Infinite Potential System

Chapter 141: Resistance

Three days later, William had absorbed all of the Soul Stones, bringing his Soul Strgth to 5. Additionally, the two Pottial Farms had earned William 8 Pottial Points.

Wh William thought back to wh he struggled to earn 5 Pottial Points early on, he laughed. Now, it was just a matter of waiting for five days and it would be automatic!

He inspected the remaining items from his Space Ring, spding 90 more Pottial Points to reveal the statistics of each item.

The Star Ore and Molt Dragonstone were both forging materials, used to craft powerful equipmt. Their uses were pretty straightforward, but he would require a few more materials to make a desirable piece of equipmt.

The Sword of Shifting Sands was a sword that would amplify the ability of Earth Elemt Magic by t perct. After a few tests, William found that the effects stacked with the Magic Staff, making the sword a good combination. He could hold the Mana Gathering Staff in his left hand while the Sword of Shifting Sands was in his right, amplifying his Earth Magic by a total of thirty perct!

Each item that William inspected seemed to be more powerful than the last.

The Ascsion Dragon Tears were still stored as a silvery liquid in their original vial, but William hadn't tak a second glance until now since they couldn't be consumed by anyone below the Nasct Soul Realm. Of course, now he was willing to spd the Pottial Points to display its effects, and the result left him completely astonished.

A single Ascsion Dragon Tear would increase a Cultivator's resistance to Heavly Tribulations by five perct, up to a total of a fifty perct increase. This means if William were to consume all t of the Ascsion Dragon Tears, he would instantly reach the maximum threshold for Tribulation resistance, which would become ev more terrifying if he were to unlock the relative Talt!

He was only disappointed at the Cultivation requiremt. How long would it take to reach Nasct Soul? Ev with the Pottial System, it couldn't be a short amount of time.

I'm getting ahead of myself. William thought. He still wasn't ev sure if he wanted to go through with Cultivation. After all, there seemed to be ways to increase his lifespan ev without Cultivating.

His lifespan was the main reason why William initially planned to Cultivate, while the increase in power came second.

If I don't use the Tears, I can always give them to a frid or sell them...

-You don't have any frids.

"Shut up, yes I do!" he ignored the System and inspected the Protective Amulet that he wore a his neck.


Tribulation Transcdce Protective Amulet (Legdary Amulet): Infused with the Spirit Qi of a powerful Cultivator, this amulet will automatically resist a single attack up to the peak of the Soul Formation Realm at the cost of stored Mana.

Effects wh worn:

-5% Mana Regeration

Mana Stored: 36000/36000


William awed at the defsive ability of the Protective Amulet, but he already knew what to expect giv the name of the item. What he didn't expect, however, was for the amulet to be rechargeable!

36 thousand long would that take me to fill?

-With your currt Mana Regeration, if you held the Magic Staff while recharging the Amulet, it would take just over four days.

That's more than the tire Thin Creek Village's Protection Array! William exclaimed.

If it wer't for his absurd Mana Regeration, it would probably take months to recharge the Amulet after each use.

William read through the Book of Forging next, which contained a bunch of information about forging and the like. Sketched within the blacksmith's notes, however, were about half a doz designs for differt armor and weapons that William could create for himself once he acquired ough materials.

The Alchemy book wasn't nearly as helpful, mostly including information on herbs and differt potions that he could already create at his currt skill level. He planned to sell it or trade it off at some point in the future.

William looked at the sev hexagonal gemstones at his feet.


Beast Core: An incredibly rare item from Magical Beasts at the Nasct Soul Realm or greater. Used by many artisans in the creation of masterpieces.


Hmm, another material. William was a bit disappointed in the minimal information provided by the System. After thinking about it, he realized that was truly all there was to the item. It's not that the Beast Cores wer't useful, but rather that they were used in a multitude of recipes, too many to list in a simple System appraisal.

He returned the items to his Space Ring and prepared to leave. He had be on the fiftieth floor a bit too long. It was time to head further upwards.

System, how many floors are there to this trial?

-Request requires Pottial Points. Yes/No?


-The System detects one hundred and fifty floors above the Host. This is most likely the limit of the tower.

"A hundred and fifty more floors?!?" William was already tired of dodging arrows. If the thirtieth floor was so annoying, he didn't want to see what the 00th floor had in store for him.

There's more loot above me, that's all that matters. He motivated himself to climb the stairs, one step at a time.

The momt William's head peeked above the stone staircase, he was teleported upwards just like the previous floor. It seemed the trial tower was much less lit on these floors than below.

He inspected the room, which also seemed to be made of stone brick with torches lining the walls. The only differce was with the ceiling, thirty meters above his head and completely transpart.

While his Navigation Talt could tell that there was a legitimate ceiling in place, William couldn't visually see it.

Welcome to floor 5. The next fifty floors will be completely differt from what you countered before, so you may leave if you do not feel confidt. You have five minutes to decide; there will be no second warning.

The ominous words made William a bit nervous, but he wasn't giving up on sweet loot! He stayed in place, waiting for the trial creator to explain his next task.

It seems you've made your choice. So be it.

A platform appeared hovering two meters midair in the cter of the trial. William's body was teleported on top of the platform, which slowly started rising towards the ceiling.

Prepare yourself for the trials of resistance.

"Trials with an s?" William's nervousness increased. He remained on high alert, watching the walls and ceiling with immse focus as he waited for something to happ.

The platform continued to rise, carrying William to the five-meter mark. It was at this exact momt that a streak of light flashed toward William at unbelievable speed, the Forcefield Talt causing the light to bounce off and hit the wall.

The light bounced off the wall and shot towards William once again, this time aiming for a leg. The Forcefield blocked the light a second time with ease, but William was starting to understand what was going on since he couldn't react in time ev once during both attacks.

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