I’m a Bastard But You’re Worse!

Volume 1 - Ch 3

POV: Margrave Maxwell

is Dyn still in bed?

Yeshe had quite a long night, after all.

So replied the Maxwell house steward, a troubled tone in his voice.

I pressed my fingers against my temples, trying to subdue the migraine I felt coming.

My name is Dietrich Maxwell, a margrave in charge of the provinces on the eastern border of the Lamperouge kingdom.

Nobles ruling over territories located on the border have much to be worried about. We must be ready at all times for enemy invasions, as well as prevent any foreign ruffians from entering the country or domestic criminals from crossing the borders.

My house of Maxwell is also the leader of the alliance of nobles of the eastern provinces. We have the duty to act as a mediator in case of disputes between noble families, as well as negotiate on behalf of local nobles with the royal house or central nobles.

My gravest concern as of late, however, is the attitude of my own son, Dyngir Maxwell.

Hes been at it every night since he returnedthe two years spent in the academy did nothing to mend his womanizing habits, then

One month ago, my sons engagement with the young lady of the Nommes house was forcefully broken by the crown prince, thus he returned to his home province.

I thought that such an event would have brought him down, but had to quickly retract my concerns. Ever since that day, he started taking the female servants he used to frolic with in the past and engaged in indescribable debauchery every night.

My lord, I do not know what to sayits all my daughters fault.

The house steward bowed deeply.

No, its not your faultI have to apologize to you instead.

No, my lord

The house steward looked conflicted.

My son had several mistresses, but the first lady, for lack of a better term, was the house stewards daughter, Eliza.

How would a father feel when his only daughter, raised with love and care, ended up sleeping with his masters son? I was honestly terrified to know, so I never asked.

Young master Dyngir ishow can I put it, he has heroic traits about him. He cannot be satisfied with a single woman, I suppose.

Heroes are amorous, as the proverb saysit does sound nice if you put it like that, but

as a father, it is an endless source of concern

Indeedif he was unskilled, I would have gladly disowned him.

I furrowed my brow and let out a deep sigh.

My son, Dyngir, was what you would call a prodigal son. If you asked me if he was an incompetent idiot, however, I would have to firmly shake my head.

Dyngir showed traits of excellence ever since his infancy. He was an incredibly quick learner in terms of politics, economy, strategy, everything. His martial instructor even said that he had an incredible talent for fighting.

He was very popular among the vassals: the children of other nobles regarded him with respect and affection as a big brother.

Five years ago, he participated in his first battle, a small skirmish with one of our neighboring countries in which he managed to lead a small battalion to ambush the enemy and even take the enemy commanders head.

Genius, prodigy, hero that will go down in history even without my parental bias, I believed such words were meant for him.

The only thing such a formidable son could not resist was the opposite gender.

Dyngir had his awakening at the age of thirteen, by bonding with Eliza, the house stewards daughter. Ever since then, he had become obsessed with women.

Starting from Eliza, Dyngir has laid his hands on most if not all female servants in the residence. I could not help but feel terrible whenever I saw them.

I honestly wanted to scold him, but all the money Dyngir used on women came from his own pocket.

He used the money I gave him as an allowance to start a small business with other nobles: in five years, the profits from the diplomatic trade doubled.

(Being so successful is what makes him so awfulI have no basis to scold him)

If only he could get rid of his lust for women, I could let him take over without a single worry

Lord Dyngirs talents are exceptional, after allincidentally, he appears to have established new transactions with friends he met in the academy.

I see, so even if he looks like hes always playing around, he made new connections tooat least he understands what the duties of a noble are

Yes, indeed, though he also visited the pleasure district once a week, so it is also true that he was playing around.


I lost count of how many times I had sighed already. Dejected, I slumped down on the table.

Having a foolish son would definitely be a problem, but an excessively skilled one was troublesome too. Especially if he was skillful and foolish at the same time

Well, thats stillwith some effortwith great effort, we can overlook thatinstead, do you know what happened to the daughter of Baron Nommes after that?

I changed the topic, as to escape reality for a while.

Baron Nommes was a vassal of house Maxwell: his daughter Selena had been my sons fiancee.

When I heard that the engagement had been broken by her, I started having cold sweats, thinking that my sons womanizing habits had been found outI would have never expected for her to be the unfaithful one, and with the crown prince no less.

Despite looking so timid and meek, she managed to seduce the kingdoms crown prince of all peopleI had to change my opinion of her.

Baron Nommes appears uncertain on how to punish her too. Her engagement with theformer crown prince was announced in public, after all.

HmmI dont know the extent of their relationship, but she could already be pregnant with a child of royal blood

If that happensit is likely to breed political conflict.

After the engagement breakup events, crown prince Sullivan was disinherited.

Sullivan was the eldest son, but his mothers status was relatively low. Without the backup of Duke Rosais, he was unlikely to become king. Having insulted the house of Rosais, such a punishment was inevitable.

Selenas fate was also most likely sealed. She would end up being used by a faction rebelling against the royal family or disposed of before that. I couldnt foresee any light in her future.

If only it all happened behind closed doors, it could have been suppressed somehow. But to expose a delicate problem like the breakup of an engagement in publicI didnt think of him as such a fool.

He was a crown prince, but still a man, after all. When a woman is involved, men become foolslike someone else I know.

is that sarcasm?

Of course not, sire.

I looked silently at the house stewards eyes, then slowly shook my head.

wellit appears that his majesty the king, the baron and I have all raised our children wrong. At least my own fool has decent judgment. I have to be thankful for that, at least.

Indeed, sir.sigh.


I sighed at the same time as the house steward, then the door of my study opened. Only one person in this residence would ever enter the margraves study without knocking.

Morning, old man. Ive got something to talk about, youve got time now, right?



My skirt-chasing idiot of a son, of course.

The house steward and I looked at each other, our expressions turning sour.

What? Were you both complaining about me or something?

is there something we should complain about?

Not that I know of. Im as pure and honest as they come.

Can you say that about your own body too, young master? Though you have spent a pleasant night apparently, that is very nice.

Hey, no sarcasm. I took a bath, mind you.

Shut up already, idiotcant you see the murderous intent in the eyes of the house steward? I wish the daggers hes throwing would actually stab, honestly

Such thoughts popped up my mind, but I decided to listen to him for now.

What business do you have? You havent come to help with my work, have you?

Work? If you mean the western regions irrigation, Ive already sent the workers. Same for the bandits around Zess village, the expedition corps are already on their way. The scouts for the eastern fort are leaving tomorrow morning, so thats taken care of too. Oh, about the horseback bandits in the territory of Viscount Silfis, Ive got a plan to leave it all to me. Ill take care of them in the next few days.

.youre a real fool of a son

This excellent side of his makes him all the more despicable. I bet Im the only father bothered by the skills of his son

anyway, what did you come for then?

Ive got a favor to ask, thats all. Here.


My son handed me an envelope. It wasnt sealed, so I took out the paper inside and read it, finding that its contents were quite bizarre.

This is

I want you to send that with your name, addressed to his majesty the king.

What are you thinking?

I looked at my sons face and found a pranksters smile on his lips. The same face he showed when he brought me the enemy commanders head in his first battle.

The last eighteen years had taught me, to a painful extent, how that face meant something nasty was approaching.

The former crown prince and my former fiancee lady are going to have a bit of a bad time. Its just a prank, nothing more.


When I came back, you told me to do what I wanted, right? Im sticking to your words, old man.

I scanned the letter again and felt the headache growing stronger.

A few days after crown prince Sullivan was disinherited and the commotion settled down

A letter from Margrave Maxwell was delivered to the royal house of Lamperouge.

It was a very succinct letter:

I offer heartfelt congratulations for Prince Sullivans marriage into the family of Baron Nommes

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