Isekai Mahou wa Okureteru!

23 The Sword Of Spirit

- Apparently, it's not the end now.

The second tension began with that word that drained the alarm of Refill, who sharply narrowed his eyes.

A wizard girl says, turning her gaze in the direction Lefir pointed.

"Yes, indeed, Mr. Refile is right, he's coming this way! And more than just now..."

"Is that true!?

"Damn, there were some wounded just now over here, huh? You don't have enough!

Hearing the girl's words, the escort adventurers and mercenaries each bothered like a pine tao.

The streak against the Demons is no longer definitive. Signs of a sensational magic field on the west side represent it as it were, and besides the large number, there seems to be some injured people out here, considerably worse minutes than the previous one.

There will be no need for upset to run to them either.

Shuiming also lags behind, sharpening your senses in that direction. If the eye lid is closed and unnecessary sensations are blocked, the magician's sixth sense will show its true power.

(The number is, ten... No, you have twenty. You're right, there are more than just now)

This time, just like earlier, the magic field was coming this way.

Because the magnitude of the power you can feel is more or less the same, it's probably the same as the demon clan that defeated you today.

As Shuiming looks west, each of the escorts speaks up.

"... Ku, what are we going to do?

"We'll have to intercept that! You're not getting away with this!

"Hey! Whoever got hurt in the fight earlier, back off! Anyone who can fight, get ready now!

All the rage flies because of the impatience. It's almost time to take over - the battle.

They could also afford it in earlier battles, but that was an accident with a difference in numbers. When the number is about the same or slightly higher, they are still afraid of the power of the demons as much as they fear. Already, haste and agitation rule the place.

Then Galeo, who must have been hiding himself with the other merchants until now, appeared from the back of the carriage.

And then he enters the busy moving escorts and asks.

"Is the battle not over yet...?

His complexion, which emits an upward rubbing question, was bad to see. For him to be a non-combatant, the Demons would be nothing but a subject of fear, and he would have perceived from the movements and conversations around him that the situation had not yet come to an end.

One of the escorts answers such a galeo.

"Oh, oh, wait a little longer. I hear the Demons are still coming this way."

"hey my goodness...... so we are ok!?

"... that's more than the story just said. There are still untreated injuries over here, and this could be a tough fight."

"So... so we are going to be killed by the Demons!?

"No, I'm going to do everything I can to make sure it doesn't..."

"What's the matter?

"Worst case scenario, some of the guys whose escorts will disintegrate and escape may leave"

"-!?... Well, right. I guess so......"

"Oh, you're taking the other merchants and running away before it's all gone."

An adventurer who whispers to Galeo about the escape of his escort. The look is harsh and stiff. It is true that he is right that it cannot be turned into life.

If all were hired with money, there would also be people who would spare their lives to escape.

Besides, if that happens, is he also a runaway stomach that I foresaw? The word now probably contained a nuance to say so.

Galeo with a similar bitterness and head to despair.

"I was just going to Nerferia to do business, how could there be a demon tribe..."

My face has increased earlier and it is blue. It must have been this itinerary for him, on a relatively safe road, and something he was planning to reach the empire without any problems. That's what happens when you open the lid.

For some reason, there's a demon clan, just a bunch of merchants and escorts hitchhiking at me. The current situation plagued by such an inexplicable situation.

In that mind, there is not much to observe.

And it was that time when Galeo would be bothered by groans. As soon as I realized this second crisis, Lefir walked out.

And Rin, letting go of his reliability, spoke to Galeo.

"- Don't worry, Lord Galeo. The demons who come at us, I will defeat no one left."

Galeo then raised his face.

"Yes, it was indeed Lord Grakis... Your words are very reliable, but women like you who are not old enough are demons..."

Is it something you can defeat as easily as you say it with your mouth...... but you want to say it? Word clouded Galeo. In those eyes, she was distorted by her little girl and insult.

He doesn't know the harshness of Lephire or the demon clan she defeated in the back.

Though it may be impossible to think so...

So, during the earlier battle, an adventurer who exchanged words with Shuiming comes forward a long time ago and speaks with confidence.

"No, I'm fine! Lephire's strong! You just defeated most demons by yourself!

"Yes! And Mr. Refill is a swordsman enough to have a semi-giant in two! So it's okay with the Demons."

A wizard girl rides a warrior-style adventurer. Less anxiety for them than for the other adventurers, I guess, is due to the fact that I once lined up my shoulders with Refill. With them, who don't even create as much anxiety as such a wrinkle of hair, and to Refiel, Galeo comes and goes unexpectedly.


"Yes. So you don't have to worry about anything"

Not powerful, but refreshing and confident peek and affirm, Refile. Does it not show any weakness there to calm Galeo down?

No, I don't think she has any traces or other dust or mustard (chisels) against the Demon Clan that she has defeated by herself earlier.


"... wow you trust me"

Warriors and wizards look at her like they see anything dazzling. That's all, was the battle impressive at the time?

Looking at them, with admiration so whispering, Refill returns with a look on his face.

"... stop it, Swimei. I was really a little nervous then. I don't know why."

"Has it turned out that way? But you look amazing enough. That's..."

"... um, um"

If you speak like a chase, Refill tells you to illuminate. It seemed so awkward, I sprinkled a few red leaves on my face and roared so cutely inside.

Meanwhile, the two warriors and the wizard have both finished their theories of power, or Galeo turns to Lephire.

And there was still a half-hearted atmosphere, but I checked my physique as best I could with coughing.

"... ok. I look forward to your work."

"Yes, we do our best to meet your expectations."

Even in such clerical terms, Refile humbly returned it.

And while such an exchange was over, Lefir turned to Shuiming.

"Suimei kun"

"Hmm? What's up?

Abruptly, something the hell. Responding to the soaring call of seriousness, turning to her and asking, she receives a reply that looks serious.

"Again, are you all right? If something happened in the earlier battles, you'd better back off without being forced."

Is the origin of the proposal due to concerns that magic did not work? If you do make a hard choice as a "magician," you'd better leave it to her and the other escorts, too.

But there are many of them, and now that there is no certainty that they will stop, they are arching their hands.

"No, it's okay."

"Is that true?

An adventurer overlaps the refir asking.

"Hey you, are you sure you're okay? I've been using magic quite a few times earlier, and you're not tired of that?

"Oh. It's okay, 'cause we can still afford it"

"Can't afford it... if you overestimate the distribution of power, you can't take it back, can you?

"I'll take your advice, thank you"

I don't care, but the words are silent. I can't possibly eat into words that come out of my worries.

For once, only the shape, I honestly nodded, but an adventurer who is not good at it turns a frigid gaze.

So, there's Refile.

"But Suimei. Is it good that the magic you use is hard to work with the Demons?

Yeah, I'll take care of it there, too.

"Can you do that?

"My magic isn't the only one I just used. If the earlier pedigree doesn't work, you just have to deduce it from their characteristics or try the numbers until you can guess."

When he shook his shoulders and said the reason for that, Refile frowned at the unfamiliar rhetoric.

A system that works......? Attributes, aren't they?

"Oh yeah... there's a lot going on"

I can see clearly now that I have a question mark on my head. But the question she had spoken was in the right words.

Yes, it does seem like a bad magic street to the Demons, but it never means it's deadly to itself.

There exists a classification in the other world of witchcraft that greatly distinguishes the school of witchcraft called "lineage.

That is proof left that the source of magic in the other world is not a single one.

When you hear of magic, magicians, you never think that the fantasy world is at its peak. The world beyond the spread of science is also horribly mysterious if we count it again.

Kabbalah, astrology, spells, from alchemy if you name famous, from witchcraft called Witchcraft, to Yin Yang Road, a collective witchcraft system, a fiercely branched secularism, the largest witchcraft system on the continent, immortality.

Even if it is confirmed, the number exceeds thirty.

From this, if we divide the attributes, series, effects, etc. in detail, we will also have a huge number.

In other words, there's so much mystery in the other world.

Apart from witchcraft that you haven't met or that you can't use as it stands, some of them will always work for the Demon Clan.

Exorcism, holy magic. If you list a hit, is that the place?

Besides, just because it's ineffective against the Demons is never like this sorcery is inferior, and if it doesn't work after trying it out, just sue the force pusher like it did earlier.

- Yes, if you want to come as many as ten or twenty, you can just shoot the same number. That's just the story.

Then one way or another, this fear would be that we might have to give it all we can.

But I can't change my belly on my back.

(Starting the magic furnace is necessary for when things go wrong. Should I do everything I can beforehand?)

If it's a crisis, do your utmost to come. You will undoubtedly call for regret here, such as sparing yourself and pushing yourself into distress.

Don't be such a fool.

Thinking that way.

"That's what happened earlier, but you're calm, Suimei. You know, in a situation like this, you say it's normal to be like any other escort."

"Isn't that something those two can say?

To the words of Refill, he squeezed his jaw gently.

"You and theirs are different. Unlike them, anxiety doesn't come from you."

"Really? Oh, come on, you might be patient, huh?

"I often say it's soggy"

I hate whiteness. Reply to those words, now seriously.

"Well, there's no way I can handle the mess."

"So this kind of danger has happened before?

"You're a bummer. I'm going to give up my life a couple of times."

"What's that?

"Don't tell me."

Yes, I answered lazily, and Refile exhaled, jealously, but pleasantly.

"You are an unusual person. Most of the time I come to talk to you, but I never show you what's at stake."

"That's the kind of creature I am. He's a wizard."

"If you don't do that much, you're gonna want to skin your makeup, right?

"- Heh, how?

"Huh, I've only had swords for a long time..."

"Ugh, uhh... Mr. Refill is koei"

and refir laughing invincibly at it. Earlier in the day? With such a joke, Galeo looks worried.

"... Lord Grakis. Are you sure you don't want to get ready like the others?

"Yeah, because I have this. One sword will suffice."

"Lord Goat, you let me choose you as a healing magic user, so you don't have to do this, do you?

Galeo cares about this one too. Besides, Shuiming scratched her head poly.

"Thank you for your concern. But you don't have to worry."


"I'll back down when I need treatment, and I won't force it. I'm not going to get over it either."

"... ok. Take care, too."

Galeo gives that back with a serious look.

... there was some disturbance, but still the leader of the caravan. Only the merchant who strands the city seemed to be well advised.

"- Well, I guess it's about time"

"Looks like"

Refil, agreeing without one or two to the over-abstracted words uttered in deception, rotates and holds back with one hand the heavy-looking sword.

A wizard girl yelled at the whole thing as Galeo tilted her neck in such an overly short and obscure exchange.

"Gentlemen! It's time to come!

The wind and other factors make the trees squirm. Together, heightened tension in the place.

Grate without observing the atmosphere of such a war. An adventurer screams at Galeo, right and left.

"Hey, Mr. Galeo! You stay back! The battle begins!

"Ha, ha! Well, good to see you!

And Galeo, who you were, responds or no, and backs off as if played by the words of the adventurer.

Then the escorts finish preparing for the interception and get to their respective positions.

In the meantime, Refile broke it and walked forward.

Are you telling me to fight alone again?

"Hey, Refill"

"Don't worry. Now I'm going to fight in this place. Suimei, if you need me, I need your help."

"I don't mind that, but what are we going to do about working with them around?


Stand play again? When this one is perplexed by such speculation, Refill goes to a position where he can see them all and looks back at them creepingly.

And he stabbed a sword in the ground for this lookout.

Sound waves and some invisible wave bring the guards to their attention.


"... I'll be out front!! Everyone destroy the devil clan out of range!!

Lefir, anxious for the number, raised his voice to inspire the guards who were atrophying. A powerful voice sounds like the diffusion of a shock wave.

The thunderous voice, and temper, entered the hall, and would not be inferior to a general of an army.

I don't raise my voice to respond. No one would have responded to the attempt to wipe out bad air.

But that's not a kind of silence about being busy with my little girl.

With the burst, there shouldn't be any element to echo, but the surroundings seemed to be sensed by it, the atmosphere that was a floating spot in wonder disappeared, and it felt like good tension had increased.

... Is that the kind of talent she has? That's exactly what they call charisma.

Soon after she saw such an unexpected ability of Refill, she turned west.

Synchronized with that, they showed up out of the trees, no matter.

A fierce, deafening voice echoes around.

"Here they come!

Someone's voice.

The Demon Clan strikes at the same time, keeping its momentum running through the sky.

Suddenly, as it fitted, Refill kicked the ground, rushed out, accelerated, and jumped.


- Not while the other escorts speak up.

How long till Lefir gets first?

And flashing, a great sword over her height. With that reach and a powerful swing, the three demons within came on their way were slashed off at once.

landing, and the confronting Demons and Refiles.

I took the lead, frustrated my feet.

This was a first impression for neither the escorts nor the demons.

From among the escorts, he said, "Oh!," a mixed twist of surprise and joy runs, and the galeos behind him and several merchants watching how they are, raise their voices of excitement.

- And it was then that Refill got off to an unparalleled head.

From the sky, signs of magic came down.

Some of them noticed it, looking up into the sky.

"Coming from the top!

Ringing wizard voice. It was an ambush from directly above the Demon Clan, at a late time.

Then this is a way to send some of this to the first unit to tear it apart in an ambush from the top.

(Mixed battle target! Chi, gather them and you won't be able to stand up again...)

As I looked up, I bit down the bitter bug. If you're brought into a mixed war, it sucks. Wizards and bowmen are harder to fight, and once a battle has been fought with enemy allies, it will probably remain so until the end.

If, like a trained army, "everyone is sharing" a manual for the occasion, it will change the story.

Is this a bad idea?

Yes, Shuiming tried to activate the magic - it was that mingling.

"If so..."

Lephire whined so quietly and coldly.

And it was the phenomenon that followed that word.

"Nah -!?"

What did you do?

Suddenly a red glow shone around Refill.

Yes, just as the vulgar aura overflows the outside world, the sheen that opens the darkness begins to brighten the red girl to crimson.

Altogether, some powerful force that is not even a swelling magic.

It brightens the body, the sword, the air around it, and...

"- Ha!!

Slashed. Let the sky, that is the way to sweep away.

The length of the sword doesn't reach the enemy, just an awkward blow to the sky. But the arc-drawing slash pulled the trajectory of a red, giant slash of brilliance and cut off the demons falling from the top to one sword.

And Refill moves the sword without interruption. Flip, a preliminary action to the next slash, turned off the twist, and during the call for a gust of wind, he also suffered a tornado slaughter that slashed his surroundings toward the demonic tribe unfolding forward.

Several demons could not foresee where the slaughter would take place. Is it like a demonic wind to them that will not spare death from just blowing? In one breath, it will be a corpse.


I don't know. Up, the voice of surprise.

While I'm at it. The more such words went through the brain, the more one-sided and overwhelming.

Needless to say, it would be that red brilliance that made that happen.

"Hey, wait. That's...!

That, yes, that identity falls under something that cannot be in the material world in its own knowledge.

Normally, if some kind of interference doesn't work, it's something that can never exist, that is.

- and, in a different sense than this one, the wizard and warrior, who likewise could not follow the movements of Refile, watching but remaining depending on the matter, cheer.


"Hey, did you see that!? Lephire's guy slaughtered a big demon with that one before!?

"... is that it? Did Lephile do the same thing before?

"Ah? Oh, yeah... what's up?

The adventurer frowns at this one, who asks stunned. He must have probably thought it was too surprising or out of place.

... A big demon would be the giant species we were talking about. Did you defeat it because you had that power? Then the point goes. No, you can easily defeat most enemies with that kind of power.

Like that.

"... Um, what's wrong? Is there something wrong?

"Yes, no. That's not true at all..."

Surprise is just too strong for your thoughts and body to work well. It's horrible. It's a terrible thing.

With such a self on his ass, the adventurer warrior hangs a decree on his companion, as he recalls.

"Whoa, this is not how you should do it! We'll cover you, too!


Follow up, responsive voice. In addition to their party and it, adventurers and mercenaries around them also respond.

Even in the meantime, Refill had put together that red, clean brilliance, slashing the Demons once and for all.

By contrast, Shuiming was almost in a barbed state. It's like, it's not moving.

But in this case, you wouldn't mind standing on a bar.

At first, Refile told me to ask for backup, but I didn't need any of that.

The answer is that red brilliance that wraps her up. That power she emits, in the other world, is a kind of force called the power of spirit, telesma, and spirits.

They are also different from magic and etheric and other powers involving spirits, such as so-called angels and demons, in their source, which they exercised are classified as higher order forces, jumping over the forces caused by the human movement.

- But high order, even in a sip, would be hard to understand. The high and low difference represented here is not the magnitude of power, but the difference that distinguishes between what can or cannot interfere.

It does not deny the strength of power. But - in a big mess, something that cannot be interfered with by physical force can be attacked or not accepted. This is such an outrageous force.

Sorcery also has different directions, but advanced ones are classified as higher-order and depend on the ability of the operator.

Spirit, however, is a force in a high position as it is.

So completely, that's...

(Spiriting? But Refile is a human being... no, not really. Is her body or spirit originally spiritual -?)

That state. I'm not harnessing the power of the Spirit, I just don't care how you look at it. It just looks like Lephire herself is emitting the power of the Spirit.

That's why I can't go back to surprise myself.

In the magical knowledge of the other side, it is unlikely that the Spirit is present in the material world - that is, in the world where organisms exist.

Indeed, even in the other world, they used to exist. They are told in literature such as mythology and inheritance that they were definitely there.

But nowadays, demons, angels, spirits, those beings called spirits in bulk, gods, evil gods, etc., as scientific civilization develops, in that world, man takes away the majority of the "source of existence", and as in ancient times, there is not a single pillar named, but "something similar with similar power" on the outside of the world. Or as an exception with a name, there is only a ruler or an outside God.

And to use those powers, even at one end of the spectrum, we can communicate using special technologies, and make the world a little more current when we do it by contract.

Therefore, I am very surprised because I am exercising that power as my own without any limitation in front of me.

In her case to discuss, it is probably a rather unusual case: half human and half spiritual, because she possesses a human figure as a certainty.

... No, I know it's an unscrupulous guess, but let's just say.

Should it be called a different reason, a fantasy, that something like this exists without any problems?


"You're too cheesy about how much anything exists itself spirits..."

Through the surprise, I'm half frightened.

Exploring the mysteries of the world puts itself in such a state. Only then is the situation in front of us outrageous.

"To this extent!!

I can blow up the majority of the Demon Clan and refir can roar. Are you going to mow your offensive intentions here at once?

The Demons, on the other hand, began to see hesitation in the attackers of what they would not lose.

"All right! Continue to Refill! I'm gonna keep knocking you down!

The guards who saw it raised their voice with the Warrior's decree.

advantage. Such a situation where whoever sees it can say with this win and let go.

If you slash down a few more, this time you'll be free from the battle.

That was the time.

"Ma, wait! Something's coming! Awesome momentum!

Someone screams in a hurry to see if you've sensed the movement of magic. Then, while the wizard girl was stunned, she raised her voice to caution.

"Hey, what's this!? Big! Be careful, everyone! Signs of immense magic will fly!

Behind the demons who are here today, a violent sound that echoes from behind. The sound of such destruction, as if he were busting heavy objects at the mercy of his strength, approaches step by step.

It's a dangerous sign. Neither magic nor the magnitude of being felt is the ratio ever.

(Oh, give me a break. It was going to end peacefully......)

Damn, and while poisoned in my mind, I was bitter about the dangers so dense that I hadn't been here yet, Lefir just turned his face.

"Everybody back off! They'll be here soon!

And right after that. Threatening this victory, it knocked down the trees, knocked them down, blew them up, and appeared on the battlefield.

The demon clan that preceded the roar, rocked the earth, and whilst beating the earth, settled in front of it as if...

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