Infinite Clone System Made Me Too OP!

Chapter 19: More Than 500 Years Life Experience!


By the time Lucifer exhausted his pill (crack) stock, he had managed to acquire Elemental Bodies for the Lightning, Fire, Water, Air, Darkness, Nature, Light, Earth, and Poison Elements.

These Elemental Bodies, and subsequently, the materials that went into creating the pills, were all derived from Spiritual Beasts of the corresponding Elements.

For example, the Venomweaver, which Lucifer killed the previous day, was what provided the Poison Body. Furthermore, considering it was the only high-level Beast among the bunch, this was the only Elemental Body to reach Stage 2.

One might wonder what the level of the Beast had anything to do with the pills or the rank of his Elemental Body. But the truth was that the Beast Cores of the Beasts were the primary ingredients for the pill concoction.

Now, as one might expect, this was a highly unconventional way of concocting pills, as the traditional method relied on precious herbs.

However, Lucifer was far from normal, and his pills, just like him, were extremely unordinary…

It were these oddity-like pills that allowed him to obtain Elemental Bodies that would typically be impossible to acquire!

After all, Elemental Bodies didn't just grow on trees!

Furthermore, the pill formulas to help accelerate the acquisition and leveling of Elemental Bodies were even harder to come by.

However, with the vast bank of knowledge amassed across his extremely long life (of more than 500 years), Lucifer possessed an abundance of pill formulas!

Although most of his techniques and arts were absurdly advanced, making them impossible to adapt into his current weak flesh bag form, pill formulas were an entirely different ballpark.

After all, when Lucifer was created by his main body, just like the clones dedicated to Alchemy, he was also an Alchemy slave. With this 'occupation,' he only needed to know one thing, and that was the basics of alchemy to the highest known limits of alchemy.

Although he also had a couple of battle techniques here and there, those were, for the most part, given to him as a form of self-defense.

One might think that Lucifer's main body cared even the smallest bit about him because of this benevolence. But unfortunately for one's minuscule amount of brain cells, such a notion would be dead wrong.

The truth was that his Main Body, like a true businessman, simply didn't want his goods to be harmed. So in the end, he gave them his lowest, garbage-ranked techniques and equipment.

Of course, one man's trash was another man's treasure.

This was especially true in the case when one considered the vast chasm in power that lay between the infinitely transcending planes of Existence.

For instance, the trash 'Noob Weapon'—as Lucifer's main body called it—would be capable of severing both the Fire Nation as well as the Tianwu Continent in half. Furthermore, it would be able to do so with ease…

But it wasn't like any of that mattered anymore. After all, Lucifer had lost everything except his memories upon transmigrating...

Setting aside all the depressing thoughts of loss, Lucifer was now in the middle of advancing his Elemental Bodies to Stage 2—a feat that was only made possible thanks to the latest batch of pills.

While the breakthrough of his Fire Body was underway, Lucifer dispatched a single clone to the 'Herbs and Stuff' shop with the sole objective of selling pills and buying more pill materials.

The 'Stuff' section of the shop was where they handled the pill-selling transactions, as they not only dealt with pills but were also interested in buying Spiritual Beast Materials.

This arrangement was perfect for Lucifer. His clone entered as a broke bloke, gained 500,000 Fire Coins, bought up ludicrous amounts of stock, and then left as a broke bloke…

Okay, maybe nothing had changed... But at least he now had some materials to shove down the throats of his Alchemy Slaves.

If he just pushed them down hard enough, goodies were bound to sprout out in no time flat!

Or at least, that was what Lucifer had heard from a very reliable source…

Upon testing out the claims of this so-called 'reliable source,' Lucifer was able to confirm that shoving stuff down people's throats until they choked was, indeed, 'da way.'

The Qi Condensation Rank Clones continued to produce pill after pill. And with the steady supply of Beast Cores collected by the clones assigned to 'Farming,' the efficiency of the slave farm reached an all-time high!

The farming Clones handled the farming, amassing both Clone Essence and Beast Cores. They delivered these cores to their fellow slave buddies in a different department, who then used the Beast Cores in order to churn out pill after pill.

And then came the final step of the multi-stage process, which was obviously to deliver all the benefits to Lucifer!

He devoured the pills, robbed the clones of every unit of Clone Essence, swept the word 'freedom' from under their feet, and still got away with it all!

The slaves worked for him, not the other way around. And boy, was it one hell of a gratifying feeling!

No longer was he the one slaving away with nothing in return! No longer was he the punching bag for the wives of his main body!

No longer was he the clone-!

"Young Master, I have something important to tell you; may I come in?"

From the other side of a door, a meek voice found its way to Lucifer's ears, completely ruining his awesome main character monologue!


He clicked his tongue and walked over to the door, quickly opening it to reveal a somewhat short maid, about 5'1 in height. She was Wei Kun, another maid of the Devilduke household.

Though her appearance could be considered quite cute, in Lucifer's eyes, she was just a bag of meat and bones from which he could extract benefits.

Inwardly, he recalled everything he knew about this shy maid, trying to find a way to take advantage of her. On the outside, however, he wore a warm smile, making swift, concise movements as he gently pushed the girl into his room.

He then closed the door before guiding her to a soft, velvety chair, inviting her to sit her developed rump down


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