I, the Supreme Overlord, Start by Enslaving the Zerg Queen

Chapter 39: The Eve of the Great Battle

"Your Majesty the Que, why?" Little Gre asked with an innoct expression.

After all, this child was only half a month old, and in her brief insect life, she had always addressed the Que this way. What did "sister" mean?

Could it be that Her Majesty no longer wanted her?

No, please no!

Seeing the little girl about to burst into tears, Catherine gtly cradled her in her arms and soothed her. "Alright, alright, don't cry. I have no inttion of abandoning you."

"It's just that now you've become a Zerg hero, and your life level is on par with Medusa and me. So we can interact as equals, and you can call us 'sister'."

"Don't worry that we won't care for you. On the contrary, becoming our sister means you'll receive ev more love and care. Come on, call us 'sister'."

Hearing Catherine's explanation, Little Gre felt reassured.

She timidly called out, "Sister Catherine! Sister Medusa!"

The adorable little girl instantly melted the hearts of both wom, who affectionately played with Little Gre's soft cheeks.

So cute.

After a few minutes, Little Gre stared blankly at the two mischievous hands causing chaos on her body, feeling that her previous thoughts had be incredibly naive.

With a pleading look, she called out to Charles, who was stifling his laughter, "Overlord, please save me! These two sisters are too much!"

"Alright, alright, give Little Gre some time to adjust. From now on, Little Gre will be the supreme leader of our long-range Zerg. Medusa, make sure to mtor her wh you have time."

"Yes, Master." Medusa responded, releasing her grip and nodding earnestly.

Though she loved Little Gre's tder face, nothing could compare to her loyalty to her Master.

"Supreme leader of the long-range Zerg?" Little Gre tilted her cute, bewildered face, mumbling to herself.

Finally, with a hint of curiosity, she asked, "Overlord, why doesn't Little Gre understand what you all are saying?"

This question gave Charles a momtary pause, but he quickly realized the reason. The little girl had only be alive for half a month, she was still getting used to being a Zerg, let alone a human.

After all, she had evolved into a Zerg hero from the basic units created by Catherine, making her a blank slate of pure innocce.

It seemed some early childhood education was in order...

Charles shook his head with a wry smile and th instructed, "Let's postpone the leadership duties for now. Little Gre should stay in the lab with Catherine for the time being."

"Catherine, could you take some time over the next few days to teach Little Gre about human education? Is that alright with you?"

Catherine smiled and nodded at his words, "Of course, Master."

"Let this little one stay with me for now. If we let her out into the world in her naive state, she'd easily get tak advantage of."

Charles nodded in agreemt, feeling that Little Gre's innoct nature would require at least two years before she could fully understand the world.

Yes, for now, let's just nurture her. There's no immediate need for her to achieve anything grand, as long as she doesn't cause trouble.

"Alright, let's leave it at that. Medusa, come with me. It's time to settle our score with the Overlord coalition." Without further ado, Charles beckoned Medusa to accompany him to the camp.

The death of over a hundred vanguard troops would undoubtedly exacerbate the hatred and conflict with the Overlord coalition.

Well, let them come, they will die all the same!

Medusa nodded in response, gave Little Gre's adorable face one last affectionate rub, and th leisurely followed her master, her tail swaying behind her.

Little Gre watched their departing figures in a daze, not quite comprehding what had just happed.

Just like that, they left?

But... I've just be promoted to a hero. Why ar't they spding more time with me?

Feeling aggrieved, Little Gre clung to Catherine's long legs and whimpered, "Sister, do they not like Little Gre?"

"Why would you say that?" Catherine furrowed her brows, puzzled.

"Because... Overlord and the sisters were always eager for us to become Zerg heroes. But now that Little Gre has succeeded, they suddly seem so distant."

"Little Gre likes Sister Catherine, likes Sister Medusa, likes Overlord!"

Listing to the child's grumbling, Catherine chuckled and gtly ruffled Little Gre's head. "You can't blame them, you know. There are many emies who want our master and the Zerg to perish."

"Who?" The once innoct Little Gre transformed instantly at the mtion of anyone wanting to harm Charles.

A poisonous aura withered every plant within fifty meters, spreading mercilessly outward.

If Little Gre had once be a naive neighborhood girl, she now resembled a fearsome demon lord.

Seeing this reaction, Catherine nodded in satisfaction.

Though Zerg naturally possess maximum loyalty to the Overlord, Catherine, ever the skeptic, wanted to verify it.

Once assured that the child hadn't deviated from her path, Catherine spoke earnestly, "My dear Little Gre, you must study hard. Only th can you truly help us."

It's too early for this little one to ter the battlefield, first, we need to shape her worldview.

As if recalling something, Catherine smiled and said, "Oh, and Little Gre, stop calling the master 'Overlord'."

"Just like Medusa and me, you should call him 'Master'. After all, both our bodies and souls belong to him."

Little Gre nodded thoughtfully.


Though the young Little Gre didn't fully understand what it meant to be someone's possession, she felt a profound sse of exhilaration. It was as if her soul was elevated by the mere act of calling him 'Master.'

"Yes, Overlord is my Master now! " Little Gre giggled happily.

Catherine also smiled, pleased that the little one had accepted the term. It meant Little Gre would never surpass her.

Indeed, as all of them are destined to be the master's future wom, ev education must mold them into her ideal version of perfect slave girls!


In the Allied Coalition Camp.


"This is absurd! They were just scouting, and over a hundred m died without any clear reason?" Louis slammed the table, his face twisted with anger.

"Chief, the oppont is a formidable Overlord. Such tactics are not surprising."

At this point, some Overlords tried to console him.

It wasn't just about consolation, the primary aim was to stabilize the morale of the troops.

After all, it was rather absurd that over a hundred scouts failed to gather any information.

They were merely vanguard scouts, yet they couldn't ev bring back a single piece of intelligce?

The room fell into a prolonged silce.

Finally, Louis heaved a heavy sigh and said, "Number One is indeed formidable. A direct confrontation would be futile. Instead, let's mobilize our tire army and crush their defses with overwhelming force, obliterating all their plans!"

"After all, their numbers are a weakness."

Surely they couldn't outnumber us, right?

No matter how exceptional their Tier 3 individual combat prowess might be, it's not like hundreds of us couldn't take down one of them. We can definitely handle it!

The coalition leader's words quickly garnered unanimous approval.

"The Chief is right. As long as we're cautious, what harm can their ambushes do?"

"Exactly. Once this is over, the heart of that Number One Zerg Overlord should rightfully belong to Chief Louis!"

"Yeah, since Number One can't bring us any befits and ev kills our people, what's wrong with overthrowing them?"

The Overlords chattered away, as if Number One was already firmly in their grasp.

"Alright, th. Inform our troops that we'll march straight into Zerg territory at dawn and kill Number One!" Seeing the decision was made, Louis couldn't help but curl his lips into a smirk.

A bunch of fools. Did they really think he would care about them once he got his hands on the Zerg Overlord's Heart?

So naive!

Meanwhile, everything happing in the coalition camp was being observed by the Overseer, almost as if it were broadcasted live in their meeting room.

Medusa's eyes blazed with intse fury as she couldn't help but curse, "Tainted blood, truly deserving of that filthy name. I must go and kill them!"

She had long regarded Charles as her faith. How could she tolerate those tainted blood beings insulting her faith, her master?

Ev the usually composed Catherine was gritting her teeth in anger, her voice seething, "Sister Medusa, I want to go too. I want to rip out their souls and roast them with flames every day!"

Charles shook his head slightly. It seemed his two little slave girls were guinely infuriated.

But was it really necessary?

After all, they were just a bunch of soon-to-be dead m. Getting worked up over them was pointless.

However, he understood their feelings, so he gtly said, "Alright, don't waste your ergy on those soon-to-be dead m."

"This is our Zerg's first battle against the Overlord coalition. I have a feeling it won't be the last."

"Giv the disparity in power, we need to display our might and dominance this time!"

"As I've always said, the Sere Forest belongs to us Zerg!"

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