Infinite Clone System Made Me Too OP!

Chapter 114: Early Golden Core Realm


"But fathe-"

Before Shun Wen could speak up in disagreement, Lucifer interrupted, saying:

"Of course it's okay! In fact, I love being as far away from big groups of people as possible! A cabin next to the woods would be perfect!"

"It will be done."

The Emperor spoke without hesitation. Liking the attitude of this youngster more and more, his opinion of him started to change bit by bit.

"Alfred, make the arrangements, and do bring my daughter to her daily training with the sword and magic instructors. She has been skipping out as of late, and that is simply no good."


Giving out his orders, the Emperor refused to give his daughter the chance to speak a single word. After all, he knew he would instantly fold the moment she said anything…

Even so, in no time at all, the teary-eyed princess was dragged away from the throne room, set to attend the lessons that she missed. Whereas Lucifer, Li Yan, and Xue Lan were already settling into their new large cabin home by a lake to the northern side of the castle. Keeping the cabin as far away from the princess's room as possible, the location was obviously strategically placed.

Though, for Lucifer, this place was absolutely perfect!

He just wanted a home to peacefully cultivate and grind to his heart's content in, and now a home was presented to him for free! Plus, the Emperor said he could stay for 'as long as you want'. It was clearly just a form of being polite, but Lucifer didn't give a sh*t about politeness! He would take this opportunity to stay as long as he wanted!

With this in mind, he had a Golden Core that he needed to form and mold into shape. So, without further ado, he created a few TV's and emulated entertainment for the two Pokemon, then he walked up a flight of stairs and set up a cultivation room. After which, he got right down to commencing his breakthrough into the Golden Core Formation Realm!


Multi-colored Qi whirled around inside Lucifer's temporary cultivation room, bombarding him from all sides. Though it tried to make a mess of his insides without consent, Lucifer ultimately showed it who was boss!

As the dark gray Core located at the center of his Dantian Space slowly turned to gold, he circulated the Qi in the air with even greater fervor. Bringing it all toward him like an active vacuum cleaner, he watched as it wrapped around his Core and tremendously sped up the transformation process.

Within 5 minutes, the breakthrough was here, and all Lucifer had to do was force that b*tch to allow him in!

Luckily, he was quite experienced with b*tches (he wasn't), so it was with immense levels of ease that he had the Qi finish the refinement of his Core and fully transform it into a golden color!

Though it was merely dull gold and quite a bit smaller in comparison to the previous Gray Core, it was still leagues ahead in terms of quality. And for Lucifer, quality was all that really mattered.


Letting the violent Qi in the atmosphere calm down a bit in intensity, Lucifer then decided to ignore his ragged clothes and bloodied body. Rather, he immediately activated his Divine Sense and inspected the inside of his Dantian Space.

A dull golden Core spun in circles within the very center of his Dantian Space. Though not a bright shade of gold, its sheen still left quite a resplendent glow when stacked up next to the rest of his rather bleak Dantian Space. Therefore, it was no surprise that Lucifer was left quite pleased with this result.

But did that mean he would be taking a break…? The answer was obviously no…!

It was with an unparalleled will of mind that he overlooked the damage to his body and got right down to creating more Sources. In his eyes, his cultivation speed was rather lacking, so this was obviously a 'necessity'.

Getting right to work on this task, it took no more than 30 minutes for his total Source amount to multiply by 5. From 120,000 or so Sources to more than 600,000, his improvements were stupendously exceptional!

"This is good and all, but... ehh… Still not good enough."

Lucifer was now one of the weakest beings in his area, and if he wished to truly begin the grind, then he needed to become far stronger than he was. Therefore, it was without respite that he continued to produce more and more Source combinations. Popping those things out like a chicken sh*ts out eggs, the total cumulative number skyrocketed!

From 600,000 to 3 million Sources, Lucifer accomplished this in a mere two hours!

Figuring this was decent enough for now, he instead put his focus on his Body and Mind Cultivation, both of which were capped at the Absolute Peak Gold Rank.

"If I wish to progress them further, then I will need to reverse engineer one of the other countless techniques I keep within this mind of mine."

Following through with this train of thought, Lucifer skimmed his knowledge bank. Eventually, he came across a Technique called 'Astral Unity'.

It was what he derived from an extremely complicated technique that had a name that couldn't even be spoken in the human tongue…

Regardless of that information, Astral Unity was a technique whose sole purpose was to assist the user in acquiring unity among all aspects of the user's existence. Adding his own little touch into the main guidelines of the technique, Lucifer was able to create a Technique that cultivated both his Mind and Body Cultivation at the same time!

Furthermore, it could also cultivate any additional cultivation paths, such as the Qi Path, the Spirit Path, the Arcane Path, the Divine Path, and any other paths!

"In layman's terms, Astral Unity is the f*cking shizniz! Though there is one rather annoying downside… With my current comprehension limit being somewhere around the Mahayana Realm, I will be unable to go past… around the Platinum Rank, I think…?"

Lucifer didn't know the exact comparison rates, but he was sure that it was somewhere around there.

"Even so, I will take it to the limit once more, and then see where I should go from there."

Feeling the newfound power coursing through his veins, he was satisfied, but he was far from content. Therefore, the first thing he did was begin circulating |Astral Unity|.

Planning to keep it running indefinitely, he had it condense itself and form a thin filament around his body. It was similar to his Godfiend Technique, but at the same time, it was vastly different.

"Welp, time to grind once more…"

Letting time pass him by, he cultivated while Li Yan and Xue Lan binge watched SpongeBob. On the other hand, Shun Wen was being brought through the wringer by her instructors. Though, during her entire training session, she couldn't seem to get the raven-haired man off her mind.

He would say it was because of his unparalleled charm and max-level sigma aura, but Shun Wen would beg to differ…

33 hours later, True Dawn arrived once more, and Lucifer's gains were immense.

Opening up his system interface, this was what he saw…




[Qi Cultivation - Early Golden Core Realm (Peak)]

[Body Cultivation - Middle Diamond Rank (21.8%)]

[Mind Cultivation - Middle Diamond Rank (27.95%)]

[Battle Power - Half-Step Void Refinement Realm (Late)]

[Half-Step Void Refinement Realm Clone cost - 10,000 Super Clone Essence]

[Maximum Amount of Clone Essence so far - 503,000 Super Clone Essence]

[Current Clone Essence - 503,000 Super Clone Essence]


Viewing the price of his clones, Lucifer saw nothing unusual; the system was still a scammer, and he was still being scammed; nothing new there.

But with him having spawned in a number of powerful clones, his Clone Essence was constantly going up, so he didn't really mind that much. At least he didn't care enough to make a big fuss over it.

Though what really caught his eye was the fact that his Body and Mind Cultivation were progressing at different speeds. This was quite odd, especially when considering that they were both cultivated the same amount of time with |Astral Unity|.

And as if the Infinite Clone System read his mind, it brought up a pop-up that said:

[Ding! The host may cultivate at the same rate for both his Mind and Body Cultivation, but because they are two completely different aspects of existence, there will be some discrepancies. But all in all, everything besides your mind is working as it should!]

"Yeah, whatever, a*shole." Clicking his tongue in annoyance, Lucifer was suddenly pulled away from his thoughts by the opening of his cultivation room door.


'I thought I locked that thing up with my Qi…-' Before he could finish his thoughts, he was interrupted by a blonde rocket flying right at him!


Hitting him right in the pit of the stomach, Lucifer was sent crashing into the wooden wall behind him. Then, with another large bang, he landed on the flowing greenish-black grass outside what was once a cabin in mint condition; now, it just had a big gaping hole in the side of it.

Ignoring the pain coming from his stomach, Lucifer looked at what caused this incident, and who woulda guessed…?


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