Just Blame Me For Being Blind in the Beginning

Chapter 6

6 | Chuan Chuan

In this society, there are too many people with such thin skin. See someone you like? Make a move.

(Note: Weixin is a messaging app that allowssending text or voice messages and making calls. Contacts are added viaphone number, ID, or by scanning their user specific QR code. Along with messaging and calls, theres a social feed feature, kind of like a Facebook feed, where you can post pictures to your friends/contacts. Texts in this story often have words in parentheses, presumably to represent emoticons and the like.)

Pei Ying sent a friend request. After she added Song Nanchuan, she went back to the contact details.

Is this your phone number? she asked.

Mm, Song Nanchuan nodded, and then he also went to check her details.

Pei Yings eyes swept over the screen and then she dialed the number.

Song Nanchuans phone rang from his side.

He picked it up and looked at it, an unknown number. Pei Ying glanced at his screen and said, Thats me calling.

Song Nanchuans lips curved up into a smile, and then he added her to his contacts.

Pei Ying let out a breath. It was clearly just exchanging contact info, but she felt like it was some earth shattering business.

She put away her phone and smiled to Song Nanchuan.

Song Nanchuan looked at her, his expression softening more. When you have time, lets eat together again.

Pei Ying controlled her furiously beating heart and responded strong and assured, Sure.

When they got back to her place, just like last time, Song Nanchuan watched her walk back into the residence before telling the driver to leave.

Pei Yings current mood was just like the light breeze blowing against her face. She quickened her pace and then couldnt help standing on her tiptoes and twirling around in circles.

The peach blossom petals fell onto her head, and the stray cats came out again from who knows where, circling around her legs and calling out.

Blackie, Flower, good evening. Pei Ying crouched down and teased them. The smile on her face was brighter than the branches of blooming flowers.

Meow~ the cats called out. Pei Ying stood up and told them, Ill go up to bring you some food. Wait a minute.

She quickly headed upstairs and changed into a pair of flats. Then she brought the cat food and mineral water shed bought earlier down with her.

Those cats were actually still waiting for her there. She put the prepared bowl onto the ground and they gathered around to eat.

Pei Ying happily pulled out her phone to take a picture with the cats and post it to her friends. When she returned to the contacts screen in the app, she couldnt help staring at song Nanchuans contact info.

He didnt post any pictures to his friends, so she couldnt even pry a bit into his past. She saved his contact as Chuan Chuan, and then for seemingly no reason, she sighed at the two characters.

Since she asked for his contact info so directly, would he feel that she had some kind of ulterior motive? As such a major CEO, he must have surely met a lot of people who tried to get close to him intentionally.

She crouched down and rested her chin in her hands. As she sat their worrying, a new notification came up fromher friend feed.

She opened the app to take a look. Song Nanchuan had just liked the picture she posted.

Pei Ying suddenly smiled. Regarding what kind of person she was, he would naturally find out as they got to know each other. She didnt stay there with her groundless fears any longer.

She pet one of the cats heads and told them with a smile, Take your time eating. Ill come collect things in the morning. Goodnight.

Meow~ the cats idly responded.


When Pei Ying got back to her apartment, she decided to shower and go to bed. As she walked to her dresser to get her pajamas, she caught a glimpse of her raised lips in the mirror.

This kind of luck in love made her suddenly shy and somewhat uncomfortable. She laid on her bed, hugged her blankets, and rolled around a few times. After venting her feelings, she reached over for her phone and sent Ren Shanshan some news. Shanshan, I added Song Nanchuan on Weixin.(><) [Ren Shanshan] Wow! When did you start moving so fast?! [Pei Ying] I was nearly embarrassed to death_(:3)_ [Ren Shanshan] Whats there to be shy about?! In this society, there are too many people with such thin skin. Its better to be more proactive. See someone you like? Make a move. [Pei Ying] She felt that Ren Shanshan just gained another golden line. [Ren Shanshan] Did you check his friend feed? Did you see girlfriends A, B, C, D, and E? [Pei Ying] He hasnt posted anything to his friend feed [Ren Shanshan] An expert indeed. Making sure its airtight so nothing leaks out~ That wasnt true! Pei Ying scrunched her nose and closed out Ren Shanshans conversation. Although shed blocked Ren Shanshan from her friends feed, Pei Yings emotions were still like a rollercoaster hanging in mid air. Because of her excitement, she didnt fall asleep until the middle of the night. When her alarm clock rang in the morning, Pei Ying stayed in bed lazily a bit before getting up. She quickly got ready. She opened the refrigerator to grab some milk and bread, but she saw that there was neither milk nor bread. Then she remembered that shed eaten it all yesterday. She was originally going to buy some groceries on her way home, but after the emotional rollercoaster last night, shed completely forgotten about buying breakfast supplies. There were only three cookies left in the refrigerator. Pei Ying figured shed just have to make do with that. She pulled out her phone and took a photo of her miserable breakfast and posted it to her friend feed. Breakfast (sad)(sad). After she posted it, she picked up the package to eat the cookies, and then ran down the stairs. She got into a taxi and then pulled out her phone to take look. Someone had replied to her post. You should be content with still having cookies. I have vegetables and tofu every morning. (bye) Pei Ying raised her brows. A lot of females in the business were on diets, but it wasnt something shed ever been very concerned about. Firstly, she didnt have much work. Secondly, her body didnt gain fat easily. She sent back a lowly emoticon, and then her phone pinged with another message. Pei Ying glanced at it. It was from Song Nanchuan. Pei Yings breath grew still as she used her stiff fingers to open the message. [Chuan Chuan] How to make a nutritious breakfast in five minutes? Cat Kitchen will tell you how to easily take care of a weeks breakfast! Monday, 200ml of yogurt, 40g of granola, a few pieces of fruit Pei Ying read every single word and sentence in his long message. As the title suggested, there was a breakfast menu for every day of the week. Her heart beat furiously. Did he send that to her because of the photo she posted to her friend feed? But there was no greeting text, just the recipe set. She suddenly wanted to laugh. After considering it for a long time, she sent a text to thank him. At the end of her message, she also added a cute, shy emoticon. [Chuan Chuan] Youre welcome. Xiao Zhang helped me look it up. Before Pei Ying could respond, her phone vibrated. [Chuan Chuan] Xiao Zhang is my assistant, male. Pwah. Pei Ying was silent for two seconds, and then she couldnt help laughing, as her face flushed red. The driver beside her glanced at her. She must be chatting with her boyfriend, laughing so happily. Young people these days, they could make public displays ofemotion without even speaking to each other. What a loss of morality. Pei Ying cradled her phone in her hands and quickly returned his text. Then help me thank Xiao Zhang. (secret smile) Arent you busy, CEO Song? You still have time to play around on Weixin? [Chuan Chuan] Im going to meet a client soon. [Pei Ying] Then I wont bother you anymore~ Song Nanchuan didnt respond after that, and Pei Ying suspected that he must have gone back to work. She held her phone even more tightly. Advertisement When she arrived at the filming site, she changed and had her makeup done, just as yesterday. The only difference that say was that a lot of people were looking at her differently from the day before. Pei Ying thought for awhile, but she couldnt figure it out, nor did she continue trying to figure it out. It was only when Tao Tao asked her about where shed gone with CEO Song last night that she finally understood. She didnt know how many people had seen her get into Song Nanchuans car, but the entertainment industry never had secrets within itself. Once a single person knew something, it would get around quickly. Tao Tao looked at her with wide eyes and Pei Ying pursed her just painted red lips. She said, CEO Song saw that I couldnt get a taxi so he drove me home. Tao Tao blinked her eyes, as if she didnt believe it. You two didnt go anywhere else? Where else would we go? After filming all day, I just wanted to go home to rest. Oh Okay. Tao Tao chat with her a little, and then the director called that they were going to start filming. Pei Ying didnt know whether Tao Tao believed her, and even more than that, she didnt know what the rest of the staff and crew thought. But she didnt plan to make any explanations. This was the kind of thing that just got worse the more you tried to explain. And shed be done with her role in the series soon. After she left, everyone would forget this stuff in a few days. Most likely because of the pressures from the live shoot system, the crew worked really fast. Before she knew it, it was time to film the runway walk that Chen Sheng had told her about previously. For this scene, the crew had even invited a few real models to cameo. The director had been worried that Pei Ying wouldnt be able to hold up against the professional models, but after she had her makeup done, that thought completely disappeared. Although Pei Ying wasnt as tall as the professional models, that pair of legs was enough to attract peoples eyes. Moreover, an actor was an actor for the fact that they could play the role of another character. When Pei Ying walked onto that T-shaped stage, she was the very essence of an international supermodel. Pei Yings aura is all out. She can even actually walk with those heels on. Even the assistant director couldnt help lamenting. He would have suspected that Pei Ying had once been a genuine model. Watching Pei Ying on that stage, the directors eyes carried some praise. Her figure was very good, and with that deep V-neck and miniskirt design, her curves were very well accentuated but not overly sexual. Her head of waist length dark hair had been curled into big waves. With each step she took, her hair shook rhythmically, her snow white skin faintly visible beneath it. For this scene, the two cameras had to film from several angles, and they had to film the scene three times before finishing. By the time filming was complete, Pei Ying felt like shed pulled some muscles in her legs. Yu Kaize, whod been watching from the side the whole time, finally walked over. His lips curved up as he shook the phone in his hands. Beautiful, want to take a look? Unsure of his intent, she gathered around to take a look. So it was a few snapshots that Yu Kaize took while she was walking. What do you think? I took the pictures well, didnt I? It really does look nice. Under the lights on the stage, she hadnt really felt much, but you could really see that aura across the screen as she started to walk. The important thing is having a good model. Yu Kaize walked over to stand by her side. He lowered his head, Want me to send them to you? Sure, thanks. Your Weixin. He raised his chin at her. His method of getting her Weixin was very natural, completely unlike that unfortunate matter when shed asked Song Nanchuan for his. Pei Yings Weixin account was never really a personal account. Shed added a lot of people from the entertainment circle. After each project, shed have a few more contacts. And so, when Yu Kaize asked for her Weixin, she didnt shy away but instead magnanimously added him to her contacts. Yu Kaizes name was listed as Kai. Pei Ying quickly and familiarly changed the name in her contacts to Yu Kaize. After he sent the pictures, she picked out the one she thought was best and then posted it to her friend feed. Would Song Nanchuan see it? Thats what she wondered. Because the photo shed posted was a bit more explosive than the normal day to day stuff, a lot of people dropped in. Beautiful, you have a new drama? Your beautys risen to a different level. (sexy) Wow, is it a problem with my eyes? Its all legs under the chest. (laugh cry) Pei Pei, are you in Light Shines on Raiment of Rainbow? Ever since you added Song Nanchuan, youve been posting to your feed a lot. (dog face) Pei Ying, Needless to say, the last one was from Ren Shanshan. As if her intentions had been seen through, Pei Ying pursed her lips. Not long after, the photo received a like from Chuan Chuan. Pei Yings lips flew up with happiness. And Song Nanchuan sent her another message. Are you free tonight? Lets have dinner.

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