Infinite Clone System Made Me Too OP!

Chapter 117: The Floofer, Middle Void Refinement Realm BP


"You want tummy rubs...?"

Lucifer wasn't exactly opposed to doing such a thing, but it was still a tad bit sudden-

"Woof, woof!" Jumping from his lap to his head, the white floofer stomped on his face, trying to tell him that he was completely wrong!

Once again activating a bright flash of light, the Floofer fixed the problem with the spell. Leaping off the human's head, the floofer landed on the hollow wooden surface. Finding its voice, it woofed.

"Ahh... You're trying to say that you don't have a name?" Asked Lucifer, his brows raised to a point.


Happy that its thoughts were successfully conveyed this time around, the white floofer approached Lucifer once more and sat in his lap. Feeling that this spot was quite comfortable, it curled up into a ball and left for the land of dreams.

However, before such a thing could happen, a playfully raspy voice sounded out, saying:

"If you don't have a name, would you like me to give you one?"

Wanting to finish up his main character moment, Lucifer's eyes brightened up, and he leaned his head over the white floofer. Thankfully, he didn't have to wait long before it stuck up a paw and woofed. Taking that as a confirmation to do what he wanted, Lucifer repeatedly nodded his head, seemingly pondering very deeply on a name for the white floofer.

After a few seconds of extremely high-level brain processing, a flash of inspiration passed by his eyes. "I know what your name should be!" He exclaimed.

Picking up the floofer by the areas beneath its armpits, Lucifer showed a smile and said, "Your name shall be Whitey! Your white and fluffy! You name just has to be Whitey!"


Whitey went utterly silent after hearing exactly what next-level name the human had for it. Looking defeated and beat down to rock bottom, it let out a low, almost inaudible woof...

Even though it was obviously not a fan of the name that the human gave it, that didn't stop an eruption of blue and gold light from leaving the small body of the floofer. Marking that name as something imprinted into its very soul, Whitey let out a howl that held an unknown number of mysteries.

"Ayo! You can't be so loud, little guy! Did you not see all those Nightmare Monsters that were looking to make both of us tiny late-night snacks!?"

Whispering under his breath, Lucifer covered Whitey's mouth. Briefly poking his head out of the tree hole, he only returned to his spot after verifying that the coast was clear. Luckily, that happened quite quickly, mostly because the majority of the Nightmare Monsters were still chasing after his clones.

"Anyway, what kinda creature are you, Little Whitey?" Asking this question with a curious gleam in his gaze, Lucifer settled back into place.


"You don't know, huh? Well, from what I can tell based on just appearances, you're definitely one hell of a special existence. Though I am certainly quite curious about the extent of that specialness."

Relaxing his head against the back of the tree hole's interior, Lucifer went on to depict a good chunk of his life experiences. Hoping to get along well with the floofer, he withheld nothing in his story telling.

As this was happening, his clones worked on both luring away and killing any Nightmare Monsters that they could.

Although a lot of them were in and above the Middle Void Refining Realm, there were still a good few in and below the Early Void Refining Realm. These were the ones his clones mowed down while in the process of fleeing the scene.

Though it was also thanks to this sneaky tactic that an extremely solid amount of Clone Essence came Lucifer's way.

[Ding! You have killed a Howling Demon Monkey in the Early Void Refinement Realm. The reward is 2.4 million Super Clone Essence!]

[Ding! You have killed a Mega Two-Legged Shark in the Early Void Refinement Realm. The reward is 1.9 million Super Clone Essence!]

Receiving a wide array of system notifications just like this one, Lucifer's Clone Essence Bank stored a staggering 440 million Super Clone Essence!

With so much wealth at his disposal, the first thing Lucifer did was burn through 250 million of it. Purchasing 25 Clones with strength in the Early Void Refinement Realm was more than worth it in his opinion.

Adding onto the clone force that Lucifer already possessed and his clone count exceeded the 30 count!

Thanks to these additional clones, his Clone Essence acquisition rate was sped up by tenfold!

'With them hard at work and me hard at sleeping, I can confidently say that the workload has been evenly split. Yep, yep, Umu.'

Although Lucifer's thoughts were extremely sarcastic, that didn't mean he truly was doing nothing. After all, with Elusive Ascension and his cultivation Path techniques in full circulation, everything was going through many rounds of improvements. Taking a sleepy glance at his system interface, this was what he saw:




[Qi Cultivation - Middle Golden Core Realm (Late)]

[Body Cultivation - Middle Diamond Rank (85.9%)]

[Mind Cultivation - Middle Diamond Rank (92.1%)]

[Battle Power - Early Void Refinement Realm (Late)]

[Early Void Refinement Realm Clone cost - 10 million Super Clone Essence]

[Maximum Amount of Clone Essence so far - 440 million Super Clone Essence]

[Current Clone Essence - 210 million Super Clone Essence]


Realizing that he was very close to breaking through in multiple aspects of his existence, Lucifer napped with Whitey and waited a couple hours for the breakthroughs to occur.

When the breakthrough finally arrived, it took him by surprise and gave him three different breakthroughs at once!

"A three for one!? This must be my lucky day!"


All at once, the Qi from the surrounding atmosphere swarmed toward Lucifer and took his body through multiple extraordinary transformations!

By the end of this very subtle congregation of Qi, Lucifer broke through the Late Diamond Rank for both his Body and Mind Cultivation. Not long after, his Qi Cultivation broke through to the Late Golden Core Formation Realm as well!

Looking over his Battle Power once more, he was left mildly astonished by what he saw.

[Battle Power: Middle Void Refinement Realm (Initial)]

"Although I expected to have quite the increase in Battle Power, I didn't expect it to reach the extent of taking it into the Middle Void Refinement Realm..."

Although shocked by this outcome, that didn't mean Lucifer was in any way disappointed. After all, any gains were better than no gains!

Taking his train of thought in a different direction, he realized that the Nightmare Monsters were catching onto the little wool pull that he played on them not too long ago.

Figuring that this was a better time than never, Lucifer picked up the floofer called Whitey. Jumping out of the tree hole, he dashed through the shadowy forest and made his way toward the deeper depths of the seemingly endless stretch of spooky forest.


Hearing Soul-wrenching schreesceh echo out from all around him, Lucifer sped up his advance. Noticing a large, unusual shrine atop a mountain in the distance, he dashed to a trail path and followed its tracks until making it to a series of steps. Above those steps, there was a large hanging sign that read 'The Shrine of Sorrow'.

Taking this ominous sign as nothing to fret about, Lucifer strolled through the shrine entrance. Looking around, he immediately saw what was an almost a Japanese-like interior layout. In the middle wall side of this shrine, there was a memorial shrine. With the candles on the shrine still burning brightly, Lucifer walked up to it with floofer in hand.

"This place is spooky as hell, but I have a strong feeling that it isn't as evil as it seems..."

The primary reason why he felt this way was because the moment he entered the shrine, he could no longer hear the ominous screeches of the Nightmare Monsters outside. Assuming that this was because of some form of holy or light type barrier of sorts, Lucifer naturally figured that this place was more of a safe area in the forest.

There was also a chance that the Shrine of Sorrow was home to an evil spirit so evil that the rest of the evil creatures of the night steered clear of the place...

But then again, Lucifer hadn't sensed even the slightest smidgen of a malicious presence in the vicinity of the shrine.

Normally one would find numerous smaller evil spirit type totems or unexplainable creatures in areas surrounding a powerful, hidden evil spirit. But with the Shrine of the Sorrow, none of that was the case. Therefore, Lucifer deemed it fine to just up and stroll into the shrine without much caution.

Of course, this and a chance of backfiring on him, but he believed himself to be someone who could bullsh*t themselves out of anything, so worrying about the unforeseen was the least of his concern. Rather, it was the photo on the miniature memorial shrine that truly attracted his attention.

As he got a good look at the photo, Lucifer almost immediately felt a sense of familiarity with the beautiful young girl depicted in it.


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