I’ll Live My Second Life!

Chapter 27

A month had passed since Fii had become an apprentice.

And today was a Friday.

It was on Fridays that an apprentice would report to their attached divisions to receive guidance, and to participate in actual missions.

Good morning~

Ah, hi Heath-chan. Ive got tea~

When she entered the meeting place for the 18th Division, the plain-faced young man, Conrad, had some tea as always.

Todays was cinnamon tea.

She was happy that he always welcomed her like this, but she was wondering if it was okay that he wasnt training or working like everybody else.

Fii had the feeling that she saw him every time she came here.

Its the authentic stuff from the Kingdom of Fenam. How is it? Good?

Yes, its great.

The sweet scent of the cinnamon smelt fantastic.

And although she didnt know what was so fun about it, Conrad would sit on the other end of the table and smile happily as he watched her drink.

(I really dont get this person)

Perhaps she should say that she didnt have a good grasp on him.

He seemed similar to her gentle-mannered friend, Remi, but then something was different.

Or rather, they werecompletelydifferent.

After all, Remi would make such unfathomable smiles.

(Speaking of which, hes the only one whose specialty I dont know.)

When everybody introduced themselves and mentioned their fields of specialtyCrow had spoken for the mute Orbullthis person was the only one who mentioned only his name.

Conrad-san, whats your specialty?


She asked him directly, but all she got in return was his finger on his lips, and a playful wink.

(This person is)

Fii decided to give up on asking him.

Around the time that she finished her tea, Captain York and Crow came through the entrance.

Good morning, Captain! Crow-san!

Fii left her chair and greeted them with a bow that was no longer new to her.

It is good to see you lively, Heath.


Hey, am I an extra or something?

Because I see you quite often, Crow-san.

So mercenary, oi. Ididactually volunteer to be the one to look after you, yanno.

Is that so!? Thank you very much!

Not really sure how to act if you thank me honestly like that

Apparently Captain York was busy, so you wouldnt see him thatoften, even in the 18th.

He probably had lots of work in both the light and the shadows, Fii arbitrarily concluded.

Let us keep the chatter to a minimum for now. Orbull is waiting.

Now that he mentioned it, she realised again that Orbull wasnt here.

But well, that was hardly uncommon. The members of the 18th were often missing from here due to missions and the like.

(But waiting for us, is it? I wonder what for) Fii wondered, but since he told them not to chat, she didnt speak up.

York was standing in front of her with arms crossed.

Fii tilted her head in wonder.

Heath. Today I will have you participating in a mission as well.

A mission!?

Since entering this place a month ago, not once had she joined on a mission.

Or rather, she had no recollection of actually doing anything on Fridays and Saturdays.

She went through her training menu, but after that she would have tea with Conrad-san, or hear stories from Crow-san about how he picked up this or that girl, sometimes she would help with Orbull-sans potted plants, and sometimes she would watch Palwick-san and his archery practice, or Galluzzi while he made something or other.

On days that the Captain came, she would give a report on what she was doing each day, and then she would enjoy his words for her.

The apprentices in the other divisions would do things like taking guard roles in town, or patrolling there; simple missions like that. Fii had always found it a little envious.

But today, she would finally be able to join a mission as well.

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