Infinite Evolution System Made Me Too OP!

Chapter 368: Doing Something Unexpected...


Before long, all but ten of the Knight Participants had died…

Most were from those who ran away a tad bit too late; however, there was one among the six exceptional candidates that got caught and killed by the Shadow Bear. He was a young man who went by the name of Xiao Xiao, and now he was simply dead, dead…

'Ten left. Five of whom are exceptional, and the other five whom, even at this point in time, show barely any promise,' the Knight Examiner thought with a dead look in his gaze.

He was merely the one who tested for potential, and under any means necessary, he had to weed out the unfit from those who could excel in the Omega Dome.

'If they can't figure out how to survive an unquestionably stronger opponent, then they will never be able to make it in the Omega Knights.'

The Knight Examiner stayed just above the tree canopies, trailing behind the Shadow Bear as it chased after all the rats that managed to escape it earlier. He would not interfere in their matters of life or death, and he would only neutralize the Shadow Bear when the diamonds were separated from the coal.

The Knight Examiner was simply waiting… waiting for one of the kiddos to think of doing something other than just running or hiding.

'Shadow Bears, they have an unparalled sense of smell,' the Examiner thought. 'If the children are as intelligent as they believe themselves to be, they will realize that running will do nothing but prolong the inevitable.'

As the Examiner saw the Shadow Bear near the presence of one of the 'exceptional ones,' he waited. He was waiting for the kiddo to do it…

And just as he expected, the kid stopped running and looked toward the ground. He then used his Immortal Energy to dig out a deep pit, then he threw himself into the pit and buried his body underneath the dirt and soil of the Serpent God's Forest.

'Finally,' the Examiner thought with a small, satisfied smile. 'This one's name is Chao Yan. I can see that even in stressful situations, he can think rationally and lucidly. Excluding everything I said earlier, this right here is the most important part of being an Omega Knight.'

Sitting above the forest canopy, the Knight Examiner watched as the massive Shadow Bear stomped over the ground where the heat source last went dark. It sniffed around and searched the area for any scents, but no matter where it looked, the presence of the heat source was long gone…

Not wishing to dwell on one last prey, the Shadow Bear vanished from its place and hunted the next, nearest heat source.

Dig, Dig, Dig.

Getting himself out of the hole he made, Chao Yan confirmed that the coast was clear and then immediately darted in the opposite direction of the savage Shadow Bear.

'That is one successful candidate,' the Examiner thought in contentment. 'Now, let's move onto the next target and see if he's also able to pass the first trial of the Omega Knight Test.'

From one participant to the next, the Examiner watched as most failed and some succeeded.

Of the original nine, a total of four had figured out the innate weakness of the Shadow Bear's hunting tactics. Surprisingly, only three of the survivors were from the 'exceptional lot', whereas the last one was from the group expected to all die.

This surprised the Knight Examiner greatly, but what surprised him more was what the last and final participant did in response to the Shadow Bear threat.

'Azmodeus,' the Examiner thought with furrowed brows. 'What exactly is he doing?'

From the looks of it, the Examiner could swear that this 19-year-old young man was laying a trap!

But that just couldn't be right… It was simply preposterous to believe one could lay a trap and overcome such a fearsome monster!

But, right before his very eyes, the Examiner watched participant Azmodeus put together what was most certainly a trap.

'Looks like the last one will be a fail as well,' the Examiner thought with a disappointed sigh.

Just as he was about to pack things up and go gather the survivors, something unbelievable occurred when the Shadow Bear encountered participant Azmodeus…

As soon as the Shadow Bear moved like a flash of light and went to gobble him in a single bite, the ground beneath it suddenly caved in, and it fell hundreds of meters into a pit.

Now, this would normally not pose a threat to a Grade 1 Celestial Immortal Beast as it could simply jump up out of the pit. However, this pit was dug out right above a hollow chasm that burrowed into the earth for an untold number of miles.

Just like that, the speed and confidence of the apex predator led to it making a mistake that cost it its life…

Even after two whole minutes of a deafening hush overwhelming that part of the forest, the Shadow Bear was still plummeting somewhere in the area underground. It was unknown exactly how long it would take for it to reach the bottom of the chasm.

"...What was that?" The Examiner muttered in confusion after finally coming to terms with what just occurred.

Never in his long career of dozens of immortal years had he ever seen a test participant do something like that!

99% would run away from the Shadow Bear, whereas the other 1% would hide in the ground and pass the trial! That was how it was supposed to go!

"Not like this… It shouldn't have happened like this," the Examiner said with a shaky tone. "To know of their being such a large chasm underneath our soles… Just who is this young man?"

Even though the Examiner was extremely curious about how participant Azmodeus was able to do that, he was, in the end, a professional. And as a professional, he had to abide by the rules of the test.

In this case, it meant the Examiner had to gather the surving participants in order, which was to say that participant Azmodeus was last in line…

Wishing to speed up the process, the Knight Examiner left the shadowy tree canopy and shot toward the first participant that passed the test.

As the Examiner picked up the other four surviving participants, Azmodeus suddenly turned his head in the direction where the Examiner was just standing.

"I could've sworn that someone was up there," he said with a sharpness to his gaze. "Was it just my imagination, or…"

The matter lingered for a couple seconds, then it was replaced with a calm, tranquility. "If my guess is right, then the Examiner is likely going around to pick up the participants who passed this trial," he said evenly. "Now, if the Examiner was indeed around for the other participants and for myself, then he likely knows how the Shadow Bear was killed. This makes things easier."

Azmodeus left his pondering and sat himself down on a large, cracked boulder. He figured it was best if he just stayed there and patiently waited for the Examiner.

While doing this, he also decided to open up his system interface and peruse its contents.



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