Is it Wrong to Copy Abilities in Apocalypse?

Chapter 137: CHAPTER 136 - This castle is a goner.

Amarjeet Thakur—a guy with brown hair and grey eyes.

He was a contracted player, with a god as his sponsor, but not every contracted player was strong.

He was one such player.

He did get a god to form a contract with him, but all he got from the god was an ability that was ranked heroic—temporal aura perception.

The god said that he would be granted more skills if he could impress the god, but the next day, wh Amarjeet was trying to catch some animal to eat, he was caught by a group of people, who called themselves the 'rulers of the apocalypse'.

Those people took him to their base and threw him in front of their boss, who had a lie detector skill, making it impossible for Amarjeet to lie about his skills.

Since th, he has be working as a human scanner machine for them.

Just today, wh the second scario started, they forced him to continuously use his skill, moving from one castle to another, wanting to know which castle had humans within it, and how many were there.


But as Amarjeet scanned the area close to one particular castle, his blood wt cold in terror.

His skill—temporal aura perception—was a tracking skill that worked in a very unique way, as it provided him with a holographic video that showed what had happed in a particular area.

The video, however, would show him the things in the surings in an aura sse.

He could only observe the living beings by their aura.

The aura showed the power of a being, and he was supposed to inform his captors and employers about that as well, but this time—wh he saw the holographic video showing a being with a monstrously strong aura—he decided to lie.

"There is just one person with a dect level of power inside; they seemed to have tered a 5 minutes ago."

He informed the guy who was standing with an irritated look next to him.

This guy was the 4th in command in the 'rulers of the apocalypse'—Ranveer Singh.

This guy was a contracted player as well, and he had strong skills to raise his rank and reach among the highest of the group.

"Alright th, we will let one of our m here and move to the next castle."

Ranveer, who heard Amarjeet's words, pulled the guy up by his collar before pushing the guy forward as if telling him to move forward; the other guys nodded to his words.

Amarjeet, on the other hand, clched his fist, wishing for the guy who was coming out of the castle to move faster.

If he left this area, th all he would suffer would be loss.

He would lose the opportunity to ask the strong person inside the castle, and he would be blamed for giving out false information once they found out that the man they had left here had died.

The worst thing is that he couldn't keep lying to them since the boss would always be able to tell lies apart.

But just th, his perception—which had be heighted from the momt he gained the temporal aura perception skill—picked up something, causing his eyes to wid in surprise.

"T-The person inside is coming out!"

He exclaimed, hope hidd deep within his grey eyes.

"Isn't this guy a bit too fast?"

Ranveer, however, frowned as he stared at the gate of the castle; his eyes squinted in suspicion.

They had be moving a as fast as they could, trying to cover the whole area—every single castle in the area—before any humans could ev come out with an artifact or relic.

They had the plan to steal it from them and keep it for themselves; after all, they just needed to have 5 artifacts on themselves by the d of the scario.

There was never a thing like retrieving those artifacts from the castles themselves.

But wasn't this guy a bit too quick to come out?

Just th, something clicked inside his head as he recalled the last notifications from the system.

"Heh, it must be someone trying to run out of the castle after getting a look at the beast."

The momt he imagined the terrified look on the face of whoever was inside the castle, desperately trying to come out, he couldn't help but sneer before he turned a.

"Let's go; this castle is a goner."

He spat as he pushed Amarjeet ahead.

A castle with all of the beasts within it awake is not something anyone could clear, or so was what others thought.

After all, there was no way someone could ter a room filled with bloodthirsty beasts, wanting to devour their flesh and come out alive.

But Amarjeet, who knew that the guy inside wasn't just anyone; he was probably one of the top rankers, again tried to stop Ranveer.

"B-But the guy didn't seem to be desperately rushing toward the gate; he is walking with slow steps!"

The guy stammered, finding it tough to lie under the hard gaze of Ranveer, who was now frowning.

Ranveer turned to look at the castle once again, and before he could ev say something, Amarjeet's voice echoed through the surings.

"H-He's coming out!"

His words, carrying a hint of excitemt, were heard by the others, causing their bodies to tse before Ranveer gestured for them to lower their heads.


They could hear the steps echoing through the gateway leading to the castle's trance, causing their eyes to sharp.

'Someone is really coming out.'

They exchanged a gaze filled with uncertainty, as there was no way a normal person could do something like that, but Amarjeet spoke again.

"He must be lucky."

His voice hushed, trying to give the others an excuse for their mind, wanting to make them believe that the one coming out wasn't really strong, as he added.

"And we have the numbers."

Although his words caused Ranveer to frown as he couldn't understand why that guy was being so supportive right now, they did make sse.

"Wait for my orders."

Ranveer uttered in a hushed voice, an axe-sword that seemed to have be stol from some museum appeared in his hand, waiting for whoever it was to get out of the castle and move a bit far away so that they wouldn't be able to rush back into the castle.


The steps neared them, a bit distance away from the castle, and the other from the group also brought out their weapons, gripping them tight before they turned toward Ranveer.


Ranveer ordered them in a muted shout, causing all of them to jump out of the bush along with Ranveer.


Ranveer, as the leader of the group, roared in demand, pushing his sword, forward, trying to show the one on the other side that they had weapons, but his scream was cut short and his eyes almost bulged out of its sockets.


His demeanor took a 80-degree turn, and so did his body, going from strong, depdable, and commanding to a terrified and panic-filled attitude, the momt his eyes fell on the person they were trying to attack.


He screamed in panic, moving in the opposite direction from Alex as he knew that there was no way for him to survive against a monster like that—someone who had always stayed Rank on the bounty list.

That too wh he worked under a person who was ranked 5 on the same list.

He didn't ev care about his subordinates, who were left froz in their spots as they also realized who they were about to attack.

He just wanted to run as far away as he could.

"S-Someone needs to stay alive to tell the tale.'

He muttered inwardly as his pace quicked, but was it going to be that easy?

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