Just Blame Me For Being Blind in the Beginning

Chapter 43

You know that all Ill ever want is you.

Hearing Ren Shanshan say that, Pei Ying laughed. CEO Song is lively enough on his own.

Ren Shanshan, .

She took a moment before realizing the dirty comment that Pei Ying had just made. It really is different when you have a man, but you dont have to show off that much

. Pei Yings face reddened as she stumbled to say, N-no. I was just making a comment.

Ren Shanshan, .

Okay, your man is full of energy, I get it!

In the end, Ren Shanshan convinced Pei Ying to buy the slip. When she got home, she headed to the bathroom to try it on. But when she took a look in the mirror, her embarrassment made her quickly change out of it.

How could there exist such a disgraceful and shameful nightgown!

She changed into some normal sleepwear and then checked the time. Nearly 6. Song Nanchuan said that he had some things to take care of so he might get home late. When he left work, hed call someone to send some food over and they could have dinner together when he got back.

It was rare for Pei Ying to have such a leisurely day, so she sat down in front of the computer to browse the net. When she logged into Weibo, she found that things had blown up again.

Several media and marketing accounts had reblogged an article titled Xie Han stops Pei Ying from auditioning, intentionally creates car accident. The searches were also dominated by Xie Han creates car accident.

Pei Ying was taken aback. How did the media know about this? Did Song Nanchuan tip them off? If that were the case, then he should have already gotten confirmation that Xie Han was behind everything.

On the way to the audition for the role of Zhao Yue in The Performer, a black car crashed into Pei Yings van twice. The situation was stopped by her bodyguards. From the license plate that the bodyguards took down, the police were able to track down the instigator behind the scenesthe actress auditioning for the same role in The Performer, Xie Han! Presently, Xie Han has been taken in for questioning. To stay updated with more information, please keep following us!

Pei Ying read over the report and then her eyes dropped a tiny bit. Celebrities lived under the inspections of the public. Any little misdeed would be magnified. And in this case, Xie Han had engaged in illegal activity, so it would be very hard for her to turn things around.

Although shed previously worked together with Xie Han, she didnt pity her one bit. When you do wrong, its only natural for you to accept the consequences. If her bodyguards hadnt been as timely, she really might have missed the audition.

After this news went out, Pei Yings follower count skyrocketed. They all went to leave condemning messages on Xie Hans page, and even other passersby left a scolding comment or two.

Xie Han had been in the industry for years, so shed accumulated a number of fans as well. A group of those fans latched onto part of the bodyguards story and suspected that Pei Ying was intentionally slandering Xie Han. Some of her other fans calmly responded that they wouldnt believe these media reports until the police reports came out.

Pei Ying also received a great number of comments. Most of them were from fans and everyone was pretty stirred up. She looked through some of the comments and decided to post an official statement to calm them down.

[Pei Ying] (Official)

Sorry to make everyone worry. This car accident did cause me a great deal of fright, but thankfully I was only left with minor scratches. I was able to participate in the audition for The Performer without any further problems. Please rest assured. (cute) We filed a police report right after the incident and an investigation is currently under way. Ill continue to watch for developments, but Im sure that they will be able to give me a satisfactory conclusion. Thank you. (cute)

After posting this, her fans commented and reblogged it a lot. She also received a few messages from friends in the industry asking about her. Pei Ying was checking the new comments when Song Nanchuan returned.

What are you looking at? Song Nanchuan asked casually, when he saw her staring at the computer so intently. Pei Ying turned to look at him. There was a report about Xie Han instigating my car accident, so everyones condemning her right now.

Song Nanchuan responded lightly, She deserves it.

Pei Ying blinked. Were you the one to tip off the media about this?

Mmh. Once a celebritys image is ruined, their path to fame is also finished. This is just the start.


Song Nanchuan gently rubbed Pei Yings dark hair. He smiled and said, Alright, forget about her. The foods arrived. Lets eat first. Theres the shrimp that you really like.

Okay. When she heard that there was shrimp to eat, Pei Ying quickly ran downstairs. Song Nanchuan glanced over the report on Xie Han with a cold expression. Then he turned off the computer and headed downstairs.


After their meal, Pei Ying took advantage of the time that Song Nanchuan went to shower and pulled out the tie clip that shed bought earlier. She opened the box to take a look, a bit worried that Song Nanchuan might not like it, even if she found the tie clip very precious and unique.

When she heard the water in the bathroom shut off, Pei Ying quickly closed the box.

Should she give it to him or not? Would he find it too unpresentable? orz

When she thought about the casual money that Song Nanchuan spent on a daily basis, how it was the price of a house, she really felt like she couldnt give him the tie clip. But she spent a lot of money on it. It really made her heart ache. If she didnt give it to him, it would be too much of a waste.

The bathroom door clicked and the door swung open gently. Pei Ying quickly hid the box behind her. Noticing the slight movement, the corner of Song Nanchuans mouth lifted up. He walked over to her and bent over, What are you hiding?

Nothing. Pei Ying bet on her acting chops and presented a picturesque, innocent girl!

Song Nanchuans brows jumped and then furrowed. Nothing? Then show me your hands.

Hed just stepped out of the bathroom, so his body was still slightly wet. The smell of his shower gel lingered around Pei Yings nose, slowly consuming away her willpower.

I said that it was nothing. She pulled out her left hand, empty as could be.

Song Nanchuan said, Both hands together.

Pei Ying pursed her lips and muttered about how childish he was. Then she pulled out the black box from behind her.

Whats this? Song Nanchuan asked.

Oh, I got paid today, so I bought you a gift.

A gift for me? Song Nanchuan asked suspiciously, though his eyes carried a smiling expression. He took the box from Pei Yings hands and gently opened it.

The tie clip sat inside the box, the stones on it exuding a warm shine.

Its a very nice tie clip. Thank you.

When Pei Ying heard this, she lifted her head happily. Do you like it?

Song Nanchuan smiled and kissed her. Softly, he said, You gave it to me, so of course I like it.

He even ate Luosifen, so what was there not to like about this fine tie clip.

Ah, Im glad. I was worried that you wouldnt like it. As Pei Ying spoke, she started to grow uneasy again. She asked, Do you really like it? If you dont like it, you dont have to lie to me. I can go return it.

Song Nanchuan looked at her, his dark eyes flowing with a shimmer like the sea. What do I have to do for you to believe that I really like it?

As he spoke, his breath sprinkled onto her face, causing her to turn a bright crimson. Song Nanchuan seemed to be surrounded by an ambiguous aura. Pei Yings heart pounded. I believe that you really like it. Can you step back

After she finished speaking, not only did Song Nanchuan not back away, he pressed even closer. Does this count as close? There are obviously times when the distance between us is negative.

. Thats precisely why shed said, CEO Song didnt need any sexy lingerie for stimulation, keke.

This clip looks very expensive. If you want to give me something, do you really have to go through such trouble? Song Nanchuan put down the box and wrapped his arms around Pei Yings waist. You know that all Ill ever want is you.

Pei Ying, .

Right. Old drivers were the ones who best understood other old drivers. Ren Shanshan was simply a spiritual mentor.

Song Nanchuan and Pei Ying moved closer together. When his lips were nearly on hers, Pei Ying suddenly shouted out, Chuan Chuan!

What is it? Being unable to kiss Pei Ying, Song Nanchuan frowned.

Pei Ying stood up from the counter and ran over to the closet. She said to him, Actually, I have another gift for you!

What? Was it clothing?

And indeed, Pei Ying opened the wardrobe and pulled out a piece of clothing A nightgown, for a female.

This is for me? Song Nanchuan asked doubtfully. Did she want him to act in some kind of gender swap role-play?

Pei Ying responded a bit parch, Its for you, but Im the one wholl wear it.

Song Nanchuan understood her meaning immediately. He nearly whistled out loud, but in the end, he stopped himself.

This doesnt seem like your style. Was it your friends idea? He looked at her, his expression playful.

Pei Ying grew bashful as she nodded. Mmh.

Song Nanchuan laughed. Not a bad friend you have there. Does her shop need an investment?

Pei Ying, .

What was up with these people?!

But well talk about investments later. For now, you should change into this. Song Nanchuans face was full of expectation.

Pei Ying, .


She took her time heading to the bathroom and then spent five minutes changing. Before she could head back out, Song Nanchuan walked directly inside. Pei Ying was startled. And Song Nanchuans eyes were glued to her.

The semitransparent nightgown couldnt cover anything beneath it at all. Rather, it invited temptation. It only just covered beneath her buttocks, her long legs plainly visible. Song Nanchuan could feel all the blood inside him pooling together at a single point in his lower body.

First, he wrapped his arms around Pei Ying. The open-back design allowed him to feel her delicate skin. With a satisfied grunt, he pressed Pei Ying to the mirror behind her. Baby, you want to do it here?

Pei Ying, .

She didnt have the chance to speak before Song Nanchuan anxiously caught her lips. His lower body was pressed against hers, unceasingly rubbing.

The moonlight spilled through the window, leaving a silver grey trail on the floor. The moans in the bathroom were like a song.

That night was destined to be a fiery and passionate one.

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