Just Blame Me For Being Blind in the Beginning

Chapter 53

(The legendary closet)

With a devout heart, Pei Ying followed Mrs Song to her secret closet.

Though shed called it a closet, it was bigger than the apartment that Pei Ying once rented. There was a large mirror in the room, but most of the space was used to store clothesclothes of all colors, styles, and sizes, as well as shoes, bags, and accessories.

Everything was organized neatly, by color and style, and even by clothes for children, girls, and women.

It wouldnt be undue to call it a girls paradise.

Pei Yings mind went blank as she looked around. She hadnt expected Mrs Song to be a collector. But why were there even childrens clothing??

It didnt take long for Mrs Song to address her questions. Have you heard Nanchuan mention it? Ive always wanted a daughter, but then I had three sons. Boys arent nearly as cute as girls. Girls can dress up like dolls, and they can take all sorts of pretty photos. Ah, just the thought makes me so happy.

Pei Ying, .

Mmh, every girl likes playing dress up. When theyre younger, they play with Barbie dolls, and when they get older Well, she still played dress up games on her phone Orz.

But, dressing up real people as a game was a bit

Mrs Song continued, Before I had my first son, I bought a lot of girls dresses. I was so much looking forward to him being born, to play with me, but he ended up being a boy.

Mmh, that must have been very sad.

But the clothes I bought were so cute. It would be too much of a waste not to wear them, so I still dressed him up in them.

Pei Ying, ??!! What?

Do you want to see the photos? Mrs Song asked Pei Ying excitedly.

Sure! Even in such a difficult situation, Pei Ying still maintained her smile.

She must leave a good impression!

Having gotten an answer from Pei Ying, Mrs Song went over to her dresser and pulled out a photo album. Look. Didnt he look just like a girl when he was younger?

Pei Yings brows twitched. Dressed up to that extent, of course he looked like a girl.

Yes, very cute~ Contrary to the conflict she felt inside, Pei Ying had a bright smile on her face, as if she were truly a kindred spirit to Mrs Song.

Mrs Song continued down memory lane, Then, before my second son was born, I bought more girls clothes. Unfortunately, my second child was a son too.

Pei Ying, .

Wait, had Brother Two been unable to escape her scheming as well?

Indeed. Mrs Song flipped to the next page in her album. Lao Er was a bit naughtier. He was never still, so photographing him was always so tiring. Thankfully, I got pregnant again.

Pei Ying, ..

There was no need to tell her who the third child was. Her heart ached briefly for him.

Mrs Song said, At the time, I thought that, after having two sons, I couldnt possible have another. So, I didnt hold back with buying girls clothes. But then Mrs Songs eyes dimmed. After Nanchuan was born, I really wanted to switch him with the baby girl beside him in the nursery.

Pei Ying, .

Fortunately, Nanchuan was the prettiest of them all. He even had a beauty mark, and it was so delicate. So, I stopped taking photos of Lao Er. Nanchuan was the prettiest when dressed up.

Her heart ached again.

But Pei Ying was soon captivated by the doll-like child in the photos. Oh my, its so cute! Is this really Chuan Chuan?

Yes. I liked it so much that I just wanted to raise him as a girl. Only, his father wouldnt allow it. As he grew up, he wouldnt let me take photos of him anymore either, so I had to store away all these clothes At this point, Mrs Songs eyes lit up again. But then I realized that when they all get married and bring their pretty wives home, I can take photos of them.

Pei Ying, .

Wait. That didnt mean what she thought it meant, did it?

Look, I took these ones of Sister-in-law. Isnt she pretty? Mrs Song turned the page in the album to reveal a photo of Sister-in-law. Sister-in-law looks very gentle and she looks good in a qipao. This kind of long dress is also very elegant. But now shes pregnant, so she cant take photos with me anymore.

Pei Ying was taken aback. Sister-in-law is pregnant?

Mmh. Shes two months along. We dont know yet, but I hope she can have a daughter.

Pei Ying, .

Mrs Song was especially attached to this.

Ms Pei, you have such a nice figure. I wonder if you have any interest in trying on a few outfits? Mrs Song looked at Pei Ying, her expression particularly sincere.

Sure! Pei Ying replied with interest.

Mrs Song happily started picking out clothes for Pei Ying. Pei Ying changed into a sweet, princess dress. Then, she changed into some sexy outfits. Finally, she even tried on a lolita dress set, before the pleasant afternoon finally came to an end.

After changing back into her own clothes, Pei Ying earnestly recommended the mobile dress up game she played to Mrs Song.

And, Mrs Song gifted Pei Ying with a photo of a young Song Nanchuan in girls clothing, as a keepsake.


Song Nanchuan and his father were currently sitting in the living room. When he saw Pei Ying and his mother return downstairs, he walked over and whispered to Pei Ying, What did my mom ask you to do?

Pei Ying responded, Play dress up.

Song Nanchuan, .

He pulled Pei Ying out to the terrace, his expression dark. Did she take you to her closet?

Yeah. There were a lot of clothes inside. And I saw photos of you guys as kids.

Song Nanchuan, .

Where was there a mother who sold her sons in this manner? Keke

Auntie said that when you were born, she was really tempted to switch you with the baby girl beside you in the nursery.

. Song Nanchuan was silent for a moment. No wonder hed always felt that he wasnt really her son. With a sigh, he said, Sorry for not giving you a warning ahead of time. Sister-in-law wasnt taken into the closet until after she got married This is part of the dark, secret history of the Song family. Youd better not let anyone know about it.

Okay. Pei Ying really wanted to laugh, but she simply nodded. Actually, I dont think its so bad. I used to be a model after all. Change clothes, take photos. Its just like that.

Although Mrs Songs interest was a bit unusual, her collection was very considerable. There were quite a few outfits from famous designers, and it was really enough to satisfy a womans vanity.

Oh yeah. In order to thank me, Auntie gave m a photo of you. Pei Ying pulled the photo out of her bag and waved it in front of Song Nanchuan. Id have never thought that you were so cute when you were younger, Nanchuan meimei. (t/n: meimei means little sister, but is often added onto little girls / a younger girls name)

Song Nanchuan, .

He extended his hand to snatch away the photo, but fortunately, Pei Ying responded quickly and moved away in time. What are you trying to do? Deprive me of my reward?

Why would you keep a photo like that?

Song Nanchuan continued trying to grab the photo, when his mother passed by. She looked at them and said, Time to eat. You can continue your fun later in your room.

Pei Ying and Song Nanchuan, .

The guests for dinner had decreased. Elder Brother, Sister-in-law, and Brother Two were all not present. Mrs Song looked at Pei Ying with a smile and asked, Ms Pei, do you think youll want a son or a daughter?

Daughter, she responded without a second thought.

Mrs Song nodded in agreement. Girls are so much cuter than boys. And daughters are a mothers cotton jacket. (t/n: cotton jacket, meaning they are warm and treat their parents well)

Right. Pei Ying said with a smile.

Mrs Song asked Song Nanchuan, What about you, Nanchuan? Do you want a son or a daughter?

Song Nanchuan replied, As long as Pei Yings the mother, Ill like them regardless.

His words left Pei Ying rather embarrassed. Mr Song, whod been drinking his soup, suddenly put down his spoon. He called to the kitchen staff, This soup is too sweet. Please bring me another.

Pei Ying, .

After dinner, Song Nanchuan and Pei Ying finally had time to spend alone. Song Nanchuan held Pei Yings hand, and the two went for a moonlit stroll in the courtyard.

Your performance wasnt bad today. My mom seems to like you a lot, so I guess you passed.

Mmh. But your dad doesnt seem to like me very much.

Thats just how my father is. Dont worry. As long as my mother likes you, theres nothing he can do. The fact that her secret closet still existed to this day was evidence to that.

Okay Pei Ying nodded.

Song Nanchuan stopped and then kissed her on the forehead. We should rest earlier today. Well head out to the beach tomorrow.

Pei Ying agreed, and then a mans voice suddenly sounded from the bushes. Tsk tsk. Cant you be a bit more aware when youre out in public? Its almost sickening how sweet you are.


Song Nanchuan frowned and pulled Pei Ying to the side. Indeed, sitting in the courtyard barbecuing was Brother Two.

Youre barbecuing here? Song Nanchuan really didnt understand how his brothers mind worked sometimes.

Brother Two raised his eyebrows and tilted his head to the side. Its not the first time. Having some beer and grilling some meat under the moon. You cant always live so extravagantly.

You must not have been hit enough by Dad.

Brother Two waved him off. Do you two want to join me? I bought a lot of meat, and I wont be able to finish it all.

As Pei Ying looked at the platter of various meats, her mouth started watering. Though shed eaten her meals on time that day, she hadnt eaten nearly as much as usual. Her stomach felt a bit empty.

Song Nanchuan saw her eyeing the food, and he knew that she wasnt full yet. After considering it, he said, Ill grill. What do you want to eat?

Beef, chicken wings, and scallops. Thanks!

At the side, Brother Two couldnt help laughing. Looks like our meals dont exactly match your tastes.

Song Nanchuan glared at him. Then he rolled up his sleeves and started grilling some meat.

Brother Two added a rack of ribs as well. He said to Song Nanchuan, Thanks. Might as well grill it together.

Song Nanchuan, .

Pei Ying walked over and said, Why dont I grill then?

Thats okay. Stand back, otherwise the smell will stick to you.

Oh Looks like Chuan Chuan wanted her to maintain the rich miss character to the end.

She stood at a distance and watched Song Nanchuan. Brother Two brought over a chair for her, and then they sat and started chatting.

Song Nanchuan couldnt help throwing some corn kernels at his brother. Cant you come help me?

Brother Two, Ill help eat later.

Song Nanchuan, .

For Ying Yings sake, he would bear it.

After he turned the food, the housekeeper came out. The housekeeper had already seen many things, so this barbecue session in the courtyard didnt faze them. Turning to Song Nanchuan, they said, Youngest Master, your father is in the study. He said he has some business to discuss with you.

Song Nanchuan nodded and handed the grilling duties back over to Brother Two. Come over and grill.

Yeah, yeah, alright. Brother Two stood up and walked over to the grill. Song Nanchuan took care of his clothes and then said to Pei Ying, Just let him grill. Dont do anything. If my parents find out, just tell them that he dragged us over to eat.


Brother Two harrumphed disdainfully. After Song Nanchuan left with the housekeeper, he took the finished meat off the grill and brought it all to Pei Ying.

Thank you. Pei Ying accepted the food and took a bite. With surprise, she said, How can it be so good?

Brother Two smugly said, I often grill here at night. After absorbing all the moons essence, of course the food will taste good.

Pei Ying guffawed as Brother Two handed her a can of beer. Want a drink?

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