I’ll Live My Second Life!

Chapter 22

The apprentice knight lessons had finally begun.

Even so, they just sat in a classroom, learning maths, history, language, and the like.

It was the educational policy of the Orstoll Knight Order to train not only their bodies, but their minds and manners as well.

A bespectacled teacher was instructing them about the structure of the country.

Gorms, you cant sleep here.

Fii pinched the cheeks of the neighbouring Gorms as she stared at him, astounded.

It hadnt even been ten minutes since the beginning of class, yet he was already laying flat on his desk.

Dont get in my way, Heath I dont care Its so boring I cant stand it Gunna sleep

You cant, I said. Captain York said that a knight has to know the countrys history.

Captain, Captain, York, York, thats all you bloody say. Enough already.

You have to listen to what Captain York says!

Oi, youre being too loud!

Heath-kun, Gorms-kun, quiet down! came a warning.

Im sorry.


In the end, the teacher got angry at them.

Its your fault, Gorms

Its causeyoukept nagging away

The two of them continued to bicker quietly.

In the mornings, Fii and Gorms sat next to each other.

Because Fii was a tiny thing while Gorms was massive, when they sat together they gave off a strange sense of balance.

Although the two had no idea, Fii was one of the few students who could talk to Gorms without fear.

Show me your notes later, Heath.

Geez, you should do it yourself.

Slad and the others watched in awe as Fii casually rejected Gorms.

He pinched Gorms on the cheek. Dude has balls

Yeah Heath-kun is amazing

Later on, when Fii learnt what everybody thought of her, what came to mind was,

(He definitely has a rude tone, and he has some rough parts to him too, but hes not even all that scary. But I guess Im the same, since I also used to think that he was a super bad guy, huh)

It made her realise that people really lived their lives always misunderstanding others, and that she was no exception.

Later in the afternoon, they had training.


Gorms was overjoyed, while Fii was burning with determination!

(Alright! Gunna do it! Im definitely gunna overtake everyone!)

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