna: Why are you in such a mischievous mood today?

I’m bored.  Order and Astraea are still out, and I have nothing else to do but talk with anyone who comes and visits and watch either Keeno or Crim’s places.

Luna: Such a reasonable argument.


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