Infinite Potential System

Chapter 139: Bloodline Purity, Soul Strength?

"Let's take a look at this first." William said as the Ancit Gravitas Mummy's Magic Staff appeared in his hand.

System, reveal the properties of this Magic Staff.

-Request requires 00 Pottial Points. Once the properties have be revealed, they can be viewed again at any time. Yes/No?


The System got to work immediately, a progress bar appearing in his vision as a sparkling blue light veloped the tire Magic Staff.

This was the first time William had se the System actively do something other than the effects of his Talt upgrades, so he was quite interested, but he refrained from interrupting the System with questions. It probably wouldn't answer them for a low price regardless.

It was an expsive purchase, and William was forgoing his rect decision to save at least 500 Pottial Points, but he wt through with it anyway.

So what if I changed my mind? I can do that! William consoled himself while subconsciously becoming anxious.

William shook his head.

He would earn the Pottial Points back after a few more floors at his currt pace, so how can he be worried? If this was before William had amazing self-healing abilities and incredible defse, he might have felt differtly, but there were plty of reasons not to fear anything the trial threw at him.

Well...except for Flame Dragon Uri that is. But if the trial st something like Uri after William, he might need more than just 500 Pottial Points to survive!

The progress bar hit one hundred perct after just a few minutes, a blue description box hovering over the Magic Staff like one would see in a video game.


Mana Gathering Staff (Mythic Magic Staff): A magic staff that once belonged to an Ancit Cultivator by the name of Gordon Whitesbane. Wh Gordon was captured and became a monster two thousand years ago, his Staff was one of the two items sealed.

Effects while held:

+0% Magic Power

+0% Mana Control

+0% Conctration

+0% Mana Regeration

Sealed: Absorb the Mana of 48 unique Cultivators to unlock the next seal.

/8 Restrictions Removed


William's eyes wt wide after seeing the effects of the Mana Gathering Staff. "As expected of a Mythic weapon, the stats are insane ev while sealed..."

He noticed something odd within the stat bonuses.

System, what is Conctration?

-It affects the caster's ability to be interrupted while performing a spell. A twty perct increase in Conctration means you have a twty perct greater chance of completing your spell ev while disrupted.

William understood immediately. This was a big deal!

If he were to fight against a group of Magical Beasts in the Core Formation Realm or lower, they wouldn't be able to damage him through his Hard Skin Talt or Forcefield, but they would still disrupt the casting of his spells.

Or if he were to get caught in a complicated trap that repeatedly attacked him, William would be completely unable to cast Magic spells. He already had trouble focusing on his Magic on the thirtieth floor wh he was dodging thousands of projectiles.

He dripped some blood to mark ownership on the Mana Gathering Staff th held it in his right hand, the item shrinking to perfectly fit his grip. The momt his fingers clasped fully a the Staff, William felt his Mana reserves suddly spike as the bonus increased his Mana Regeration further.

His Mana was already full, so William received an intse itch to use up some of the excess. He fed Mana from his hand to the Staff, using it as an intermediary to fire off his spell. This wasn't required, but William felt cool doing it.

Especially wh a fireball the size of a two-story building appeared in front of the Mana Gathering Staff and rushed towards the back wall of the fiftieth floor, leaving scorch marks on the stone brick and chipping a few vulnerable edges.

That's a little bit of damage...

He set down the Magic Staff for now, placing his focus on another item brought from his Space Ring. It was the Tier Blood Refinemt Pill, a reddish blue pill that was shaped more like a square than a sphere. William's Alchemy Talt wasn't high ough rank to determine its properties, so he had to ask the System for help again.

This time, the request was only a hundred Pottial Points, which was more than worth it in William's eyes. Any Tier Pill had to be something good.


Blood Refinemt Pill (Tier ): A powerful pill that was painstakingly refined by a powerful ancit Cultivator using the blood essce of many rare and powerful creatures.

Effects wh consumed:

+5000% Bloodline Purity

Warning: The Host is a pure Human, so eating this Pill will have no effect. Host is recommded to change his race in pursuit of greater pottial.


Hmm, a useless item... William was a bit disappointed. He didn't like the idea of changing his race, nor did he know how to do so.

Maybe I can sell it somewhere for a good price. He thought of the Night Market, which probably wasn't the only auction house on the Contint. Either way it would be useful for something, ev if not for him.

William skipped the other weapons for now, including the Sword of Shifting Sands which he had received the earliest. Instead, he retrieved the Miniature Soul Stone and the t Soul Stones he had saved up.

The System appraisal, as he would call it, was only t points this time for both sizes of Soul Stone.


Miniature Soul Stone: A tiny rock containing dse Soul Energy. Can be eat to improve your Soul. Effects do not diminish, but cap out depding on the size of the stone.


+ Soul Strgth

Miniature Soul Stones Eat: 0/0


Soul Stone: A small rock containing incredibly dse Soul Energy. Can be eat to improve your Soul. Effects do not diminish, but cap out depding on the size of the stone.


+5 Soul Strgth

Soul Stones Eat: 0/0


"Soul Strgth!" William thought of the masked girl, whose sword strikes seemed ethereal in nature and were incredibly powerful. If this Soul Strgth stat was related to her abilities, th William had hit the jackpot for getting t Soul Stones so soon!

He immediately popped the Miniature Soul Stone in his mouth. The Miniature Soul Stone gave off a weird feeling, and the taste was quite bitter, but William didn't mind it too much. It was like eating black licorice, which was an acquired taste for most.

He tried to chew on the Miniature Soul Stone, but that turned out to be one of the biggest mistakes of his life. Not only did the stone not break into smaller pieces, but William's teeth shattered into tiny pieces, unable to withstand the power that William put into biting down on a rock that was nearly impossible to break using physical strgth.

You see, William's Strgth Talt didn't just affect the power of his punches, kicks, or the like. No, it would affect nearly everything William did, so much so that once in a while wh he forgot to control his strgth, he would d up doing what he just did, breaking door handles with a clch of his fist or taking too heavy a step and putting a deep footprint into the g.

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