Isekai Mahou wa Okureteru!

35 Smaller Wake

About ten days have passed since the battle with Rajas the Demon General. Shuiming and Lefir had crossed the border between Astel-Nerferia and had come to the front of Philus Feria, capital of the Nerferia Empire.

As he walks down the cobblestone-maintained streets, Shuiming turns his attention to the destination, which will arrive in a few moments.

Lifting her gaze slightly from there, she saw the castle gate in such huge and different colors that it was not comparable to what was in Astel, just standing with Aotearoa poking at her. Such castle gates are much higher than those of Metail, the city of Kranto, and if the outer circumference is incomparably robust, let us see the national power of the Nerferia Empire. The city is also nearly twice the size of Metail, the capital of the Kingdom of Astel, and there are many lodging and markets outside the walls.

In Sun Tzu, the roads stretching from east to west and south are also maintained and distributed at transport points adjacent to three or more countries equivalent to the so-called Qiu land, so it is probably even more luxurious than in other countries.

Well, Shuiming was also supposed to stay in the city of Kranto for a while, but there's a reason he came to Nerferia sometime in between. Whatever it is, Lephire Grakis walking next door is the only reason for it.

After fighting Rajas, who had taken a large number of troops into Astel territory under some thought, and defeated it, she suddenly became as young as an elementary school girl because of her overuse of the power of the Spirit.

For that reason, Refile lost all the power to fight, and could not even have a great sword with nearly five feet of blade crossing, which was his gain, and as a result he could not travel alone to the Nerferia Empire.

For that reason, Shuiming also decided to cross the border with Lefir early in the city of Kranto.

Besides, there's also a curse on Refill. Even on the road several times it revealed itself, and each time I exercised the magic of care and suppression, but I could not wipe away anything disloyal.

When I think of it, my eyes are so restless, my face is heartless or hot. No, I'm not doing anything wrong. I still feel like I'm doing something wrong.

If someone had seen such a situation - they would have just bewitched me, but I wouldn't be spared the sleigh of Loricon. Because Refill's actual age is higher than his own, even if it isn't.

But even with that...

(Exactly, leave it flaky like this)

After all, that's not part of the choice. You can't let her travel alone even though she's losing her ability to fight, and if you leave the curse intact, something unfortunate will surely happen to her. So far, I'm the only one who can contain it, and on top of this, her body is back to normal. And can the curse be lifted, or do I have to stay with you until I find a way to be sure I can control it?

(Cursed demon clan and... he didn't end up defeated)

As I stare down at Refill, such an idea gradually takes shape from a fuzzy outline.

The demonic lady that she was besides Rajas. Sure, you called it a sleeper. In the other world, it belongs to the Dream Demon (Saccubus).

In European heritage it is described as an evil spirit where men make love to them while they are asleep and take away their essence until the bottom runs out. Numerous human desires have been cast, shadowed and gained entities. In this world, are they still classified as demons?

To break the curse, you have to do something about the mediation with the identity that the sleeper seems to have, but after all, the mediation is also in hand, so it would be the surest way to set a goal for the person who hung it. It's no match for being made again. Then you should say no from the beginning.

Yes, we've come this far. I want to work with you until the end about her, even if I'm behind on my return.

"What's going on, Suimei?

"Hmm? No..."

"Hehe, did you possibly fall in love with what I looked like?

Refil, speaking sparingly in his expression, creases and spins to show off on the spot. The decorations embellished with quality children's clothing fluttered and what I saw was a satisfying face. Always a rare tea eye for a lady.

That means,

"You kind of like it. The outfit."

"Oh, no,... yeah"

When Shuiming laughed and said back, Refill turned bright red and leaned down. It's like a child when you find out you were strong. Well, if I say so, it's like adults are happy to wear their children's clothes. Can't you hide your embarrassment?

The clothes I wear were purchased in the city of Kranto, not the usual knight outfit.

Although it is easy to move there because of his desire and his journey to Nerferia, at the time of purchase, the clerk who attached me to Refill did not give way, so the clothes currently worn by Refill have cute designs. Until the end, Refile said, "Don't treat me like a child!" or "I'm a clean adult!" or "He said he was cute... and not so interested..." but the clerk couldn't fit in and ended up buying it with clothes that didn't seem obvious.

Refill asks as he moves his gaze toward his lack of location.

"... that good?

"Yeah, the clerk said it, but it's still adorable"

"Or cute...... I'm not too happy to hear you say that"

That said, it was a toon, but the footprint was lighter slightly. I guess I was inner delighted when they said I was cute. It's the same way a man gets up when he tells me he looks good on the opposite sex. If you can still be praised, nobody will be happy.

Seeing these looks makes my heart dust warm. I'm not sure if it's because it's getting smaller.

(It's the usual refil when I'm talking normally)

Shuiming regains the great sword he bore on his back and looks at the refir walking into a mix of nose songs. Somewhere after she got smaller, she felt like she had gotten more emotional. Until now, I have not been emotionally scarce, but I have only seen a quiet personality, so I feel that my childhood is remarkable.

The body is smaller and the spirit may be pulled by the flesh, but the truth is uncertain.

But when I try this, I really look like a child of my age, or I have an applause for wanting to stretch my back. Well, I hope so.

When Shuiming was thinking about that, Refill suddenly stopped on his feet with pittance, turning his face into something so harsh that it did not resemble a young look, and turned to him.

"That's right. With that said, Suimei. About my body getting smaller..."

"Oh, you totally forgot you said you'd explain before"

"Oh, I forgot everything else, too."


He is told by a serious look and voice far from his earlier attitude, and also recalls Shuiming. I totally forgot to tell the story because it was so dazzling until I got here.

Wake with smaller refills. It is that story in which speculation was made before going down the mountain.

Shuiming creases between her eyebrows, rubs her jaw, and begins to put together where she cuts it out.

"Well, I don't know where we're going to start... well, in the world I was in, there's the idea that all the things that humans see are pseudo footage of the essence of what they see. The essence of it is an idea, and what you see is called the likeness of an idea or the phantom of an idea, and this idea is called an idea theory."

"Come on, theory?


"Uh... something I'm looking at..."

Nodding back, Refill comes up with an earlier explanation in his head. Is it still difficult in a less conceptual world? Well, how should I chew it up...

"Well, for example, what I'm seeing right now is an idea called Eight Keys Waterlights that visually reflects Eight Keys Waterlights in Lefir's vision, and other senses are making the idea so perceptible to the sensory organs that give it information."

"You said the idea was the essence, right? I mean, what we're seeing is different in its nature and in its video...?

"Let's just say it's a mess."

"So if that idea is showing us what we're looking at, as you say, then we all look the same?

"Potentially, the idea encloses individual traits, so when you recognize it, it means it looks different. So I don't see me or Refill looking the same, and the trees, the rocks, the buildings around me aren't the same."

"... I know what was born naturally. Because everything has a soul. But how do you explain what people make? People aren't just making shapes and roles, they're not making ideas, are they?

"Sure. When people make things, they don't realize they're making ideas. But when people make things, they think," Let's do this, let's do this, "and add a lot of characteristics to what they make. Sounds stubborn, but that blows my soul in, which means I create an idea. Well, what lies beneath that metaphor -- the point is that creating objects with solid shapes and concepts is in itself a human being making ideas."

"The only thing people make things for is appearance, because they actually make ideas that have that characteristic, so they look that way on the look of it," he said?


Shuiming nods and answers to the refir asking. Can you swallow a little, apparently?

Then she says with a rugged face at all times.

"But Suimei. If you interpret us as that ideological theory, it's actually gonna be all tasteless, right? That's what it would mean to see the characteristics of people and things written on paper, and that individuals just perceive it that way on their own!

Is the analogy strange to say that I wrote it on paper? It shoots quite a bit, and surprise is the best thing. The first time they talk like this, they will certainly also react like they've heard such a polarization.

That's right.

"Yes. The world we're in, the world we're in, we're supposed to be that thin. The sight, the hearing, the taste, the sense of smell, the sense of touch, they simply misrepresent the essence of the individual, and everything we see is a bluff."


Are you not convinced? No, you won't. We have here what we see, what we exist, what we know for sure. I also feel like I'm being denied a solid self, like I'm on my way and I'm stuck with words.

"Think of it as an analogy. 'Cause you don't even have to think about it."

"Don't be silly, Swimey. Is that theory going to untie you about me? You can't overlook it in a parable."

"That's what I said. That's right. I don't think we need to worry that much because we're only talking about natural philosophy...... so what do you say?

"Well, let's just say I generally understand. But what does that have to do with me getting smaller?

Mizumi meditates and opens the eye lid once again to the refir who asks.


"It would be easy to get here. Well, I can also assume that what exists in this world is written on the paper that said so. So, Lephire, the spirit and human son, is special and strong about it. If you are a normal human being, because you are a life dependent on the flesh and soul, it is a fatal story that the flesh was missing at a time when such elements were falling apart, and the soul is missing, but in the case of Refill, because the power of Spirit occupies the majority of them, there are other elements called Spirit besides the flesh and soul, and even if that spirit disappears due to some factor, the flesh and soul are in the end pimped. But naturally, it doesn't change the fact that there are fewer elements that make up the idea, so the presence is thinner than usual."

"The feeling of you and the others looking at the likeness of Idea, including me, is twisting the diminished state of my being. Is that why you're being like this? The weakening of the Spirit has no effect on the flesh and soul. But it doesn't change anything."

"Yes, that's why I think the refil will be in that form right now"

Refill's body is currently out of spirit and not in complete form. The information on the idea is therefore missing, so it must be a situation in which the information on the missing is communicated to the other person - it must be expressed. However, because the information is not visible and recognizable, such as an injured figure or a tired, bloodless face, the individual who recognizes Refill is about to lose information by causing Refill's body, which is neither injured nor worn out, to be perceived as if it were a young girl.

Upon hearing it, Refile leans down only a little and spills his words as if to mourn the difference between birth.

"... somehow I feel like I've been told I'm not human again"

"It's nothing to worry about. I'm a magician, too, so it's like I'm quitting. The point is, hold your heart. It's a trivial story."

"... yeah, I guess so"

Are you feeling any better? Then, Refile asks again with an arm that doesn't look good on her little body.

"The world you were in is a hell of a place. Well, I was quite surprised to hear about you being summoned from another world."

"Oh, my most unfortunate story of the year."

Mizumi with a sloppy look and this whirling, strangely bittersweet laugh, Refile.

"It's ironic that you're not a brave man with all that power to save the world, really"

"I don't think it's that amazing."

"With that?

"You just knocked down a lot of miscellaneous fish. Well, as a magician, I'm not exactly that proud of you."

"There are wizards in this world who believe in such power. Basically, I think you're too high an ideal."

"... ideal. Well, maybe that's true."

Shuiming thinks of a man who embodies that ideal in his head. I've certainly seen the man's - father's back, so maybe he's higher than average about what he wants and standards. That's all I still have a strong vision for Shuiming's father.

Meanwhile, Lefir asks if you have guessed the contents.

"Sometimes I ask, could your father have done the same?

"Yeah? Dad wouldn't be wacky enough to take down those few"

"And Rajas?

On that question, Shuiming often thinks. I wondered if that father would fulfill it. Whether you can defeat it or not is not an argument, but the premise is that you can defeat it. Rajas was strong and robust, but even if he fought head-on, his father would not move a single millimeter of brows.


"You should be able to punch me with one fist, ahhh"

"Holy shit!? One fist!?


Shuiming nods at Refill, who looks stunned.

A magician, but a father who was forced into a wheelchair in a battle a long time ago. His legs are bad, his flesh isn't tense, he's never in a physique that's commensurate with Rajas, but he's in the temperament to go from the front unless he has a witchcraft-woven physical skill by saying it's a fight he's developed a long time ago and it's such a annoying time.

Yes, if it is a battle, we pride ourselves on our terrible abilities. It is usual to unleash magic in a wheelchair, a few seconds in between, but you get up from the wheelchair to eagle, you get nostalgic as you dive through the gap in your opponent's consciousness, and you penetrate through the middle with a positive fist poke named seismic electricity, the only one given in the combat technique, and you return all this to dust.

And after I use it, I always spill it like this when I see my fist.

- Hmm, my fist hasn't faded yet either.

"... you could do it, that guy would. That strength was clearly insane."

My father would do it. That guy should also find the properties of the Demon Clan that took him a long time to find, and use modern magic theory to knit an attack that works instantly against the Demon Clan. Honestly, it took me a while and I don't have a standing up for myself that was becoming like a borough rag, but that's all my father was strong. Even after my legs are crippled. That's why it's not easy to imagine when I was able to move freely.

"You think it's that easy to make the Demon Gentleman...?

"I don't know what to do. How could you be so strong? Well, I can't ask anymore..."

Yes, I can't ask why anymore. My father is dead. That day, in front of my own eyes. Halfway down the road I kept walking, take over that path to myself.

"I don't know, I can feel the difference between the world you were in."

"I don't have a choice. Civilization is going differently over there first. If technology develops, then the human strength over there will change. Except for Refill."

"I don't like it."

"The last guy who was overwhelming Rajas with a single sword has to be the exception. What? He's like a magician's natural enemy."

Totally, that shuddering voice comes from the back of my mind, from the deep. Refill's spirit is also out of standard in the other world. So separated, Shuiming looks up at the blue sky that pushes him through, says.

"One day I'll want to be that much of a magician too..."

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