Isekai Mahou wa Okureteru!

8 Modern Sorcerer Vs Wizard Of The Other World

As was initially expected, Shuiming, who lured Fermenia Stingray into the junction, was now moving to a position where he could do his utmost as a magician by waking up a magic furnace.

Fermenia finally speaks of an overwhelming difference in power and is bound by impatience and fear. Before her, Mizumi uses the knowledge she can possess to increase her magic.

If someone else was here right now knowing the status quo, he might think so, to the fullest, no matter how much everything is overdone.

Fermenia Stingray says, no, that's all magicians in this world are inferior to magicians in their world. If so, it is efficient and gentleman to rub your mind, reduce the use of unnecessary magic and carry things smartly, yes.

But Shuiming has no intention of doing so. No matter how many sorcerers in this world don't know about the diversity of sorcery systems, don't know about the effective use of magic formations, don't devise spell chants that can be called imperatives, and don't build a magician's basic magic furnace in his body, the sorcerer is the sorcerer for him.

If you have the stage to fight and you are the host you invited to fight, you must not lack the courtesy of doing everything in your power, no matter how low the competition is. A sorcerer seems to be a sorcerer, and he attracts and subjugates his opponent's mind with the magic of the Spirit. Sure, we have other intentions at the end of the day because the situation is a situation, but if we are in the middle of a battle, we have to come more than a host. That was the pride of being a magician of Mitsumi Hachi.

Confront me for a while. There are no words of initiation in this battle.

The battle has already begun. Later only which moves first.

It was Fermenia who could no longer live with the tensions of the battle or moved ahead.

"- Tz! Flame! Thou, that the flame hath a reason to flame, but that which is out of the reason of the flame! Burn down all things, the white that is evil in truth! Truth Flare!"

It's the white flame magic she proclaimed the truth earlier. The magic of generating flames that say truth but are actually just high temperatures, but the earlier flames seemed to be a small handful of checks, and the scale is huge out of step. Then there is also a considerable amount of magic involved.

The flames created in Russia swirl like whirlpools, and when they spread around, they focus on this one in an instant, and converge towards each other.

- So, Shuiming's mind switched completely.

Burn this one or the flame will kill you. No sentiment is earliest for that flame, but none of us are willing to take it in silence.

Inhale quickly and focus your gaze. Optimize magic to exercise magic.

"Secandum ex Quartum excipio"

(Second, third and fourth walls, local expansion)

This is the magic of your own defense. For the first time in the world, I tried to use the "Golden Fortress of the Rock." I expanded the walls to a limited extent.

The golden magic formation forms a triple shield in front of the arm that is received in the palm of the hand but protrudes like a protrusion.

It can't even work like a flame that's just hot. The fortress walls are sturdy. Even if it is attacked by a flame, it will not fall. Obstructed by a triple overlapping barrier of magic formations, it disappears without daring, but Mount Seki.

The white flame line of Article 7 pulls the roar to its tail and crashes into a golden magic formation. This is a fierce penetration until the light strip of white flames that is inhibited scatters its bright white sparks with the clash and all quantities can disappear without sharpening the magic formation. White flames scatter the roaring sounds and sparks of the excavating machinery, and the flashing aftermath ravages its own surroundings. One second, two seconds, three seconds, four seconds. But I can't penetrate the white flame. Inhibited by the surgical defense of the second castle wall, the rotating magic formation of the third castle wall solves the surgical formula that constitutes magic. As a result, the dazzling pure white faded back to its original red and finally dispersed before the explosion by the power reflex (reflex) of the Fourth Wall.

"Not yet, not yet!

I hear a strong rush, but that is a testament to the next bullet. The fireline that was shot out was out of sight, but the blazing of white flames is still stalled in the air as her words point.

Again, "Flames!" Under the decree, Fermenia shoots it out. Now rush straight through to survive the white flames that strike again.

White flames also change direction in the meantime, changing movement and approaching. That's right, isn't the title of the court magician Dada? Both the movement of magic to move and the manipulation of flames are carried out quickly and in the shortest possible time. That, the operation of witchcraft, which may be said to be top notch, certainly deserves admiration.

But in the end, no matter how good it is, it doesn't make sense if there's no quality involved there. So-called magic that does not have the effect of breaking through the walls cannot scratch the Golden Fortress, and even if the defense is unraveled, the flames will scrape themselves for a second and chase them, but they will not be hooked at the edge of the coat, and they will not be able to leave a single burn.

With a white flame on his ass that won't chase him, this one turns straight back into a counterattack. My distance opened on the run. That's why I want to say, the magic of acceleration.

Gravity reduction, mass reduction. Nutus.Mltitudo.Decresco." That's the word. Whimpering less, his own body releases from the shackles of gravity and lightens. It's like the weight of your body doesn't even exist right now.

Then run. No, that's why I'm shooting.

Flipping a black coat, peeling off the impending white flame, a gliding swallow attacked Fermenia at speed.

"Too fast -"

Is that a cry? The accelerating flesh thin would have been confused with instantaneous travel. If you notice, its presence is three meters there.

Play your finger in front of him before you finish listening to all her words.

For a moment, a stunned gaze overlaps with a chilling gaze.

The magic of a missile. Modern magician Mizumi, rupturing compressed air can only be activated with a finger-playing process. Simple sorcery, but its power is deductive. Simplified, therefore excellent speed, the effect is as physical as it is, so it is easy to understand.

- Pattin.

Just as a transparent bomb caused a transparent explosion, the impact pushes the air away and blows every ground directly below it.

The rupture was close, but I saw it earlier, but it was late, or Fermenia throwing herself out with a single hair in time to dodge it.

"Ugh, ah...!

If you try to ring your finger again to block that exit, Fermenia will also change direction poorly. He screams like a scream as he flees lifelessly to be danced to successive shockwaves.

"Meh, it's a mess! How can you make magic so easy!

"Ha - because if you can't, you lose, third-rate magician. We're not playing the RPG game, are we?

Yes, this is not a game. It's a life-threatening trial. A world where you just wasted about a second of your time and settled relentlessly. It doesn't translate to the mystery that Fermenia has.

Remove the reagent bottle from your pocket in a gap where Fermenia escapes.

And quickly open the lid of that reagent bottle.

Among them is mercury. The only metal to liquefy at room temperature. In alchemy, a substance nicknamed an amphoteric monster comes out zero, now or now, to hang witchcraft.

And then pay to shake and hang the long-awaited words on the mercury that drew the line in the universe.

"Permutatio Coagulatio vis lamina!

(Degeneration, coagulation, formation is power!)

Grabbing the mercury that still remains liquid and swinging it backwards like a sword's blood swing, there's the mercury that has already taken shape. The blood waves naturally put the wreckage on the sword. The essence is also in the sword. That's a mercury knife. A shapeless weapon that changes shape as much as it takes by magic.

"- It's dirt! Shatter my enemies by turning them into stubborn rubble! Stonereid!

Fermenia completed the magic just before the mercury formed the wreckage. The little pebbles that are ejected call the soil over its orbit. Just before the flying pebbles reached, they had become spicy stone bullets of pointy fist magnitude.

"Eat it -"


Slash away the stones that fly in, with the swords that you have created. In front of the magician's eyes, a bullet is not untraceable. Then it can't be a threat such as a flying stone. The cutting tip of the mercury blade smashes the stone practiced with magic. The stone debris that flies later also smashes. Streamline along the flow of swordsmanship. Dangerous.

"You're a wizard, but you can use your sword!?

"I can use it, but what's going on? The magician over there has to have melee skills, right? Whether you're close to using magic or far away, there's no obstacle."


"Fuck...... fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, oh, man!

Fermenia randomly shoots stone bullets just saying she's already abandoned herself. But the rubble never arrives. I can't even dust my clothes.

Cut off the last debris. Variety of crashing dirt mass. There is no more shaping.

"- It's flames! He was willing to penetrate, and opened his enemies before me.

"Permutatio.Coagulatio.vis flagellum"

(perverts, flushes, squeamish!

The chant in sync with Fermenia, however, had minutes here with short sentences. A magic formation is built to be pierced by a mercury knife. And use your wrist return to the fullest for a swing. Then mercury, which until earlier was a sharp iron rod, changes as if it were a whip with a leatherstring.

As the chant goes, a mercury whip roaming through the sky. I slapped her directly next to me for not blocking Fermenian spell completion.


A mercury cut outstrips the speed of sound to make a fierce bursting sound like an empty cannon. Deeply decisive ground. Metal whips have no comparable power to leather whips, etc. The weight, the hardness, the sharpness, even the length. The human body is even thick and thick, and even thin paper breaks through synonymously and brutally.

"Ugh, gu... no way..."

I can prune my life with a swing of my arm. Having been stuck with such a fact, Fermenia becomes incapable of moving a step from the spot. You'd usually move smoothly with chanting. Same goes for your mouth. Not a single bar of the spell can be spoken, and only words filled with bitterness emerge from bitterly distorted faces.

I can see blood drawing from my face. Is that it? No, it's not the end unless you bend your knees. If it's hard to float, it hasn't given up yet. This is where I stand in distress, etc." "Where's the room for salvation?" I should smash it to the bottom of my heart, without skin, so that I can't even think about it again.

Under that will, I burned firewood once to the magic furnace, now named Passion, and exploded my magic into Russia.

- Oops.

Sound and illusory loudness and power shook the castle.

A runoff of bursting magic intertwined, losing its way, which drove a bunch of blue lightning bolts up the roar of a dragon roaring.

And in front of me is Fermenia, who lost her identity to the war. He turns his gaze of awe with his knees flaunted at the difference in force that he can never resist.

Before that, Shuiming sweeps out. "Velam nox lacrima potestas"

(In the book. the power of tears at night)

From underfoot, a magic formation so enormous as to encompass the garden unfolds. It is the magical light of the Ether that shines deeper than the starry sky. The brilliance of the moment is strong and still fantastic in this fantastic world.

"Olympus quod terra misceo misucui mixtum"

(Unmark the heavens and the earth)

Events and phenomena change at the end of each bar. Unlike the magic of this world, which becomes one with all the spells, casts them out and then overturns the phenomenon at once, this magic is the embodiment of power itself. Even during chanting, the world changes and the situation changes to a miracle that should always happen.

A particle of golden power rises from the earth, and when it rises toward heaven, it is sucked into the starry sky.

And countless magic formations were built in Jomtien, as they depicted stars that colored the sky too much.

"Dezzmoror pluviaincessanter"

(glaring, pouring)

If you notice, the magic formation fills the sphere like a star coloring the sky. The type is multiple wide-area deployment type. The attribute is an empty attribute equivalent to an ether. The lineage combines Kabbalah several secrets and astrology, other lineage composite magic that can also be synonymous with modern magic.

At the stronghold that there is only one word left, Shuiming laughs invincibly and pronounces the execution.

"Palace Magic Master's Palace. Do your best to defend yourself, okay?

There was no resistance that Fermenia could have had to that word. Just spare your life to develop defensive magic.


"Enth astrarle"

(Starry heaven, fall -)

Keywords were given. A pillar of light that begins with that word and builds upside down from the magic formations of the sky. A mixture of magic and star light, some oriented, as though meteors had fallen with tears overflowing directly above them. Every sound that was on the earth is blown with its thunderous roar to strip all the earth within range of fangs.

This is the magic of the starry sky, the falling meteor. It was one of the great magic of the Eight Keys of Mizumi, manifested with the words of Ensuastrale.

... Eventually, the meteor rain subsided. Later, what remained was the appearance of Fermenia, who had confused the original white garden, as if previous acts of sabotage had been dreams, with the eight-key Shuiming, pure white robe wrapped around a black suit, as a worn out cloth cut.

Going gracefully beneath Fermenia, unable to move, Mercury knife aligns with its neck.

"I win. Don't you have any complaints?

When you ask for victory or defeat, a trembling voice returns.

"If so, you monster... which mouth do you want, such as not being able to fight with its strength... Why did you refuse the Demon King crusade? If you go out with the Demon King..."

"Can you take him down? That's what you're talking about. As I said during the sight, the battle is numbered. History proves that. No matter how strong you are, you are no match for an overwhelming number. Winning trials do not exist. No matter how good the quality of those who fight is, before the emotional twists that bind a number of violence and a lot of will, every human being is nothing but a tiny one."

That's what I said, and Shuiming opens her mouth if she hasn't said enough yet.

"Nakshatra and other demon kings aren't the only ones who have to fight for your favors. Even an army of creatures called the Demon Nation, under its command. That barcode bald guy dropped a country like Nosius. Though there were millions of troops there, it wouldn't be that size if we thought about it normally and gathered reserve power. Double or triple? Even a million dollars is ridiculous, and you want me to deal with that number? I don't care how many brilliant, nostalgic manoeuvres you run into, there's no guarantee you won't get caught up in unusual numbers, is there? How can you take him down?"

"What are you talking about? Fighting is a battlefield where individual warriors say things. If you have so much power, you can win, and you will never lose."

"Asshole. I'm saying that quality and quantity are different types of warfare. It's not necessarily quality equals."

"As much as you...... a wizard as you say that?

"Ha? Me? Come on. I'm not such a good magician. Well, I've been told he's a little talented, but he's a magician at the bottom.... Well, maybe he can laugh with his nose if he's the most heavenly guy on the other side. It's not even a millimeter in here."

Fermenia loses her word this time. I'm not sure whether the cause of this was against the unusual awesomeness of the world where Mizumi and the others were, or whether it was Mizumi himself who could laugh and squeal so, but I was still sure that I couldn't say anything more than an overwhelming difference.

"Ma, I knew it before I started, but you're a long way behind on witchcraft in other worlds. Clearly, it wasn't that much fun. You may sound harsh."

Yes, Shuiming speaks of her honest feelings right now. For him, whose joy of seeing mysteries he does not know positions him as the Battle of the Mage, unknown sorcery, sorcery knitted at the end of skill, is what he seeks in battle. But there was not one thing in the current battle.

An unexpected, surprising and admiring death of "fights of understanding." So I won, trying to win. Naturally none of the joys that accompanied it were present.

And just because it's time to come, I'll poke Fermenia at the outcome of this fight.

"Well, then it's time for the stage to go behind the curtains, wizard"

The colder the spine of what you hear, the more you change your voice as much as possible to get it out of its heart and gall, yes. Fermenia, who could not even get up on her knees, had either stopped or blued her face as if she had reached the end of the world alone.

"Ko, are you going to kill...?

"Come on. What do you think? How do you think I can settle this settlement?

"Ya, please! Forgive me for that!

Fermenia lays flat in the water, forsaking her self-esteem. Help me, miss me, I just need to turn against you no more. Adult, but don't bother.

But Shuiming's nose sounds uninteresting and inquires about it in a mean way.

"Oh, come on, you were willing to kill me, you begged for your life?

"Chi, no! I wasn't willing to kill Lord Swimey more than I was! Just trying to let him know..."

To fermenia shaking her neck vigorously and sideways, poured is a gaze cloudy with awakening and frenzy. Let's say I didn't come to the scene with my life at stake, I was too prepared for this. I have the temper to beat them up, but I didn't think about the worst of getting beaten up by them, so this difference would be the price.

I remember hearing about being an aristocratic princess, but for better or worse, maybe that's the personality that influenced her.

And Shuiming asks the sincerity of what he said earlier.

Are you sure you didn't want to kill him?

"True! Swear to the goddess Arshna, it's not a lie!

"I don't know how heavy the name of the goddess palace would be for me, but I'm a different world and I don't know anything about Japanese people."

Kachiri and a knife without a tweezer sound a tweezer. Fermenia is not Japanese, so she shouldn't know what the noise is, but instinctively a plea turns into a grieving plea for realizing that the distance of life has shrunk.

"Oh, please! I don't want to die yet! I don't want to die... please, this is it"

That's just too much abuse. If you hit your heart with all this, it would be a good time to get down to business. With that in mind, Shuiming speaks with a sense of boredom so that the mean attitude is not understood as acting.

"... then you are. Instead of helping you, why don't you take my offer?"

"... just, conditions?

"Yes. The first is that what happened here today will never tell anyone. The second is not to tell anyone that I am a magician. Especially for Trinity and water trees. Ready?"

Fermenia shook her neck to the side when she asked for her consent.

"Yes, no, wait. Lord Reggie and Lord Mizuki are still telling His Majesty the King that you are the wizard. What should I do in that case"

"Heh, that was a surprise. I'm surprised an overconfidence like you is telling someone. It's not enough for me, I thought I didn't even have insurance when I lost because I could handle it at any time - but it doesn't matter. Either way, I won't be able to tell you more about this from you in the future."

Avoiding the danger that is out of the way from the beginning to the conditions presented, and seeing Fermenia breathe a relieved breath, Shuiming speaks of the last and most important condition.

"And the third. Based on the above, I need you to sign this paperwork."

Shuiming then tries to take it out of the void, making a single piece of paper and pen appear on his left hand. The pen was always what he used, and the paper was tedious and written with some arrangement in foreign languages.

Naturally, Fermenia doesn't know.

"What, this?

"It's just a certificate. It's a contract document with the wording that says you must keep what you just said. You don't mind if I sign that much, do you?

"... ok. Sign it."

Fermenia seems a little surprised, but I accept. I don't make clear predictions about what seems surprising, either way, she doesn't have a choice.

Finish signing the certificate and finally press the blood thumbprint. Shuiming sees it to the end and then tells her in white like a moon floating in the sky.

"- And I forgot to tell you, if I sign this, at the end of the day, if I renege on my earlier promise, you will die."

"Hey, what?

"Well, I guess I was going to tell the king later, but that's not going to happen, is it? I don't want you taking me in any stranger directions."

"Wait, you can do that for as long as you want."

"It's impossible to say in front of a magician, it's not worth anything"

It wasn't exactly an affront, but I'm going to show Fermenia, who asked me with a strange face, the most effective proof right now here.

Once Mizumi releases her hand from the mercury knife and attaches the signed deed with her magically lit finger, Fermenia holds her chest against Russia and suffers.

"Fool......, guh, guh!?

"This is how it works. The feeling of crushing your heart would be inside, wouldn't it?

Release your finger from the deed. Then, open from the commandments that squeezed the heart, Fermenia changed her breath constantly just that, because, uh, she leaks powerless discontent.

"What, is... no, I didn't hear that"

"Whether you ask me or not, you don't have a choice. It's not that hard. Simply keep your mouth shut and that's fine. Isn't that a lot more conscientious than talking about going to the Demon King to sell you a fight, huh?

"Ah... ugh... ugh..."

When I ask, I don't get back to you.

If you look closely at that nagging Fermenia...

(Ah...... did you do something a little too much?

Apparently, it broke beautifully. Fermenia is whimpering with tears in her eyes.

The person who did this, Mizumi, could not forbid compassion either.

Does it extend to the pursuit above? Shuiming, who just doesn't have that many brutal thoughts with him, tells Fermenia as if he was in a bit of a hurry.

"Well, that's what I'm saying, so keep your word, okay? I don't want to kill you for nothing. I don't like it."

The tone was somewhat softer than earlier because sympathy preceded it? Continue to overflow the whimper, throwing it like that in a hurry to Fermenia, who doesn't know if he's listening or not, polyscratching his head with a few plans.

And leave Fermenia wondering if there is anything more to be done, after the gardens of White Asia.

I ended up putting it on before I dropped it, but it was a missed form.

... A battle between magicians is by no means an exchange and consent of life. It is a matter of hope that the Ningro Sorcerer will take the Sorcerer's life. Surely there is no forgiveness for those who enter their own workshops, but otherwise all magicians are compatriots who must respect one another and hold hands together.

Yesterday, magic has been suppressed by science, it has not declined and it has been stopped by development. The presence of those who seek magic in it is invaluable. So, in order to avoid extinction from the earth of a technique called witchcraft, as different as the system of witchcraft in which it is exercised, there exists an implicit rule whereby witchcraft does not kill witchcraft all the time. For this reason, deeds like the one we had earlier are commonly used. Not to kill you. To make sure you can't do any more harm to yourself. That way, we can keep him alive for once. There are no fewer magicians.

I forgive you for the other exceptions, but therefore the sorcerer's duel is not about killing each other in mind, but about the rivalry of sorcery, how mysterious it passes, the point being that it results in the precision of sorcery, its strength, the complexity and altitude of the technique, its theory, its properties, and what we recognize each other for.

How about this fight if you think about it? There is no witchcraft that makes you roar by accident, and if so, there is no aftertaste of immersion in victory.

So this is the only emotion that comes to mind.

"Really, you're behind..."

That word, which I said earlier to Fermenia, haunts the water now. I have to live in this world in the future. Whether or not there is a mystery in this world that drives the mind.

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