Just Blame Me For Being Blind in the Beginning

Chapter 40

Woman, have you ever heard of unspoken rules?

Xin Xin was one of the nations best-selling detective novelists. To this day, hed published more than ten novels, but hed never released a photograph of himself. Hed never even held a book signing.

The Performers press conference was his first public appearance, and even some of the reporters in the audience couldnt restrain themselves. Instead of directing their questions at Mo Zhen, the reporters started the interview by asking a philosophical question.

Are you really Teacher Xin Xin? one reporter asked.

Pei Ying sweat a bit as she heard Teacher Xin Xins answer, Hm, why didnt I think of finding a body double to attend this conference in my place.

The audience laughed. What Pei Ying glimpsed from this was that Teacher had a very nice sounding voice!

The same reporter asked again, Teacher, with an appearance as outstanding as yours, have you ever considered joining the entertainment industry?

On the stage, Xin Xin frowned as he said, Why do you keep asking me questions? Shouldnt your attention be focused on Mo Zhen? Thats what my editor told me.

Pei Ying, .

Another wave of laughter rolled through the audience, and everyones attentions turned to the Mighty Mo. These press conferences usually only lasted for half an hour, and Teacher Xin Xin was undoubtedly the winner of the day.

Not only did his fans and the media rush to release photos of him, even his words Thats what my editor told me started trending online.

Song Nanchuan was sitting on the sofa, watching the press conference with Pei Ying. He waited patiently until the end, and then he picked up the remote to turn off the TV.

Pei Ying frowned and turned to him, Why did you turn it off?

Song Nanchuan said, Isnt it over?

What if theres a report afterwards?

Song Nanchuan looked at her, as if studying her. Are you Mo Zhens fan?

Im Teacher Xin Xins faithful reader! As she said this, Pei Yings eyes glowed. Ive read all of his novels. Oh yeah, I brought his novels along when I moved. Didnt you see it?

I saw. Song Nanchuan nodded. All those books were currently taking up space in his bookcase. I just thought that you were reading them in preparation for The Performer, as homework.

No, no, no. I really like his books. Do you think, if I get the female lead role, Ill be able to meet him in person?!

His readers biggest regret was likely that Teacher Xin Xin had never held a book signing.

Song Nanchuan said, I heard that the auditions for the female lead will take place at the start of August, but Xin Xins request for the actresses is very strict.

His words were meant to remind Pei Ying not to hold on to too many hopes, lest she get too hurt if she didnt get chosen. However, Pei Ying picked up on a different point. That means Teacher Xin Xin will be at the audition? Which means, if I participate in the audition, Ill be able to see Teacher Xin Xin!

Song Nanchuan, .

After Qiao Yichen left, in walked Xin Xin. Great.

Although Song Nanchuan was currently very angry, he had to keep a smile on his face. You know that neither Li Sisi or Ni Bai have meet Xin Xins standards, right? Most people who are that picky have some kind of psychological affliction.

Youre the one with a psychological problem. Its called jealousy! Pei Ying rolled her eyes at him.

Song Nanchuan responded, Ive read his books before too. To be able to create such warped characters, how could he not have some kind of mental illness?

Its simply a reaction to the dark side of human nature! And Wu Yang caught the bad guys in the end anyway!

Wu Yang was the main character that would be played by Mo Zhen. He was an all-powerful detective who had been employed with the police, but after his sharp edge caused his partner to die in the line of duty, he resigned and opened an internet bar. Only occasionally did he help look into cases for his juniors at the police.

Song Nanchuan watched as Pei Ying argued strongly against him and pursed his lips. Its probably better if you dont act in this movie, otherwise itll mess up your psyche.

A character like Zhao Yue is one that presents a challenge. Forget it. I cant be bothered explaining this to someone who lacks artistic sense.

Someone who doesnt understand art, .

Pei Ying picked up her phone and called Chen Sheng to ask about the auditions for The Performer. Song Nanchuan waited until she hung up to walk up behind her and wrap his arms around her. If you wanted to know about the audition, wouldnt it be faster to ask me?

Pei Ying blinked her eyes and turned to look at him. What kind of info do you know?

Song Nanchuan rested his chin on her shoulder and his lips perked up. Woman, have you ever heard of unspoken rules?

Pei Ying, .

Sleep with me and Ill tell you. Song Nanchuan smiled with a sense of success, and he even raise his brow up at Pei Ying.

Pei Ying, .

Was he trying to prove that he knew about art?

Before she could speak, Song Nanhuan had already reached a hand under the hem of her clothes and kissed the spot behind her ear. Pei Ying grabbed onto his trouble-making hand and knit her brows together. Its the middle of the day right now, okay?

Song Nanchuan lightly bit onto her earlobe and whispered sexily, Who said you cant sleep in the daytime?

As she felt the desire in Song Nanchuans body grow, Pei Ying helplessly pursed her lips and said, We should at least go back to the bedroom.

As you wish, Song Nanchuans voice came, and then he carried Pei Ying up the stairs.


After they had a good sleep, Pei Ying looked at Song Nanchuan. So what kind of insider info do you have?

Insider info I dont seem to have that. As he spoke, he could feel Pei Yings gaze piercing into him like needles. He quickly added, But I can help you get an audition.

Mmh? Pei Yings brows twitched. Is there that much competition for just the audition?

Of course. Did you think it would be like other movies, that anyone could audition? Everyone knows that this is a big production. Xin Xins novel has a large international following as well, so the movie will probably be shown abroad. This is a great opportunity to expand ones audience, so who wouldnt want to try out?

Oh Then what kind of people will have the opportunity to audition?

Of course theyll have to be accomplished. Although Xin Xin isnt looking favorably on Li Sisi and Ni Bai, theyll probably still audition. Ones the nations goddess and the others an academy award winning actress after all.

Mmh Pei Ying nodded pensively. And also, being able to work together with the emperor of film, Mo Zhen, wasnt and opportunity that came by often. I dont think I seem to have many accomplishments

Pei Yings expression was akin to tears behind a smile.

Song Nanchuan couldnt help laughing. He said, If you sleep with me again, Ill tell you a secret.

Then I choose not to hear it.

Song Nanchuan, .

Had his body already lost all its attractiveness?!

Pei Ying looked at his baffled expression and gave him a peck on the lips. Hurry and spill.

Song Nanchuan licked his lips and looked unhappily at Pei Ying. Arent you too petty? Should have been a French kiss at least.

Pei Ying pinched his slender waist and said, Are you going to talk or not?

Her action neither hurt or itched Song Nanchuan. Rather, it made him more excited. Pei Ying looked at his anticipating appearance and then grabbed a pillow to put between them. If you have something to say, say it. Dont try to do anything else.

Song Nanchuan chuckled and gave in. For the audition, Universe, the director, and the original author can recommend two or three actors. Everyone will vote on the recommendations, and if two groups approve, the actor can audition.

What kind of secret is that?! She totally lost out on this!

Song Nanchuan said, I recommended you, and youre the only one who got all three votes.

Pei Ying was taken aback, then her eyes widened. Youre saying that Teacher Xin Xin approved of me?!

Dont get too excited. Clips of your performance in Light Shines on Raiment of Rainbow and Season of Love were included in your info, so if were to say that he approved of you, it would be that he approved of your performances in those two roles. It doesnt mean that he finds you suitable for Zhao Yue. All three groups have to pass you on your audition for you to actually get the role.

Okay, okay. Ill do my best. Ah, Chuan Chuan! Im so excited right now!

Since you have so much energy right now, should we go another round?

Pei Ying, .


A few days after the press conference, Chen Sheng notified Pei Ying about the time and location for The Performer audition. That day, Mo Zhens character stills were released and they caught everyones attention.

Pei Ying was busy preparing for the audition, so she only glanced over the photos. Hed really captured the original character. No wonder Mo Zhen was the emperor of film. He was able to completely express Wu Yang, appearing careless and slovenly, yet his eyes hid a kind of radiance.

With a male lead of that level, she naturally felt a lot of pressure. If the female lead were to be even a bit inattentive under his halo, shed be completely washed out.

On the day of the audition, Pei Yings assistant arrived bright and early to pick her up. Pei Ying got into the car and picked up the original The Performer novel. She brought the book along, in part, to help herself get into character, but also, in the case that she didnt get chosen for the role, she could at least get an autograph from Teacher Xin Xin.

Just as she was getting engrossed with the book, the car was suddenly hit and her entire person lurched forward. Thankfully she had her seat belt on.

After her van got it, it moved slightly off its path. Her assistant hadnt even had time to readjust herself when the car hit them once again, in the same fashion.

Her assistant frowned. This didnt seem like a simple accident, but rather, someone was intentionally crashing into them.

She didnt recognize that black car. With her hands tightly gripping the wheel, she turned to look back at Pei Ying, Ms Pei, hold tight!

Right when she finished speaking, that car tried to hit them yet again. But this time, it was stopped by a car that speedily came out from behind. The car that hit them realized the situation wasnt right, so they quickly turned and drove away. Her assistant stopped the car and then turned to look at Pei Ying. Ms Pei, are you alright?

Im fine. Pei Ying still hadnt recovered from the shock as she looked out the window, just in time to see a bodyguard get out from the car that was now beside them. The bodyguard knocked on her window and asked, Ms Pei, are you hurt?

Im fine, just a few scatches.

Weve already taken down the license plate number for that car. Do you need us to send you to the hospital first?

Pei Ying shook her head. No, thats okay. Send me to the audition.

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